As for the old and new worlds, in Ozo's words, no matter how the world changes, it will be roughly the same.

There will be no perfect order.

A person thinks that the current order is not good, so he wants to overthrow the ruler, become the ruler himself, and establish a new order.

As a result, he succeeded, he established a new order, and someone else thought his order was not good, so he overthrew him and established a new order.

This cycle will never have a result.

So Ozo emphasized to Ye Long several times that the enemy in front of him is not the enemy, and the real enemy has not yet arrived.

For entropy that wants to destroy everything, it is the mortal enemy of all life.

Of course, looking at the current situation on Earth, if entropy does not come in advance, Ozo feels that this cricket fight will create something amazing.

If it is really as he thought, then entropy has really hit the wall.

"Entropy originally placed you here to let you create chaos first, interrupt the rhythm of the god of death to make life evolve, and buy time for his arrival."

"But he chose me to be the one who created the chaos, which was a wrong decision."


Chen Ye had discovered Entropy a long time ago.

It is worth affirming that Entropy also discovered Chen Ye.

But there is still a long way to go before his arrival.

Everything is just the result written in the future, and Chen Ye regarded the other party as an opponent.

After all, he also possesses the power of the six major chapters, so he should not be too weak.

Of course, the person holding the Future Diary is an exception.

But this is not his fault, after all, the Future Diary is not a complete future chapter strictly speaking.

It is missing a very important part, a part that can go back to the past and rewrite the future.

And this missing part is not anywhere in the world, it is on 079.

Chen Ye said before that the original material of 079 came from himself.

This does not refer to him now, but to him in the future.

It was because he in the future split the power of the future chapter and gave the main part to 079, who took it back to the past.

And it was with this ability that 079 reversed time and returned to the past.

But why did the future Chen Ye do this?

Chen Ye thought, it was because the future Chen Ye also received 079 sent by his future.

In order to ensure the correctness and continuity of history, and to complete a time loop, Chen Ye now wants to take away the future power from 079 and kill 079.

After that, when the process enters a correct time point, this power will be split to create a new 079.

Then send the new 079 from the present to the past to complete the loop.

But what is the purpose of doing this?

Perhaps only the first Chen Ye can know.

"The power of the future is split and sent to the past..."

"That is to say, 079 will only exist in this time period. Once it exceeds this time period, it will be sent back to the past again, and this will be repeated over and over again."

"In this way, 079 is like being trapped in a time loop."

"But to be more precise, it is the power of this half of the future chapter that is trapped in this time loop."

"The key point is that as long as I take the future diary to advance to the sixth level, I will notice this."

"Thus, I can take back the other half of the future in 079 and get the complete power of the future."

"And this complete power of the future will last until the number I created reaches 079, and then it will be split back to the past again."

Why should 079 be in this constant time loop?

Is it to allow Chen Ye to obtain the complete power of the future during this period?

What to do with the complete power of the future?

Chen Ye can now reset the solar system and let it go back to a certain point in time, but he cannot make himself go back.

At the same time, this kind of regression can only work in one area, that is, there is no regression of time outside the solar system.

A spacecraft that is expected to arrive on Earth within 30 days will not be affected by the regression of Earth's time, but will only arrive 29 days later.

But the power of the complete future is to truly return to the past.

And it is the kind that can rewrite the future.

"Rewrite the future... I seem to understand."

Chen Ye suddenly figured it out. Maybe only the blasphemous pot that represents evolution belonged to him.

The complete future is in the hands of others, but the original Chen Ye used some means to take away the complete future.

But perhaps it paid a heavy price. It is possible that the blasphemous pot was broken or lost in that battle.

Of course, it may also be becauseFor other reasons.

Chen Ye estimated that the person who caused this problem was the one holding the complete future.

So, in order to regain the two-ear pot, or other reasons that require changing the past to make up for the present.

Chen Ye in the future split the power of the future and sent the future to the past.

Since the future chapter affects the future, there can only be one copy at a time point.

And 079 returned to the past, so the power of the future in the past will be split in half to 079.

The person who originally held the future chapter lost the complete power of the future.

After that, as long as Chen Ye repeats this action at every time point, the future diary will always be in a split state.

All the past has been distorted, and the future will naturally change.

The power of the future is in 079, and 079 only obeys Chen Ye, which is equivalent to binding the future diary to Chen Ye.

He will definitely get the future diary, and the person who originally held the future diary will no longer pose a threat to Chen Ye.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis.

After all, if the future has really entered a constant cycle, then the original future is no longer verifiable.

But from the perspective that no one can threaten Chen Ye at the moment, this cycle is indeed a correct choice.

In addition to the above, Chen Ye also thought of a possibility.

That is the arrival of entropy.

It is possible that this complete future power is prepared for the upcoming entropy.

If you don't win, then go back to the past and rewrite the ending.

But as for entropy...

"It will come about in the future in about twenty years. Isn't it a bit too long in terms of time?"

In twenty years, Chen Ye feels that he can find the way to become a god at the seventh level. Does he really need the complete future power?

Well, Chen Ye can't figure out what it is specifically, and he probably can't figure it out at different time points now.

"Entropy and the future can be put aside for now. Let's talk about the future in the future. Let's see what happens next."

In fact, Chen Ye didn't tell the whole story of Li Yuan's ending.

He said that Li Yuan would fail more than 17,000 times at the hands of one person, but Li Yuan actually failed nearly 20,000 times.

Three thousand times he failed at the hands of his younger brother, but Chen Ye knew that was a plan between Li Yuan and his younger brother.

If the two wanted to be clever, Chen Ye would give them a chance.

But only this time.

After all, they probably wouldn't have thought that after this war was over...

The dream land would come.


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