Whimsical System

Chapter 1005: Step into the Colosseum

Sure enough, just after Chu Feng uttered these words, the strange guy's face changed in an instant.

Although he is still smiling at this time, his smile at this time looks a bit far-fetched. Obviously what the weird guy said should be the truth, and the management of this position is indeed very high here. Status.

And then, the weird guy explained to Chu Feng and the others.

"The two may not understand, although I am not the supreme ruler here, but I can only take the role of management!

And this means that if the supreme ruler never existed, then I am also the supreme ruler here. And it's a coincidence that during this time, all things are handled by me, including the investigation of your crimes! "

Having said that, the weird guy suddenly reached out and pointed at Chu Feng, and from his actions, we can also see that his mood at this time should not be very good.

"About my crime? Haven't all my issues been resolved?"

When the weird guy mentioned himself, he was already aware of all the troubles, and Chu Feng, who had been dealt with by the alien host captain, couldn't help but raised questions to the weird guy with a look of surprise.

"Yes! Your matter has indeed been settled, but this time it is only a superficial phenomenon, because if I reject the captain's request, then you will be included in our pursuit again!

So if I want to do this, you will soon be wanted by us! "

When the weird guy said this, Chu Feng and the other two had fully understood what he meant!

That's right, this is the threat of "naked" and "naked". There is no need for any explanation at all, because he has already stated all his goals in words.

"Do you mean that you will be arrested, or if I do something that does not satisfy you, you will arrest me?"

Chu Feng's tone had become a bit agitated. Although he was deliberately hiding his unhappy emotions, there were still things that couldn't be hidden.

So when he uttered these words, the weird man was subconscious and touched Chu Feng's shoulder with the purpose of making Chu Feng calm down.

"This matter can be understood this way, and of course it could be better. That is, I was just a joke just now, because since I have affected this matter, then I don’t need to dismiss it again, let alone dismiss it. The process is also relatively long, and during this long process, I may have to bear the anger of some people, so I generally will not do such troublesome things easily, unless it is a unavoidable situation!

In addition, since the two of you have come here, then you two are our guests. We will give the highest respect and extremely pious service to the guests!

So now you can tell your purpose. If you need it, I can take you in directly, because I am very interested in you, just by this point, I can serve you alone! "

When Chu Feng was about to "show" his anger and "lust", the weird guy had realized that his strategy had succeeded.

Therefore, his face also showed a trace of triumphant expression.

Then, his expression returned to normal again, waiting patiently for Chu Feng's answer.

"We want to enter the Colosseum. I don't know if this request can be granted by you!" Chu Feng didn't hide anything, and directly said his thoughts.

"Do you want to participate in Beast Fighting activities? Or do you have other purposes?" the weird guy asked.

"This is our own business. In fact, most of us are curious. We want to go in and take a look. If we can be allowed, we hope to be able to do so!

auzw.com As for this question of the weird guy, Chu Feng did not give him a positive response.

In fact, when he said the first sentence, his purpose was already revealed.

What is called this is their business, doesn't it mean that this matter is inconvenient to tell others.

In addition, Chu Feng has been talking about entering the Colosseum. In fact, ordinary viewers cannot enter the Colosseum.

The audience is not allowed to enter unless the audience wants to participate in the Beast Fighting activities.

But now Chu Feng, without knowing it, said his purpose, and also never stated that he wanted to participate in the Beast Fighting event.

However, in this case, the weird guy agreed without hesitation, Chu Feng's request.

He also said that he would not ask anything about Chu Feng.

And he said that if Chu Feng knew this rule at this time, maybe he would be suspicious of what the weird guy did.

But because Chu Feng didn't know, this question he had naturally never had.

The two followed the weird guy all the way to the entrance of the Colosseum.

The entrance to the Colosseum was set up in a relatively remote corner, and in that corner, there was a tall building around it.

At this time, the Colosseum has not yet started, so the entrance to the Colosseum is relatively deserted.

The two waited for the weird guy to pass a card to the staff at the entrance of the Colosseum.

Immediately after the entrance of the Colosseum, a small mouth was opened.

So the two followed the weird guy and walked slowly into the Colosseum.

At this time, many locations of the Colosseum were in a closed state, and on both sides of the road were many iron cages embedded in the walls.

According to Chu Feng's observation, these iron cages should be made of a certain special material. At first glance, they look like glass, but their hardness is far beyond that of glass.

"Both are the cages for the beasts. Most of the beasts in the cage are in a hungry state, so they will be more violent. If you are too close to the iron cage, they may attack you!

If you do not want to be the dinner of these beasts, then you better stay away from the iron cage! "

When the weird guy spoke, he still smiled, but his exhortation seemed a bit unkind, even though it was a kind reminder.

"Is it possible for the beast in this iron cage to die in the arena?"

Chu Feng asked casually, but the weird guy who directly led him to look at him.

"The beasts imprisoned here are far more terrifying than you think. As far as I know, since the existence of this Colosseum, there has never been a beast dead here!"

When this question was mentioned, the look of the weird guy instantly became serious.

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