Whimsical System

Chapter 1090: The stupidity of love

"How do you feel? Don't you have a different taste?"

The soul floating in the air revealed a sense of rebelliousness, especially when Chu Feng also became a soul state, he was quite proud of it!

"You seem to get what you want, but you and I are in the same state now, I don't think you have any advantage over me!"

Chu Feng is a typical loser but not loser. Even if it has turned into a soul state, his soul has never yielded to the soul suspended in the air!

"You are very hard-mouthed, but no matter how hard-mouthed you are, you can't change your current disadvantage!

I can take you out of my body, and naturally I can send you back again, but before sending you back, I want you to feel the pain! "

The soul turned into a palm with one hand and presented to Chu Feng in the posture of hunting the soul before.

Immediately afterwards, his palm was about to split into Chu Feng's head.

Upon seeing this, Chu Feng hurriedly dodged and evaded, the light and fluttering body in the air seemed to have never existed. As soon as Chu Feng trembled, he moved out for a long distance.

However, the soul that has been in midair will naturally not let Chu Feng escape.

Since he had already adapted to the volley environment, he was naturally better than Chu Feng in terms of hunting and moving.

As a result, the soul just moved a little bit, and immediately caught up with Chu Feng, and in a blink of an eye, it was "forced" in front of him.

That lightning-like palm seemed to fall on Chu Feng's face in an instant.

When he was in a hurry, Chu Feng couldn't help feeling anxious. Taking advantage of the eagerness in his heart, he also forcibly changed the angle of his body and escaped from his soul.

However, Chu Feng's escape was only a moment after all.

The soul's hunting action has always been relatively consistent, so no matter how Chu Feng escapes or dodges, there is basically no way to get rid of it.

Finally, after some entanglement, the soul is still, and Chu Feng is firmly under control!

"Escape has no future. If you really want to rebel against me, you might as well do it directly. If you can escape from my hand or defeat me, isn't that also a kind of relief for you!"

After catching Chu Feng, the soul not only did not hurt him, but also gave him some preaching, and the content of this preaching was also very ridiculous.

Listening to what he said is like cultivating enemies for yourself. If you don’t know, he thinks he really wants it, so he will be defeated!

"I didn't take action against you, it doesn't mean that I am afraid of you, but that I have not found the right opportunity yet!

If you give me some time to prepare, otherwise you can regret it in a short time! "

Chu Feng gritted his teeth and said, he, who has no resistance, seems to have nothing to do besides letting out harsh words!

However, although he only put out a few ruthless words, the effect of these few ruthless words was very significant!

Although, a few ruthless words will not cause substantial damage to the soul.

But it was successfully angered, so that within a short time, the soul did not know how to respond to Chu Feng.

auzw.com to hurt Chu Feng by hand, this seems to be the meaning of being poor in reason, and acquiescence to endure Chu Feng, then this is not the temper of the soul!

As a result, after a little hesitation, the soul directly released Chu Feng, and solved the matter in an extremely puzzling way.

"It is no exaggeration to say that I want to kill you, that is an extremely easy thing!

But killing you now has no meaning to me at all, because you angered me, then I must make you bear the unbearable pain of the world!

If you just twist your neck and let you die, then it would be too cheap for you! "

The soul said to himself, regardless of whether Chu Feng could hear it or not, at this moment he was guilty of a "problem" that everyone loves to commit.

That is, when you have an absolute advantage, you will often consume the advantage in an extremely ridiculous way.

"Your solution is really novel, I thought you would kill me in a fit of despair!

Unexpectedly, you didn't bother to do this. It seems that you also have a "sex" guy! "

When he realized the soul and didn't intend to kill himself immediately, Chu Feng made a big comment on the current soul's behavior.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear anything from you now, no matter good or bad, I don't like to listen!"

The soul glared at Chu Feng, and Chu Feng's words almost made him jump. It's a pity that they are in the air, so jumping for them will be an unattainable thing!

"If you don't like it, then I won't say it! However, since you are willing to give me this opportunity, then I don't mind, I will give you a deep enough memory!"

The arrogance that Chu Feng "exposed" at this moment was not just because he was free again!

But he really wanted to compete with the soul, and he seemed to have gained some experience in the process of escaping.

But at the moment, he just took advantage of this opportunity to verify whether his experience was really effective!

"Then you'd better be able to show true skills, otherwise, you will die miserably!"

The soul's eyes were still "exposed" with sullenness, but his sullenness was slightly inferior to Chu Feng's jealousy!

"come on!"

Chu Feng turned his body and took a step back, his distance control was just right, and even his soul felt a bit weird.

After all, it was only a few minutes before and after, and within this short time, Chu Feng had completely mastered the way to move his figure in the air!

Its powerful comprehension is simply indescribable!

"Are there any problems with your eyes?" Chu Feng joked to the soul with a smile.

"Does it have anything to do with you? With this idle mind, you might as well worry about yourself!

For you, death is only a momentary matter. If you do not control this angle, you may be lying on the ground in the next second! "The soul was displeased and warned at Chu Feng.

"Actually, I'm already lying on the ground now! And it's from your hands!" Chu Feng pointed at his body that fell on the ground, and said seriously.

"Okay, since you want to quarrel with me, then I will quarrel with you to the end. I want to see if you are arrogant or I kill you first!"

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