Whimsical System

Chapter 1011: Businessman's plan

"Don't worry, whether the decision I made by myself is good or bad, it is only me that will be affected in the end. As for you, besides being able to remember what you told me, other me I would rather forget it all!

After all, for me, this matter is related to "life", I believe you should not want me to die there either!

If your idea is true, then you should want me to help you make some money, and this way of making money is the suggestion I made to you earlier!

Therefore, I don't want your reminder to affect me, and the only thing that can free me from the impact is to forget what you said! "

Chu Fengxiang's weird guy explained his reason. In his opinion, since some things are a foregone conclusion, there must be a solution!

As for the obstacles from the outside world, in the usual sense, they are regarded as useful obstacles, so even if it is out of good intentions, he is not willing to choose to accept.

"Well! Since you are unwilling to accept my help, then naturally I will not deliberately help you, and I will be extremely annoying!

In fact, since you proposed this idea, I have rarely taken the initiative to help you, because I know that when a thing is not accepted by others, even if you force him to do it, it will definitely not make any difference. result.

What I tell you now is what I think is necessary, and for these necessary things, you still think it is unnecessary. Perhaps this is the gap between us!

In short, no matter what the reason is, since this matter already exists, then I will not deliberately avoid or escape!

You want to let yourself make a choice. This is the right you should have. I can tell you very directly that in front of this power, I will not hinder you in any way. What do you want to do? What you want to do is your freedom!

In a word, as long as you want, I can allow you to do anything, as long as it doesn't harm my interests! "

The weird guy gave Chu Feng the greatest convenience. Although Chu Feng also had doubts about what the weird guy said at this time, this kind of suspicion, in the face of the real situation, seemed to be incomparable. !

"I always feel that with your help, I will become a lot smoother here! As expected, you are indeed a great help to me! Perhaps, this time I really want to make one with your help What I want to do!"

Chu Feng smiled kindly. Although his smile was still mixed with falsehood at this time, at least from the outside, he was prominently true.

"Actually, for me, this is just casual work! I think if I were an ordinary person, maybe I would do this kind of thing too!

After all, I am a business man after all, and what I am doing now is actually business. If you are merely messing around, I might have solved you before you saw me! "

The weird guy talked about his ideas casually. In fact, when the two of them communicated here, they also had a basic understanding of each other. Judging from the current situation, Chu Feng has his own purpose, and Before Chu Feng's purpose had affected the weird guy, the weird guy would definitely not stop him.

After all, even if Chu Feng died for his own sake, it would also bring benefits to the weird guy.


In fact, from the moment the Colosseum was opened, this guy had completely entered the path of exchanging the lives of others for benefits.

So even if Chu Feng died in the Colosseum at this time, that was also the result that the weird guy wanted to see.

The reason why he wanted to persuade Chu Feng before was actually because he wanted to see Chu Feng's true strength. After all, when Chu Feng faced a Tier 1 beast, his chance of success was already close to zero.

For this kind of situation that, in his view, there is no room for reversal at all, Chu Feng's death may have no other effect besides bringing him the benefits of the normal period.

And if it only acts on this level, then the value of Chu Feng will suffer devaluation.

So if according to the weird guy's mind, he would even hope that Chu Feng can realize the big words he said earlier.

If you look at Chu Feng's current strength, if you let him deal with ordinary beasts, there might be a little bit of reversal.

But it's a pity that Chu Feng didn't act as he thought about, and it was precisely because of this incident that made the weird guy realize that Chu Feng was not something he could "many" at all.

In addition, if he blocked Chu Feng this time, he would spend a lot of money on Chu Feng, so that he would continue to wait for the next opportunity for the beast to appear.

As for the result of the next appearance of the beast, it seems to the weird guy that there should not be much difference from this time. Even if it is to spend a long time to keep Chu Feng from staying, then for the weird guy himself In terms of this, this is undoubtedly a loss, and a great loss.

Therefore, in order to avoid this loss, the weird guy also changed his mind on the spot and agreed to Chu Feng's request.

As a result, after he had made the final exchange with Chu Feng, he immediately contacted the staff again, and then ordered the staff to allocate Chu Feng to tonight's fighting beast event.

And in this fighting beast event, Chu Feng will not have any helpers.

In addition to this, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the countdown event tonight, the weird guy was still after Chu Feng and queued up the hunters that had previously been made.

Because in his opinion, the appearance of Chu Feng is nothing more than a seasoning for this fighting beast.

After all, since Chu Feng killed a host here last time, many guests have remembered the existence of Chu Feng.

If Chu Feng was the first beast hunter in the Beast Fighting event, then according to the guess of the weird guy, maybe Chu Feng could help him attract more guests in an instant.

Even if Chu Feng died in the hands of the beast during this fighting beast, then the beast hunters he provided and the beast fighting activities he participated in would also be able to attract the guests who were drawn over again. live.

Therefore, when the weird guy had deployed all of this series of plans, Chu Feng was naturally assigned to the fighting beast event tonight, and he was the first to appear!

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