In a battle in the Sahara Desert, a fishman from a small fishing village saw a human-shaped dragon and recognized it as Ye Long at a glance.

But this matter was not heard by Li Yuan until they were unsealed again.

However, it was not too late.

Li Yuan had waited until now to find Ye Long's mother. Of course, there was a reason for this. He knew that Ye Long had returned with the silver needle.

He wanted to save his mother. Would Li Yuan let him do so?

The answer is no.

Li Yuan could make the fishmen explode with just one sentence, but he didn't do it, because the anger effect would be much weaker, right?


The hatred of killing relatives is irreconcilable!

Ye Long, who was furious, could no longer suppress his anger. He turned into a giant dragon and jumped into the sky!

A roar resounded through the world!


He just wanted to save her mother. What was wrong with him?

He didn't want to compete with those monsters for the so-called evolution, nor did he want to be the king in this chaotic world.

His only selfish desire was to save his mother.

Now he finally found the silver needle, but the sky didn't fulfill his wish, and Li Yuan found Ye Long's mother at this time.

The situation that Ye Long was most worried about still happened!

Ye Long's roar broke the silence, and a large number of fishmen looked down at Ye Long in the sky.

Ye Long's pair of dragon pupils were blood red. He had no intention of competing, but fate was cruel and the sky was blind. That's good!

"I will do as you wish!"

Ye Long opened his jaws, a ball of fire gathered in his mouth, and spit out a column of fire straight to the ground!


A huge explosion and mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the fishmen below had no time to dodge, and all turned into ashes and dissipated!

After the huge explosion disappeared, Ye Long turned into a human form and fell on the ruins.

He looked at the charred land and punched the ground!

"The knife is on your neck, how can you reason with the butcher?"

"If someone bullies you, then fight back!"

What nonsense!

Only cowards reason!

"Sea King!"

"You want to fight, right? I will fight with you until the world is destroyed, or I will destroy you!"


Overseas, the island on the other side.

Li Yuan landed on the island and saw the huge old temple.

He split his body and turned into a normal person to enter the temple.

The sentient beings in the temple did not stop him. He came all the way to the deepest part of the temple and saw three huge stone statues standing there.

In front of the three stone statues, there was a tribute platform.

Judging from the shape of the groove of the tribute platform, there was a trident in front of the tribute platform of Li Yuan's stone statue.

There was a torch on the tribute platform of Li Heng's stone statue.

And the tribute platform of the insects...


Li Yuan frowned. He didn't mean that the insects didn't have the corresponding seal, but that there was nothing on the tribute platform of the insects.

Judging from the shape... it's hard to say what it is.

Anyway, there must be a seal, but someone must have taken it away first.

Who could it be?

Lord Os?

Very likely.

After all, according to previous experience, the seals of Li Yuan and Li Heng were also taken away by Chen Ye.

But if it was Chen Ye who took it away, it would be more troublesome.

We have to find the 024 Exile Library and trade the seal from it at the cost of souls.


Li Yuan suddenly thought of someone.

Meng Qing.

Doesn't he always get the seal? Why not let him go this time?

When he found the library of the exiles of 024 and traded his soul for the seal of the insect, Li Yuan grabbed it.

This way, he didn't have to consume the life of his soul, and he could get the seal without any effort. It was completely effortless.


Just when Li Yuan was thinking this, a loud noise suddenly came from the outside world!

The sky shook, dark clouds were dense, and there seemed to be purple lightning wandering in it!

Li Yuan immediately cut off his senses and threw his consciousness into the body outside!

But a figure had already killed him!


Ye Long turned into a human form and hit Li Yuan's head with a leg, and a huge hole exploded on his head!

"Dare to touch my mother, you're dead!"

Ye Long grabbed Li Yuan's huge arms with his tiny body, threw him directly into the sky, and smashed him to the ground!


Li Yuan's huge body overwhelmed countless trees and gravel. Looking at Ye Long with a face as angry as fire, Li Yuan suddenly laughed.

"Yes, you finally have some strength in hitting people now, Ye Long."

"Think about the time when you asked me to hit you on the ground. Your fist was as weak as a mosquito at that time!"

Ye Long punched Li Yuan in the head again after hearing this!


BigThe earth cracked, Li Yuan's head was broken, and healed by the horse spell!

"Keep going!"

Li Yuan grinned. Facing Ye Long's stormy attack, he didn't feel the slightest pain.

"This is the immortal body. No matter how powerful you are, you can't kill me. But unfortunately, you don't have it. One mistake of yours may cause you to die and go to the underworld to accompany your mother!"

Be angry.

Anger and hatred are beasts in your heart. They will take away your judgment and wear away your reason.

All impulses start from anger, and all regrets start from a momentary impulse.

Li Yuan knows that humans are animals dominated by emotions, and he also knows that Ye Long will come to seek revenge on him.

Since Ye Long's mother is dead, Li Yuan simply gave up the idea of ​​threatening Ye Long, and kept angering him, waiting for him to lose his mind and kill him.


"You're too slow."

After Li Yuan said that, a tentacle suddenly shot out from his chest, hitting Ye Long's abdomen and knocking him out!

Li Yuan rushed out instantly and grabbed Ye Long!

Ye Long roared, twisted his body and turned into a giant dragon, tearing his palm, and biting off half of Li Yuan's body!

At this time, several talismans flew out of Li Yuan's body!

Ye Long rushed out and was about to swallow the talisman, but several tentacles shot out from Li Yuan's body and pulled the talisman back!

"What a pity, it was a little short!"

After saying that, Li Yuan's huge right arm split into three, and at the same time pinched Ye Long's upper, middle and lower body!

He wanted to use force to tear his body apart!


Ye Long's body was pulled as if it was about to break, and at this moment, he switched back to human form!

At the same time, a blow rushed into Li Yuan's body, tearing off a piece of the talisman from his flesh and blood!

Bull talisman!

Li Yuan's power plummeted, and Ye Long turned around in the air and kicked Li Yuan, directly kicking his huge body into pieces!


Countless tentacles drilled out and pulled the broken body together. Li Yuan's huge body healed again, and at the same time he opened his mouth and spit out a dragon flame!

Ye Long also opened his mouth and spit out a dragon flame!


The two dragon flames collided, and immediately caused a huge explosion!

Ye Long, who has gained the trust of the people, is no longer the one who was unfamiliar with his abilities at the beginning.

It is very difficult for Li Yuan to suppress him as before.

"It's really a different time now. Even though I have a little bit of everything, I'm not particularly strong. It's really distressing."


Author's words:

I'm adjusting the time difference recently. I will resume three updates after it stabilizes.

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