Whimsical System

Chapter 1056: Soul memorial

"How did you think about it? Who do you think is true?"

In the corridor, Lao Chu, who had been silent, suddenly asked.

At this moment, Chu Feng stopped and replied with a solemn expression: "I don't know who to trust. I don't know them. Now they are expressing their opinions, all accusing each other of being the one who cheated me!

Now let me believe in either side, this seems a little unrealistic! So now I can only maintain a neutral state, and then use my personal experience to evaluate the result! "

"In fact, I think that woman is more like telling the truth!" Lao Chu thought while expounding his thoughts to Chu Feng!

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "Now you don't want to say your own opinions, because you don't know what you are saying at this time, and it is all your guess!

So I don’t want your remarks to affect me. At this moment, what I believe most is what I see and hear! As for the others, I do not agree with them all! "

"That's good, at least you can convince yourself! And my attitude does not actually determine you, after all, this is just my own unilateral idea, if you let me say a result, or reason, I really don't have that ability!"

Lao Chu's idea is very simple, at most he just wants to provide Chu Feng with a little thought.

As for other things, he didn't have any other ideas, anyway, it was the situation right now.

Chu Feng no longer believed what anyone said, and all constructive opinions have been filtered out by him at this moment!

At the moment, he only hopes to find the answer by himself, and through his own ability, to find the truth that truly conforms to reality.

"That's how I think about it. Maybe it won't necessarily make me get the result, but at least it's not a bad thing for me, at least the result won't make me regret it!"

Chu Feng had expressed his attitude, and what made him feel safe now was not thinking about it and letting the facts speak.

And Lao Chu also agreed with his view.

The corridor is still long, but because it adds the concept of leaving, the process of passing through the corridor is very short.

Back to the dark hall again, the surrounding display scene did not change in any way.

The old man was still standing there, but the oil lamp was gone.

"The time is shorter than I thought. It seems I underestimated you!"

The moment Chu Feng appeared, even the corners of the old man's mouth rose up, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes rose slightly like fish gills, which seemed a little frightening!

"This process is amazing enough, but it's not as dangerous as you said! Maybe I haven't encountered the scourges you said!"

Chu Feng pretended to respond calmly, and while talking, walked outside the palace gate.

"Where are you going?"

Upon seeing this, the old man flashed his body and blocked Chu Feng's front. The speed of the old man's movement was quite different from before!

"Of course I left! Didn't I already come out of the palace? Are you planning to stay here for my stay?"

auzw.com Chu Feng pretended to be "confused" and asked, but in fact he knew better than anyone else.

"I'm afraid you can't leave here yet. As far as I know, you probably haven't entered the depths of the palace!"

The old man's tone suddenly became cold, and his expression became a little weird.

"What do you mean by that? Don't you trust me?"

Chu Feng started to ask questions, without even giving the old man a chance to refute.

"I entered the palace according to your arrangement and came out within three hours. Now I have done everything you asked me to do!

In order not to become like you, I almost tried my best, and now you actually tell me not to leave! Could this be your purpose for me? Want me to stay here, whether I pass your test or not! "

"Don't be arrogant, you must know that this test is not left to you by me! It is your own misfortune. Now I am blocking you, not because I want to make things difficult for you, but I want to talk to you again. Say it!" the old man explained.

"Well, what do you want to say? I'm listening!"

Chu Feng's tone gradually eased. Although he had noticed that something was wrong, he didn't express too much.

"This palace may be a big secret to you, but in fact, the existence of this palace is more like a sacred pool dedicated to the soul!

And everyone who appears here and has entered the depths of the palace needs to be discarded, a soul as a memorial!

So, if you want to leave here, then you have to surrender a soul. I can see that there should be more than one soul in your body, so even if you discard it, it won’t be there for you. Too much influence, but there are also great benefits!

So, what should you do next? Presumably, you should be clear too? "

"You really want to say this, it seems I will believe you wrong by then!"

As soon as the old man's voice fell, the corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and the feeling of exposing the conspiracy at this time brought Chu Feng a kind of excitement that was close to the extreme!

"What do you mean by this? I have no intention of deceiving you. What I told you is the truth. No one can be an exception to the soul! So, this does not allow you to think too much!"

The old man's attitude became more and more severe, and even at this moment there was such a feeling that he could not be violated.

But the more he was like this, the more Chu Feng felt that he was deceiving himself!

And with regard to the soul, John also told him that one soul often affects two personalities, and that is to say, if he loses one, it means that two personalities will disappear!

Moreover, these two personalities may be random, and may even be the most important original personality!

Therefore, for this soul thing, it is equivalent to Duhuo's weakness, even more important than personality.

Therefore, when the old man mentioned the soul again, the response from Chu Feng to him was much more decisive than before!

"No matter who decides the rules of the soul memorial service, no matter who it is, my soul can never be contributed!

If you really want to do this, then you can grab it! But what I want to remind you is that once you act on me, it means that you have become my enemy, and I have no semi-distracted thoughts about the enemy!

If you think you can bear all this, then you can do it! "

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