Whimsical System

Chapter 1110: Soul painter

The next day, the "color" gradually brightened, and Chu Feng and his group again prepared to go to places with more people to look for bloated guys as they did yesterday.

However, before leaving, Chao Xia changed his plan ahead of time.

"Everyone, I thought about it carefully last night. If I just let Chu Feng observe it alone, not to mention that the speed is relatively slow, and the degree of negligence is relatively large!

So, I think we might have to find someone to help us, at least we have to record that guy's appearance in one way, and then inquire around, not just let us observe! "

The plan that Chao Xia made at this time was more realistic than yesterday's plan. Although this was still very difficult, it was a relief for Chu Feng!

"Do you want to find someone to paint a portrait? The Thirteenth Lord had also considered this issue before, but Chu Feng couldn't describe the person's appearance at all, so there is no way to implement this plan!"

When Chaoxia made this plan, one of them raised an objection.

What this person said is quite in line with the truth. After all, the Thirteenth Lord did this kind of thing at the beginning, and the final result was very unsatisfactory!

I just don't know if Chao Xia has any new ideas this time, otherwise, he won't make another suggestion that the Thirteenth Master gave up!

"I think Chao Xia may have some new ideas. It stands to reason that Chao Xia should know this matter better than you. Now that he has made this trade-off, it means that he has found it. The solution to this problem lies!"

Chu Feng didn't rush to refute Chao Xia, but wanted to give Chao Xia a chance to explain herself!

Sure enough, after Chu Feng finished speaking, Chao Xia Dang even cast an admiring look at him.

Then immediately afterwards, he made his own explanation.

"Of course I know about this, Lord Shisan, because Chu Feng can't describe the person's appearance, so I can only give up this way!

But what you don't know is that apart from Chu Feng's dictation of the person's appearance, there are actually a group of professional people who are drawn through spiritual connections in this city!

These people have been jokingly called soul painters. At first they sound a bit ridiculous, but in fact they really have the ability to connect with the soul and complete the painting!

If we can get their help, then there are problems about painting, which can naturally be solved! "

Chao Xia's words can be regarded as opening the door to a new world for everyone present. The original request for painting materials can be achieved through the connection between the hearts and the eyes, in addition to the eyes and ears!

I have to say that this is indeed a strange thing unheard of before!

"Does such a person really exist in this world? If this is the case, then this matter would not be that complicated!"

Chu Feng was convinced of what Chao Xia said. After all, he himself is a guy who can separate his soul, so for this mysterious person who can connect with soul, you are naturally Someone agrees!

So so far, when he heard Chaoxia say that such characters exist, he hasn't been too surprised!

In contrast, those guys who have never heard of such things are a lot surprised about it!

First of all, their first thought was suspicion. After all, this was a way that was abandoned by the thirteenth master. They had to force themselves to choose what Chao Xia said!


But if they choose to believe in Chao Xia, then it means to have doubts about the thirteenth master, and the thirteenth master is an image that cannot be denigrated to them!

From this, you can imagine what kind of entanglement they are experiencing in their hearts.

However, this entangled time is not too long, and after the entanglement, they reluctantly persuade themselves to believe in this matter!

After all, this is a method after all. If you give up easily if you haven't tried it before, then it is naturally a pity!

Therefore, they all decided unanimously in the end that it would be better to experiment. No matter what the final result is, the experiment will not affect anything anyway!

"Since you have all agreed, they will set off as soon as possible. This group of guys always come and go without a trace. If you can't make preparations early, I am afraid it will be difficult to find them!"

Seeing that everyone had agreed, Chaoxia was immediately divided into tasks!

As before, the 13 people were also divided into three teams, and Chu Feng also followed the Chaoxia team!

After all, among the three teams, in addition to being the commander of these people, Chao Xia is the only possibility to find the existence of those soul painters!

Therefore, Chu Feng naturally could only follow Chaoxia!

After leaving the hotel where he was staying, Chu Feng and Chao Xia went directly to a residential area in the east of the city!

Because they were on a relatively high terrain at this time, they looked down and almost overlooked the entire residential area!

"Are they here?" Chu Feng asked casually, without any special purpose "sex"!

"I have seen them here before, although I only had a relationship with them, but I remember this place thoroughly!

Now that I have revisited the old place, although I have not seen them, I always have a hunch that I will meet them here! "

Chao Xia did not make a clear answer, but only told Chu Feng of her conjecture.

"Listening to you, I feel that we are still very likely to meet them! Although there are some luck factors, I have to say that this kind of luck is more reliable than looking for a needle in a haystack. !"

Chu Feng said a little jokingly, and then under the leadership of Chao Xia, he gradually walked into the residential area!

Passing through several alleys, Chu Feng followed Chao Xia to a relatively empty area!

And in that empty location, there are a few scattered, temple-like facilities!

"Is this a temple?" Chu Feng asked, pointing to those facilities.

"Similar to a temple, you can call him an altar, but it seems that no one has used it for a long time!" Chao Xia Xiang Chufeng popularized.

"Are these altars used by those soul painters?" Chu Feng asked again.

"Yeah!" Chao Xia nodded gently, but at this moment his brows were already frowned!

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