Whimsical System

Chapter 1079: Disappear with one punch

"If there is no error in my estimation, there must be his reason for him lying here, if only the injury just now affected him!

Then he would probably not make such a gesture to show me! Did you see his hands? Every time you hold your grip, you are actually preparing and accumulating energy!

Believe it or not, as long as I pass now, the muzzle will immediately point to my head and blow my head with one shot! "

Chu Feng squinted his eyes slightly into the distance. He had never doubted anyone in the silhouette of the human figure who had fallen on the ground, but when the real conspiracy appeared in front of him, he would never take the risk!

"Then what are you going to do? Just look at him like this?"

Old Chu watched all this from a distance, and now he didn't know how Chu Feng thought about it, because at some point Chu Feng's thoughts would always make people feel incredible!

Therefore, when some specific conditions appeared, he often couldn't guess Chu Feng's mind!

"Perhaps I can make up for him again, and then we will naturally know whether he is deceiving me or the truth!"

As Chu Feng spoke, he raised his arm. At this time, the bow and arrow were still on his arm, placed safely!

As Chu Feng just said, he seems to need a certain amount of time to do this experiment.

And all the current circumstances basically met his requirements for this experiment.

So the moment he raised his arm, his attack was all ready.

A dozen crossbow arrows "fired" together, without a single pause during this period, almost exactly the same as before.

It's just that their current target is lying on the ground, and just when they are about to "shoot" the target, the target suddenly disappears from their field of vision.

"Sure enough, it's no different from what I guessed. After all, his acting skills are too awkward. If he can give him enough time to exercise, maybe he will be more realistic than he is now, but he probably won't have this opportunity!"

When the silhouette of the pedestrian climbed up from the ground and avoided the crossbow arrow, all this had a real result.

Chu Feng's guess was undoubtedly correct. It was a solo performance with a human silhouette, although he worked **** this performance.

But after all, he still lost to himself, that clumsy acting!

Chu Feng saw through him, and also exposed him.

All the falsehood has nowhere to hide at this moment, the truth has gradually appeared, and the battle between the two of them seems to have an end!

"Old Chu, how many times do I use the remaining "liquid" body reserve? I want to "sex" to get him out of it once, so as not to save trouble!"

Chu Feng dodged, and the muzzle that moved from the side of the pedestrian silhouette asked Old Chu.

"The rest should be enough for you to use it more than five times. This is the minimum standard! If it is more than five times, then I am not sure, maybe it can be used, but the number will be reduced!"

Old Chu gave Chu Feng an affirmative answer. He could launch five attacks, which is a big advantage for punishment!

After all, this bow and arrow can "shoot" very quickly, so even if it failed to "shoot" the first few times, Chu Feng was still able to make up for the attack again in a short time.

Compared with the high-firing cannon with a humanoid silhouette, this is obviously much easier and simpler.


Therefore, when Chu Feng obtained the most accurate information from Lao Chu, he directly launched an offensive against the outline of the pedestrian!

In an instant, dozens of crossbow arrows were sprayed out at that instant. Although there is a time interval between each crossbow, their goals are the same!

The humanoid silhouette is preparing for the next missile at this time. Since the close attack is not an opponent of punishment, he can only pin all his hopes on his weapon.

But who would have thought that it was such a weapon that could affect his own destiny, but it dropped the chain for him at such a critical moment.

As a result, before he could make that shell, the dozens of crossbow arrows had already directed at him.

The speed of time is beyond his imagination, and in desperation, he can only evade in a hurry.

But even so, he was still on his body, and was attacked by several crossbow arrows.

Moreover, in the process of avoiding the crossbow arrows, Chu Feng, the creator of all the crossbow arrows, was also "shooting" the crossbow arrows toward the outline of the human figure, and quickly "forced" up.

Suddenly, he had already arrived in front of the human-shaped silhouette. As a result, before the human-shaped silhouette could react, Chu Feng's fist fell directly on the human-shaped silhouette's head.

Chu Feng waved his fist with great strength. The moment the fist touched the human-shaped head, the dull impact sound was like a storm, instantly spreading in all directions.

Then, the head of the outline of life, there was a ripple-like turbulence immediately.

And soon the lines on the head began to dissipate in the midair.

For the current results, although convulsions were not expected, they were not surprised by it.

The formation of the human silhouette is an unknown mystery, so even if he disappears now, there is nothing strange about it!

It's nothing more than an appearance full of mysteries, and then a disappearance full of mysteries.

Chu Feng is not interested in this aspect, nor is he interested in knowing why this happened.

It seems that he doesn't care whether the human figure is a creature or a machine.

After this fist, the rout of the humanoid silhouette could no longer be blocked. In just a few minutes, the silhouette of the human figure changed from the previous barely support to the final collapse.

And the weapon he was holding tightly in his hand had also changed back to the state of a "liquid" body at this moment.

Everything, as if it had never appeared before, the remaining "liquid" body solidified again and transformed into a crystal posture again.

Although the current space has not changed too much, the surrounding display has been turned upside down.

"It seems it should be over! This is really an indescribable experience, there is no thrilling experience, there is nothing else but trouble and trouble!"

Standing in front of that pool of "liquid" bodies who didn't know what it was, Chu Feng sighed with his palm, and sighed helplessly.

"Has he been settled?"

Old Chu didn't understand the current changes. Although he had such an interesting feeling and the premonition that the matter was over, he didn't know how it all came.

"I don't know if he died, in short, he no longer exists!" Chu Feng responded simply, avoiding the importance of it, but it is the current fact!

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