Whimsical System

Chapter 1077: Overlapping bows and arrows

"You should also know my abilities. Naturally, I can't make weapons like firearms, but in addition to firearms, weapons like bows and arrows can also achieve the same effect as firearms. , So I decided to create a bow and arrow for you. I hope you can use this bow and arrow to completely eliminate him!"

Old Chu said solemnly, as if he looked serious, but in fact his expression was worthy of scrutiny!

"Is this kind of bow and arrow easy to use? Although I have been exposed to it, I really haven't actually "fucked" it!

Chu Feng is a little unconfident, and his lack of confidence is slightly different from his "nature"!

"When did you become so constrained, when you were in the assessment, you still hadn't been in contact with firearms, but what happened in the end? You still practiced good marksmanship!

So don’t worry, even if you don’t have confidence in yourself, at least you have to try to do it!

Now he has a long-range attack weapon, and if you fight him with your bare hands, how sure do you think you can defeat him?

So instead of trying this luck, it's better to try to improve your abilities! At some point, if you think about the problem from another angle, you may get unexpected gains! "

Old Chu was not very good at persuading, so he could only cheer on Chu Feng and let him ignite hope for himself!

However, although his method is not very technical, he finally touched Chu Feng, and Chu Feng decided to try it!

In fact, both Chu Feng and Lao Chu had expected this result.

Because of Chu Feng's temper, even though he hesitated, he would not admit defeat to anyone!

So in the end, no matter how hesitated, he will make the most impossible decision!

Obviously, this decision at this time is also the same!

"Lao Chu, this time you spend a little more time to help me make it superb. I don't want to use it once or twice and it will break!

In addition, if possible, you’d better be able to increase its attack power to me. After all, that guy still has a certain degree of protection. If your attack power is not enough to destroy him, then it’s my "shoot". I am afraid it will be of no use to him! "Chu Feng demanded.

"Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to design. Although I am not very confident in my own abilities, I am willing to believe that I am not the worst one!" Old Chu vowed. Promised.

"Excellent! If you can have this idea, I am relieved! As long as you are willing to work hard, then I have the confidence to defeat it!"

Following Lao Chu's guarantee, Chu Feng didn't know where he got such a confidence, and he even ignited a fighting spirit in that instant.

"If you can think like this, I am relieved! Although I still have doubts about what you said, at least your mentality gives me a lot of confidence!

Wait patiently for a few minutes! I will try my best to help you this time! "

While talking, Old Chu began to collect the surrounding "liquid" bodies.

At the same time, when he perceives Lao Chu's humanoid silhouette, he also starts an action to stop it at any time.

I saw that he desperately absorbed the surrounding "liquid" body, trying to restrain the "liquid" body around his body, and then used this to control Lao Chu's use of the "liquid" body.

auzw.com is just a pity, just when he single-mindedly wanted to protect the "liquid" body, Chu Feng took the opportunity to attack him!

In fact, relatively speaking, this can be regarded as an opportunity for Chu Feng. If Chu Feng can firmly grasp this opportunity and defeat the outline of the human figure, perhaps Lao Chu does not need to be so troublesome to make weapons. !

It's just that, about this kind of beautiful fantasy, it is just a fantasy after all!

After all, the human figure is not a soft persimmon, and it is not something that Chu Feng can pinch if he wants to!

And when Chu Feng's fist was about to attack the outline of the pedestrian, the black muzzle of the human outline moved toward Chu Feng at this moment.

Because he had been desperately absorbing the "liquid" body before, so that at this time his "liquid" body reserve had once again reached the level of making cannonballs!

Therefore, when Chu Feng saw the muzzle shifted towards him once again, his heart also couldn't help but twitch!

Even though his body was recovering at this time, if he were to be shot again for no reason at this time, it would be hard for Chu Feng to be sure that he could withstand the injury!

Therefore, when the muzzle gradually began to move, Chu Feng was also rapidly shifting his position!

As a result, the battle from Chu Feng's dominant position slipped into the hands of the human silhouette in an instant.

However, no matter who had the advantage, Chu Feng actually achieved his goal.

Because no matter if it is a humanoid silhouette, it has been attacked by himself, or he has attacked Chu Feng wantonly!

In short, as long as he set the target on Chu Feng, he would naturally lose the opportunity to compete with Lao Chu for the "liquid" body.

Therefore, when he was holding the high-firing cannon and aimed at Chu Feng, Lao Chu's manufacturing was almost over!

"nailed it!"

And just when the humanoid silhouette was about to "fire" the shell at Chu Feng, Lao Chu's shout directly caused Chu Feng to abandon the humanoid silhouette and return to Lao Chu's side!

At that time, there was no way to stop the attack of the humanoid silhouette.

As a result, it was such a deadly shell, but it hit the air directly and landed on the open ground!

At the same time, on the other side, Chu Feng, who had been delaying the outline of the pedestrian, also received his second weapon with the assistance of Old Chu.

In order to raise the accuracy of the weapon to the highest level, Lao Chu deliberately set the weapon directly on Chu Feng's arm.

But right now, as long as Chu Feng can raise his arm to aim, the bow and arrow can be "shot" at the humanoid silhouette anytime and anywhere, and it will not be affected by any factors!

The principle of "shooting" the bow and arrow has many similarities with the crossbow arrow, but at this time the bow and arrow are not as powerful as the crossbow arrow.

Fortunately, this bow and arrow can "shoot" faster.

According to Lao Chu, if the "operations" are done properly, ten to fifteen bows and arrows can be "shot" within one second, and the chance of overlapping bows and arrows is as high as 80%.

And this means that at the moment that ten to fifteen bows and arrows are "shot" out, there will be at least eight bows and arrows, and they will repeatedly "shoot" at the same position to increase their attack power in a short time. Expand to the extreme!

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