Whimsical System

Chapter 1037: Take control of the first line of life

"Don't worry, as long as I have a breath, I will never succumb to you. If you are able, you will chop me into pieces and let me lose all my vitality!"

Enduring the pain in his body, Chu Feng still did not show the slightest gesture of begging for mercy.

Now, although he does not have the ability to stand up against the bloated guy, this does not mean that he has lost all opportunities.

In fact, from the moment the bloated fellow stepped on his body, Chu Feng felt that his opportunity had arrived.

Because of his own physical injury, it will inevitably lead to a bloated guy feeling contemptuous of him!

If he is able to heal the injury in advance of the bloated guy who has not recovered from that contempt, he may be able to give the bloated guy a devastating blow in the space dominated by the bloated guy.

Although, at this time Chu Feng was in the space dominated by others.

But to dominate the space, this does not mean that you can take the space and do whatever you want anytime, anywhere.

Because in most cases, even a space can talk to someone.

That can also only be achieved when that person is fully focused.

But if he is a little distracted, or doesn't have the mind to worry about these words, then he may suffer a blow he shouldn't have suffered in the space he dominates.

Therefore, this is what Chu Feng is considering at this time, and the current direction of things is indeed proceeding as Chu Feng thought.

"You are really hard-mouthed. Now that you are like this, you still refuse to compromise with me. Although you are very spine, what is the use?

You are already a useless person, can you still get up from this ground and fight against me? "

There is a guy who just stood beside Chu Feng at this time, looking at Chu Feng sarcastically.

In his eyes, Chu Feng was just a poor guy. Although he meant to resist, he didn't have the ability to resist. Therefore, what Chu Feng faced was only the pain and failure.

But under the gaze of this bloated guy, the corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose slightly.

At this moment, there was still blood remaining at the corner of his mouth, and the strong pressure caused severe bleeding in his lungs.

But about this, Chu Feng didn't feel any pain at all. After all, long hours of fighting had already made him gradually adapt to this painful feeling!

Therefore, what he is considering right now is how to recover his body as soon as possible.

Although his spine has been broken, the meridians are still connected.

At this time, as long as he can align his spine slightly, it is possible to reconnect those meridians again.

But this process may be longer and relatively painful.

However, this pain is not intolerable to Chu Feng.

It's nothing more than gritting his teeth and going through a period of time.

As long as there is a kind of guy that no longer causes damage to him, then he may restore his body to its peak state again.

"Do you still want to eat me now? If you have this idea, you can do it as soon as possible! Otherwise, when I recover, I will retaliate against you at any time!"

auzw.com Chu Feng moved his body while using words to distract the bloated guy.

Sure enough, when Chu Feng said this, the bloated fellow suddenly burst into laughter.

It seemed that he suddenly heard a nice joke, so that he could not control his emotions at all.

"I've never seen a stupid person like you! Others want to live wholeheartedly, but you don't know the so-called wanting to die!

I tell you, I am never willing to follow anyone's arrangements! Now you want me to kill you, and I just don't want to do it, but although I won't kill you, I can't let your body recover!

In fact, I can tell from your eyes that you now have the ability to recover your body, because if you are an ordinary person! Maybe there is no other expression in his eyes besides despair!

But you are not like that. I don't know why I see hope and plan in your eyes, so I can basically conclude that you should have a way to restore your body!

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, I can make it more difficult for you! "

As the bloated fellow said, he drew a dagger from his waist.

At this time, because he is the master of this space, he can get whatever he wants whatever he wants.

Therefore, when he drew out the dagger from the empty waist, Chu Feng was not surprised by it.

However, when the dagger appeared in front of him, his heart was subconsciously cold!

He knew that the bloated guy had already seen through himself, so what he was going to do next would definitely cause his body to suffer even greater trauma.

Even, it is possible that the plan he planned will be turned into nothing.

However, even so, Chu Feng still did not stop his recovery process.

What he needs to do right now is to regain consciousness in the lower half of his body in the shortest time.

Because only in this way can he stand up, and only when he can stand up can he avoid the attack of the bloated guy.

So just when the bloated guy was holding a dagger and gradually "closed" to his waist.

Chu Feng's toes trembled suddenly, and the broken nerve in his waist began to heal quickly.

Chu Feng can guarantee that this is definitely the most urgent moment in his life.

Moreover, when the dagger first touched her skin, Chu Feng rolled directly, avoiding the bloated guy's attack.

Although Chu Feng's body was still a bit uncoordinated, it was indeed much better than lying on the ground and doing nothing before.

"You really have a conspiracy, and now it seems that my guess is correct, but your ability is somewhat beyond imagination!

It seems that I still despise you after all, so I should cut your head off just now!

See if you can still let your head and your body join together again! "

Although Chu Feng evaded his attack smoothly, the general guy You didn't show too much surprise.

In fact, in this space, there have been many guys with outstanding abilities that are difficult to deal with.

But in the end, it is difficult for them to escape the means of the bloated guy.

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