Whimsical System

Chapter 1116: Back to the city

"Do I need to make any preparations?" Chu Feng asked the old man with a stall on the eve of the painting.

"You don't need to do anything, you just need to be calm! I can try to build a connection with your soul. Maybe this process will make you feel a little uncomfortable, so you'd better be mentally prepared!"

The old man gently rolled up his cuffs and assumed a gesture that he was about to shoot.

"If it's just a soul building, maybe it's not too difficult!"

While talking, Chu Feng found a place with a suitable height and sat down.

Since the old man can solve it by himself, then Chu Feng only needs to cooperate with him, that is enough!

"You may feel a little uncomfortable at first, just accept it slowly. If you can't stand it, you can try to close your eyes!

I will put you into a proper sleep state when I even build the soul, so you will naturally not feel the discomfort! "

The old man reminded again, and then slowly paralyzed his hand on Chu Feng's head.

That kind of feeling was uncomfortable, whether it was putting a hand on his head, or the soul fluctuating into Chu Feng's body, it was enough to make Chu Feng feel uncomfortable!

However, although he was unhappy, he did not reach the level that made Chu Feng extremely patient, so he did not let the old man hypnotize himself, but silently felt the old man's soul fluctuations, wandering in his body. Then find your soul!

The construction of the soul and the soul is not difficult, at best, it is only the fusion of the two souls, but for Chu Feng, this method is a level that cannot be reached at present!

After a while, the old man's soul fluctuations gradually disappeared from Chu Feng's body, and everything seemed to have appeared in the same place!

However, immediately afterwards the old man took out his paintbrush, and in front of everyone, he did not stop for a moment to draw the look of a bloated guy!

It is indeed unimaginable, just through the construction of the soul, you can find the image in the memory, which is indeed an unimaginable ability!

"Well, if my induction is not wrong, he should look like this!"

The old man's drawing level is very high, even if he only used a very ordinary pencil to draw, he still looks like a bloated guy. The outline is very delicate!

Even Chu Feng couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the painting.

It feels like seeing a picture of a bloated guy!

"Chu Feng, is his painting accurate?"

Although Chaoxia could see the bloated guy on this painting, he didn't know if this person was the one they were looking for!

Therefore, he could only choose to ask Chu Feng.

"Yes, it is him! Such a similar painting, I am afraid that no other person in this world can do it!"

When Chu Feng confirmed the painting, he also gave the senior man his highest evaluation.


"Thank you for the praise, this is our ability to survive. If we can't even do this, I am afraid there is no need to be called a soul painter!"

The old man is rather humble, but his modest words sound a bit uncomfortable.

"Well, I know that your abilities are great, otherwise we won't come to you!

Now that the painting is finished, it is time for us to fulfill our promise! This is your reward this time, the amount is not small, it should be enough for you to use for a while!

In addition, let me say a word, without the current ability, I can survive in this city, and I can live very well!

If you just want to hide by yourself, it must be very simple, because you only need to let one person leave here, then everyone else will be in peace, because only one person is needed, then you can afford it. The needs of this city!

Of course, if you do this, there will be differences between you. A group of people live underground, and one person enjoys the glory of the whole city. Over time, there may be big differences between you!

However, this is not unsolvable! For example, you all leave, all to enjoy the glory! And if you want to stay here, stay here!

No one will look for you because of your disappearance alone. As you said, your abilities, so since they are abilities, everyone should have them!

Some people will even be stronger, so what you have is just your current status!

Moreover, your current status seems to be no longer preserved! "

When he was leaving, the old man Chao Xia Chong said something, and more of these words were told to others!

Chaoxia hopes that the soul painter will appear in this city again, instead of disappearing from now on!

Although this matter has no direct connection to him, he is always worried that such things will happen in the future, so he especially wants to pave the way for himself in advance!

This is to ensure that there will be no accidents in the follow-up, but now the words he said have caused the old man to fall into contemplation, and the young soul painter has aroused interest!

In fact, if it weren't for the old man's stubbornness, they would never leave their original place to hide in this underground!

But now, after getting the benefits from Chaoxia, the old man's stubbornness seems to have no way to drive them to make the same decision as the old man!

Therefore, Chao Xia's words have also played a role, at least in the current situation.

This soul painter, who is about to be hidden, will probably once again appear in this city, causing waves in this city and even other cities.

On the way back, Chu Feng asked Chaoxia casually: "Chaoxia, your words have played a great role. I don't know what the old man thinks. Anyway, those young soul painters have already You are a savior!

In the future, if you need this aspect again, I'm afraid they would be willing to paint you for nothing! "

"Chu Feng, don't make fun of me, what a popular soul painter is! If they really obey me and reappear in this city, then I am afraid I will even want to see them in the future. For them, that is not easy!

Thinking about it now, I still regret it a bit. I would just let them continue to hide if I knew it. In this way, they have become my secret weapon! "

Chao Xiahan responded with a smile. Although he looked regretful on the surface, in fact, he was complacent!

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