Whimsical System

Chapter 1070: Contradiction after being proud

When Chu Feng said these words, Old Chu couldn't help being silent for a while.

In fact, he already understood what Chu Feng meant at this moment. Due to the urgency of the current situation, Chu Feng could not get rid of the obstruction of these six guys only by relying on his own ability.

Therefore, this time has reached an important stage of personality fusion, and Chu Feng is also expressing this intention.

Therefore, after careful thinking, Lao Chu finally chose to agree.

"I understand what you mean, if you think it's okay, then merge! I hope this can help you!"

Old Chu said a little helpless in these words, in fact, everyone has a selfish side, and this is to sacrifice himself to perfect others.

Therefore, when Chu Feng made this proposal, Lao Chu was still a little reluctant.

It's just that the matter has reached this point, so Lao Chu has no way to avoid it.

Therefore, in desperation, he could only force himself to make this decision.

But when Chu Feng asked for Lao Chu's consent, he didn't hesitate to start fusion with Lao Chu.

Compared to this series of processes, Chu Feng had already been familiar with the road, so it was basically within two or three seconds.

Chu Feng has completely integrated with Old Chu.

And at the moment when the personality was completely integrated, the red light that was originally hidden in the body suddenly burst out at this moment!

The red "color" light is so dazzling, even the six guys who have lost their subjective consciousness have also become a little afraid under the shining of this light.

"Sure enough, after the integration, it is more satisfying!"

Chu Feng smiled happily, looking at the red light that burned like a flame on his body, his confidence also increased exponentially.

And just when the six guys fought with him again, he fisted one of them directly and knocked out.

That is definitely a kind of suppression that completely surpasses strength, powerful strength and amazing speed, all gathered in Chu Feng at this moment.

Since there is no consciousness, fear is simply a strange word to them.

Therefore, even though there was a lesson from the past, the remaining five people still rushed towards Chu Feng unafraid of life and death.

However, the final result can also be imagined. When the five guys fell one after another, a feeling of true glory engulfed Chu Feng's body in an instant.

"Sure enough, this feeling is the most comfortable. I have had enough of being forced to be beaten!"

Easily defeating the six guys, Chu Feng triumphantly patted his palms, showing a hint of pride.

When he moved on again, the old Chu who had merged was gradually separated by him.

"Are you done?"

After regaining consciousness again, Old Chu asked lightly.

"Basically it's done! If they can stand up again, they may trigger a lot of critical points at one time!

Maybe when the time comes, I will really not be their opponent, but I did not give them this opportunity!

In fact, sometimes, I really like this feeling of fusion of personality, the feeling of being so strong that there is no opponent, it is really tempting and "confusing"! "


Chu Feng is still indulging in the joy at this moment, and after basically every time he merges his personality, Chu Feng has to remember for a long time.

Therefore, when Chu Feng said such things, Lao Chu was already used to it.

"Are we still in the passage?"

After ignoring Chu Feng's proud words, Old Chu asked.

"This passage hasn't come to an end yet, maybe I have to walk some distance, I don't know! But if there is a way, then go on! I have always been better at burying my head in this kind of thing!"

Chu Feng said disapprovingly. At this moment, he was full of self-confidence, which was very different from before!

"Do you want me to go ahead and investigate?" Old Chu asked casually.

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "There is no need for that, there should be nothing else in this passage!"

"How did you know?" Old Chu asked suspiciously.

"Hehe...I have secretly used your abilities before dissolving the fusion state with you just now!

This passage has basically been inspected clearly by me just now, and it is about 500 meters ahead!

Then I can reach the end of the passage. If my observation is correct, there should also be a door at the end of the passage, but I don’t know what is hidden in that door! "

Chu Feng smiled and told the truth. Although Lao Chu's ability was not a secret, what Chu Feng did would have some impact on Lao Chu.

Therefore, just after Chu Feng's movements were explained, Lao Chu's face became a little ugly.

"Chu Feng, it's not that I'm stingy! It's that my current state is not very good, and my ability to merge with you has already been consumed!

Now, you are using my ability to do this kind of thing, do you know that this will affect me? "

At this time, Lao Chu didn't know whether to say this sentence or not, after all, it was difficult for Lao Chu to grasp the importance of such words.

But if he didn't say anything, Old Chu was afraid that Chu Feng would have another time.

So after repeated hesitation, Lao Chu finally said this sentence.

"Oh..." Hearing this, Chu Feng responded extremely coldly, and the smile on his face also converged.

"This is the first time, and it's also the last time! I admit that I was a little overwhelmed just now. Things like this will never happen again in the future!" Chu Fengxiang assured Lao Chu.

And when Chu Feng made this guarantee, Lao Chu also felt a little sorry. Although Chu Feng was wrong with this matter, he also felt that what he said seemed a bit heavy.

But when he subconsciously wanted to forgive Chu Feng and tell him that this matter was not important.

He hesitated again, but in fact this matter is actually very important, and it is still extremely important.

Therefore, in the end, he could not say that sentence, and he has not yet responded to Chu Feng.

It wasn't that he didn't want to respond to Chu Feng at this time, but that he didn't know what to say at all.

However, it was Lao Chu's actions that directly made Chu Feng nervous.

At this moment, Chu Feng thought that Lao Chu refused to respond to him because he was angry with him, but in order to test Lao Chu's mood, Chu Feng asked brazenly.

"Old Chu, are you still mad at me? This... shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

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