Whimsical System

Chapter 1003: Return to the mysterious zone

"It seems that your control over me is really behind you. You did it after you thoroughly understood me. I have to say that you did grasp my weakness. Although I am very reluctant to admit this, my friend is indeed me. Now considered the most important.

If you don't rescue him, I might really give in to you. However, my submission may not be so important to you. In addition, behind my submission, there may also be deliberate revenge.

Therefore, I hope you don’t have this kind of thought, at least until our relationship becomes peaceful, you don’t use this thought! "

The weird "exposed" his thoughts very frankly, but now when he "exposed" his thoughts, he also revealed his inner horror to Chu Feng.

Although the current horror could not be confirmed by reality, since this sentence came from a weird person, then Chu Feng did not want to be more cautious about this matter.

In fact, Chu Feng's acquaintance with the weird took only a few hours, and it was obviously very difficult to establish trust in such a short period of time.

However, even with the difficulties, Chu Feng and the weird people still established this trust. Although this trust seems to be unreliable, at least it already exists at this time, and with trust, they also have cooperation. Medium.

"As a result, rest assured, since I have decided to cooperate with you, I must be responsible for you. Whether it is our current relationship or the relationship that may arise in the future, it must be carefully considered by me. Will do something helpful to maintain our relationship, but sometimes, under certain circumstances, certain things may not develop exactly according to my ideas, so if this happens, maybe We also have to understand each other. After all, in the process of cooperation, contradictions and conflicts are unavoidable after all. Even if we are true friends, I guess this situation will exist.

And I think the most important thing is when this situation and event happen, how should we deal with it!

If these things affect our cooperation, it means that the solution between us is not perfect.

However, I usually make some thoughts after things happen, and then look for a solution. Therefore, between the two of us is an advance preparation and a midway thinking.

In this way, the resolution of the matter is not difficult in my opinion, but it may take a long process! "

Chun Fengzhen made some analysis of the whole thing's hypothesis. In fact, what he is currently considering is only how to coordinate the relationship between the two of them. For the power of getting along with strangers and gradually becoming friends, the main Feng Dao has experienced a lot, but everyone's mind is different.

Therefore, it also means that when communicating with different people, the methods and methods he adopts will also have some changes. However, in more cases, the principle of communication will not change. Since it is cooperation, then Both parties must help and support each other.

And Chu Feng is also willing to believe that as long as he can do this, then this cooperative relationship can continue. As for how long this relationship lasts, I'm afraid it depends on what should be done between them. Coordinated with each other.

"After listening to your analysis, I am actually very interested in the cooperation between us, and I am also full of hope, but I only have one thing to worry about, and that is what you will do in the future. Although I know that those things are not controlled by me, and I can't influence them, I still want to persuade you one more thing.

auzw.com That is, no matter what you want to do, I hope you can determine it within your ability. If this thing is beyond your ability, then your attempt, And it is very likely to bring some unnecessary troubles, and even threaten the risks of all of us! "

This sentence can be said to be the last time the weird persuaded Chu Feng. After this time, the weird seldom took the initiative to communicate with Chu Feng, because he already had some basic knowledge of Chu Feng. trust.

He thought that since Chu Feng dared to participate in this matter, he dared to make this decision. That means that this matter and this decision are already within his ability.

And since the matter has reached a controllable range, he naturally doesn't need to say more, anyway, things will eventually have results, nothing more than good or bad things!

So he doesn't need to bother in this regard, let alone he has his own business. At present, rescuing his friends is his only purpose, and as for the others, it has nothing to do with him.

The conversation between the two of them is completely over here, and their discussion on this matter ended up with Chu Feng's victory. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with the eccentric. If the eccentric is in Chu Feng Na, among the second group of people to be released, perhaps the weird people will not have so many opinions!

Therefore, this is for this reason, so weirdos have no way to express their ideas.

In addition, he has actually realized what level of his status is, so to him too much speech and conflict is a manifestation of no self-knowledge.

Therefore, his defeat was actually determined from the very beginning, but Chu Feng wanted to communicate with him more to see what direction his mind was in.

After the topic was over, the two never communicated at all.

To that mysterious area, for Chu Feng, it has long been a matter of familiarity.

On the contrary, it is a weird person who is very curious and novel when he treats everything around him.

And after they entered there smoothly, what they saw was the narrow window and the arms that looked like dead branches.

Since the last incident, Chu Feng's identity has also been known by people here.

So when Chu Feng came here again, the eyes around Chu Feng gradually became more numerous.

"They seem to be looking at us, do they already know what we are here for?" The strange man glanced around, then whispered to Chu Feng.

"They are not looking at us, they are looking at me. Some time ago, I had been here and killed a person here. It is estimated that they remembered the incident last time!"

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