"Is it an energy problem?"

Ning Chuan couldn't help but frowned when he heard Tom mention the energy problem of the Pluto-class battleship.

He knew that for ordinary wooden ships, there was no need to consider the energy problem.

But for a huge battleship like Pluto, the energy required was very terrifying.

So Ning Chuan began to think about various possible energy options.

First, Ning Chuan thought about electricity.

Because in the plot, Tom's sea train locomotive will be driven by electricity in the future.

However, for a locomotive.

The required electricity is already extremely terrifying, so much so that Tom has spent decades of hard work.

If electricity is used to drive a huge battleship and give it a powerful attack power.

Then how terrifying will the required electricity be?

"Super electromagnetic gun?"

Thinking of this, Ning Chuan couldn't help shaking his head.

Such cutting-edge technology may be difficult to develop in a short period of time.

But even if there is, it may be difficult to reach the level of one cannon per island.

Since electricity doesn't work, it's better to change the idea.

The second energy that Ning Chuan thought of was oil!

In this world where wooden sailboats are still the mainstay.

As long as there is an internal combustion engine that can burn oil.

Then such ships will soon replace these ordinary wooden sailboats and transform into steel warships.

There is no need to worry about the source of oil.

When exploring the historical text in Alabasta.

Ningchuan discovered a lot of oil resources there.

In this world, oil has not been discovered and mined.

"This is a good business!"

"However, if these things are mined now, I'm afraid Alabasta will be targeted by the World Government."

"Then Vivi's family will be in danger."

Oil is now an alternative resource for Ningchuan.

However, Ningchuan does not want to use it immediately.

Of course, there is another reason why Ningchuan does not want to use oil.

That is, oil can only support the navigation of warships, but it cannot support combat at the same time like Pluto.

"If ordinary cannons are used, the attack power is not even as good as the coke cannons of the Straw Hat Pirates in the later period..."

Ningchuan once again ruled out oil resources.

"I want to find an energy source that can satisfy both navigation and power."

"I'm afraid it's only nuclear energy?"

But Ning Chuan knew that this idea was even more unrealistic.

Nuclear energy requires more pre-technologies.

Even if he had the help of the system, he didn't know where to start.

So Ning Chuan also included this thing in the options.

He was going to let his super brain figure it out after he found Vegapunk.

After he had an idea, it would be much more convenient for him to use the system to assist.

"The only remaining options are to find new energy and bioenergy."

Thinking of this, Ning Chuan immediately thought of something in his mind.

That is the dynamite rock that appeared in the Zefa movie!

This dynamite rock is extremely powerful!

Zefa also said that dynamite rock can be comparable to the power of ancient weapons.

If he could get dynamite rock.

Wouldn't he not have to worry about the energy and combat effectiveness of his warship?

However, if explosive rocks are used, an energy conversion device must be developed.

It would be best if this energy conversion device could not only convert the energy of explosive rocks.

It could even absorb the power of others' attacks and convert it into its own usable energy!

This is the most ideal state.

Thinking of this, Ning Chuan told Tom all his ideas.

Including the sea train he has been building.

After listening to Ning Chuan's ideas.

Tom was shocked!

He had never heard of explosive rocks.

It is estimated that only the high-ranking officials of the navy knew about this thing.

If you want to get it, you must go to Egghead Island to find Vegapunk.

However, the energy conversion Ning Chuan mentioned gave Tom a new idea.

Especially after Ning Chuan told him that the sea train could use the converted electricity.

Tom's face suddenly showed a hint of joy!

"Why didn't I think of it!"

"Great, Ning Chuan!"

"There is hope for my sea train!"

After Ning Chuan's "spoiler"

Tom immediately prepared to start improving his sea train.

Ning Chuan naturally helped to prepare.

After all, these were all promised things, and Ning Chuan would not break his promise!

A week later.

The first on-track test of the sea train began.

After hundreds of thousands of debugging by Ning Chuan and Tom.

The first test of the sea trainThe test was a complete success!

Not only did there not appear any mistakes.

And the arrival time of the train, energy consumption and resistance to waves.

All of them were exactly the same as they calculated!


Just follow the design of the current sea train and directly carry out industrial manufacturing.

It won't take long before the entire Water City will be covered with sea train tracks!

Help Tom solve the research and development of the sea train.

Next, it's time to help Ningchuan build the warship.

Now there is an idea for the energy of the warship.

What needs to be done is to buy other parts needed for the warship.

Ningchuan and his team are going to assemble the warship first, and just wait for the success of the next energy research and development.

However, the other parts of the warship are not easy to get together.

Even if the materials in all the companies in the entire Water City are gathered.

Now it's not enough to get the shell of the new warship designed by Ningchuan and his team.

It must be purchased from outside.

Ningchuan gathered the money.

With the 2 billion Baileys supported by Weiwei's father, they now have a total of more than 3 billion in cash.

Although this number sounds a lot.

But in reality, it is far from enough.

After all, the warship Ningchuan wants to build is too big.

It is several times larger than the aircraft carrier on Blue Star!

A lot of materials are needed.

"It's time to contact Gordon and let him fulfill his promise!"

After contacting Gordon, Ningchuan successfully got 5 billion Baileys of financial support from him.

However, 8 billion Baileys of funds are still a lot short.

Ningchuan had expected this situation a long time ago.

At the beginning, he expected a full 50 billion Baileys of funds!

"Funding is a big problem!"

Tom looked at Ningchuan and said helplessly.

He also wanted to help Ningchuan build this warship that is no less than Pluto as soon as possible.

But this is such a huge funding problem.

Even if he sold his company, Tom.

It is far from enough!

Regarding Tom's worries.

Ning Chuan just smiled slightly and spoke confidently.

"Don't worry about the funds."

"Since I said at the beginning that there is a budget of 50 billion Baileys, then I will definitely be able to get this 50 billion!"

"It just takes two days, I will go to the bank in the sky to withdraw some money!"

"Master Tom, do you have a ship that can fly to the sky? Lend it to me for two days!"

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