Whimsical System

Chapter 1035: Bloated boss

"Xiaoru, why are you here? Have you been following me all the time?"

Chu Feng asked with a blank face, and when he asked Xiao Ru about it, this question was constantly echoing in his mind.

Xiao Ru's sudden appearance was very surprising, and her expression at this time was also extremely puzzling.

"Hehe... your eyes are really a pair of decorations, I thought you would notice the difference? Unexpectedly, you never doubted it from beginning to end!"

Xiaoru touched her lips and teeth slightly, and responded to Yu Chufeng's question, but her voice at this time was so similar to the previous female voice.

However, it wasn't until this time that Chu Feng suddenly woke up. The person who appeared in front of him was not Xiao Ru at all, and the person who had previously suggested that he look for a distance should not be the real Xiao Ru!

"You are not Xiaoru!"

Chu Feng took a step back subconsciously, and his whole person was instantly in a state of alert.

"You finally found out, but only now, it's a bit late after all!

Do you know where this is? When you come here, there is no way out! "

Fake Xiaoru changed his appearance while smiling. At this moment, standing in front of Chu Feng was a woman wearing a black robe.

The exquisite clothing clings to the woman's body and outlines the woman's figure perfectly.

Although the woman looked enchanting enough, it was not enough to make Chu Feng interested in him.

And at this time, Chu Feng was still full of disgust for this woman.

You know, what Chu Feng hates most in her life is deceit, but the woman at this time just touched Chu Feng's bottom line, and she actually enjoyed this kind of touch.

Therefore, just when she showed off to Chu Feng with a big smile on her face.

Chu Feng directly took advantage of his anger and stretched out his hand to clamp the woman's neck!

This time, Chu Feng was in an attacking state, and it was never Chu Feng's habit to be blindly guarded, so when his attack was in front of a woman, the woman also paid the price for it.

Chu Feng's palm was like a pair of pliers made of steel.

No matter how hard the woman struggled, she couldn't escape from Chu Feng's hands.

So in the end, the woman gave up the struggle altogether, but she still had a smile on the corner of her mouth, and even from her eyes, Chu Feng never saw the slightest fear.

"Let me leave here immediately. I have no grudges with you. You don't have to treat me like this, and I don't want to have anything to do with you!"

At this time, Chu Feng just wanted to leave as soon as possible. As for the others, he neither wanted to understand nor interfere.

"This kind of place is not something you can come and leave if you want! Now that you are here, you must accept the arrangement here!

If you have the courage, you can see our boss first, and if our boss allows you to leave, then you can naturally leave!

And when you leave, you can also choose to retaliate against us!

But before you see our boss, you can't leave here at all!

To tell you the truth, you have already left the prison by this time! Although, you do not feel this way! But in fact, you have already come to another space!

auzw.com And in this space, our boss is the master of this space. If you want to leave here, meeting our boss is the only way!

In addition, even if you turn this place upside down, there is absolutely no way for you to escape from here! "

Under Chu Feng's restriction, the woman became a lot more honest, and what she said to Chu Feng at this time was no longer the threat of deterring "sex"!

More, it is some advice. In fact, the duties performed by women are just to send Chu Feng to their boss.

And if she can't do this, then she will also endure the anger of their boss.

Therefore, when the woman realized that Chu Feng was eating soft or not, it was a direct compromise.

And in the process of compromising, she also planned to adopt some **** methods in a timely manner to prompt Chu Feng to obey her arrangements.

However, Chu Feng ignored her skills at all.

Although in the end she also met the requirements she expected, but in the process, she did not get the slightest benefit.

After a while, Chu Feng randomly discarded the woman who was so badly injured and finally "unconscious" to a corner.

Immediately afterwards, he strode forward, gradually moving forward in the dark space.

After a while, the dark space around it gradually began to glow.

The light is just as the setting sun is rising, gentle and ruddy.

And when this red "color" light gradually enveloped the entire space, a figure appeared in front of Chu Feng in a timely manner.

It was a fat and bloated figure, judging from his figure, it was at least three times larger than Chu Feng.

"Are you the ingredients this time? I heard that you are a tough guy, but only like you can it be called delicious!"

The bloated guy turned around, and the fat had already piled all his faces together.

At first glance, it looks like the steamed bun, and his facial features are exactly the folds of the steamed bun.

"Are you the boss in their mouth?" Chu Feng looked at him with a guarded face. The bloated guy in front of him was thinking constantly in his mind at this time.

He was wondering what kind of ability this guy has, and how he should deal with him.

"Yes! It seems that you also learned something from their mouths, but this is not important. In fact, what you know is nothing more than some fury!

Anyway, you are meant to be used as a food ingredient and be eaten by me! Therefore, your ideas are not that important to me at all! "

The response of the bloated guy made Chu Feng very upset. As if to the bloated guy at this time, Chu Feng had already become his dish of Chinese food.

Therefore, no matter what Chu Feng said or did, it would not arouse his attention!

"I am not here for you to eat, I just want to warn you, don't provoke me!

I don't care what your background is, I said that as long as you provoke me, then I will let you have no good fruit!

Now, you better let me get out of here before I am not angry! Otherwise, I must trample your fat body under your feet! "

Chu Feng's remarks were full of provocation, and his current emotions and expressions had reached the best state.

Unexpectedly, just after Chu Feng said this, two different laughs suddenly sounded out of his left and right.

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