Whimsical System

Chapter 1072: Two human silhouettes

"I don't care what he thinks? It's not easy to trap me anyway!

Since he doesn't want to come out, let me get rid of all these things! When he doesn't have these tricks, I will see what he uses to parry me! "

Chu Feng has never had a good temper for this kind of guy who hurts people behind his back. As a result, after he finished saying this, he jumped high.

In an instant, the red light in the body appeared at once, and as the red light gradually spread, the melting crystal accelerated its speed.

As a result, in just a few tens of seconds, the space that was originally filled with crystals has directly become a sea of ​​melting "liquid" bodies.

On the ocean where Chu Feng was standing, with the assistance of Old Chu at this time, Chu Feng could hardly touch the melted "liquid" body.

"Old Chu, are you okay?"

After Chu Feng stabilized his figure, Chu Feng hurriedly asked Old Chu in a low voice.

Since there is no support point at this time, Lao Chu can only solidify the melted "liquid" as he did before in the river to support Chu Feng.

It's just that Lao Chu's face is a bit ugly at this time, and it can be seen from his painful expression that this "liquid" body is obviously more unbearable than a river!

"It's not a big problem, but this'liquid' body is really too hot. It is no exaggeration to say that at this time I am standing in magma. If it were not for my personality state, I am afraid I would have It's hard to support life in this way!"

Although Lao Chu's words sounded not painful or itchy, if you think about it carefully, it is also enough to scare people.

For example, at present, if it were not for Lao Chu who was struggling to support it, then Chu Feng would have fallen into the "liquid" body long ago, this kind of burned to death!

It's just that although the current Lao Chu has avoided all this for Chu Feng, it does not mean that this matter is over!

In fact, what Chu Feng wants to do most now is to make these "liquid" bodies disappear, and the red "color" light in his body can indeed do this!

It's just a pity that his ability has not yet reached such a strong level. Although he has this idea, his strength does not allow it!

"Listening to you, I don't dare to move anymore! But if I stay here unchanged, it doesn't seem to be a good thing. Now I am very distressed, as if I have been trapped and there is nowhere to escape! "

Chu Feng said in a gloomy tone, he was able to stand up only with the support of Old Chu, and he really didn't know what to do next.

"He still seems to want to keep hiding. In fact, I have detected his existence, but he will change positions at any time, so it seems that it is not easy to find him!"

Lao Chu also felt very distressed about the current situation. The abilities he and Chu Feng possess at the moment are sufficient to resist the current situation, but there is no way to solve the current situation!

As a result, this has created an infinite cycle of evil "sex". Under repeated entanglement, no one can hurt anyone, but no one can find a way out!

"We can't sit and wait for death. All I can rely on right now is you! But if you fall, then I will not follow in your footsteps!

Therefore, we must find a way to get rid of the current situation. No matter how difficult the process is, we must make this decision! "

Chu Feng suddenly strengthened his determination at a certain moment. Although he still didn't know how to do it, his determination did exist!

"Have you figured out a solution? I didn't think of it anyway, but I do have a suggestion, that is, you might be able to borrow the red light in your body!

After all, you saw it just now. It is because of your red light that makes the current situation so bad!


If you can use this red "color" light correctly, maybe you can use it to resist the damage of this "liquid" body! "

Although Lao Chu's proposal was somewhat unreasonable, it was of great help to Chu Feng.

"Perhaps I should really listen to your suggestions. Although some are too risky, who can be sure that this attempt will not succeed!"

Chu Feng was also persuading himself, he knew very well that what he needed most was encouragement.

So he is direct, encourages himself, and makes himself confident to do this.

After some self-encouragement, Chu Feng did indeed make a decision, and immediately after that, he put this decision into action.

The red light in his body expanded to the extreme. At a certain moment in a year, Old Chu could no longer withstand the red light of Chu Feng.

And at the moment when Old Chu was about to let go, Chu Feng was himself, jumping into the "liquid" body first!

As a result, as soon as Chu Feng contacted the "liquid" body, a cloud of silver-white "color" mist suddenly rose into the sky.

And, instantly turned the entire space into a silvery white.

A few seconds later, when the mist gradually dissipated, Chu Feng stood firmly on the ground with a smile on his face.

"This is indeed a pool of'liquid' bodies that can take away human lives, but it's a pity that my red light seems to be your nemesis!

It seems that I am destined to defeat you, and you cannot escape, this is fate! "

When Lao Chu saw Chu Feng, Chu Feng was talking to himself in front of the air. After all, he was still holding one hand tightly, stretching out into the air.

He looked like he was holding a person, but Lao Chu repeatedly observed it several times, but he didn't find anything in that position.

However, just when Old Chu was about to wipe his eyes and continue to observe.

The silhouette of a human figure gradually appeared in the air.

This time Lao Chu could be regarded as, and he could see exactly what this person looked like.

It's just a pity that what Old Chu saw at this time was only the smiling face previously hidden on the crystal floor.

And this smiling face is exactly what the person looks like, and I don't know if the smiling face is painted or it is.

Anyway, what was presented at this time was such a strange image!

"Chu Feng, is this the guy you caught just now?"

Looking at the weird smiling face in the air, Old Chu calmed his mind and asked Chu Feng in a low voice.

Hearing this, Chu Feng glanced at Lao Chu with a smile, then slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know who that guy is. I still have one in my hand anyway!"

After saying this, Chu Feng fiercely threw the mass of air in his hand to the ground, and immediately after that, another humanoid silhouette appeared on the ground.

It's just that the current outline should look a little fuzzy, and it can even be said that this is simply an outline, a guy between the soul and the body!

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