Whimsical System

Chapter 1119: Take me into the palace

"It is indeed a palace, a palace that is extremely ordinary, but contains huge secrets. In fact, it is not appropriate to say that the secret is a secret. After all, I don't know if it is a secret, but if it is only from this ability If you look at it, it might be called a secret!"

Chu Feng simply expressed his thoughts. He did feel very mysterious about the palace. Of course, this mystery only worked on himself. After all, he didn't know the world at all, so he could almost say it was Even this world is mysterious!

"You’re right. It’s indeed a mysterious place with huge energy and it can change a person’s destiny, but it doesn’t appear forever, and it’s not a fixed building. It is opened by some people, and once they can enter the palace, the entire life trajectory of the entrant will be affected!"

The Thirteen Lord suddenly became very strict, and what he said was extremely serious, especially when he mentioned the palace, he paid great attention to his wording, for fear of saying which word was wrong and causing unnecessary contradictions!

The changes of the Thirteenth Master attracted Chu Feng's attention. From a normal point of view, the Thirteenth Master should have never entered the palace. This is Chu Feng's own guess, and in Chu Feng's view, this should be a fact!

As for why he would know about the palace, it might be something similar to legends!

Of course, these are not important. After all, he has already entered the palace, so for legends such as palaces, I guess I should have seen everything I should see!

Right now, what Chu Feng liked most was this palace, which was only opened for some people.

If what the Thirteenth Lord said is right, then Chu Feng, but he is obviously one of those few people!

Since this is the case, Chu Feng is no longer an ordinary person. Although this is just a definition, it is enough to be proud of!

"I don't think there has been any change in the trajectory of my life, but some things have happened unexpectedly!

For example, all the troubles I encountered at this time were basically caused by the palace, but it compensated me. Now I don’t want to complain about it. I just sigh for the changing world. That's it! "

Chu Feng said his thoughts casually, but his words were directly heard by the thirteenth master!

At this time, there was a glow in the eyes of the thirteenth master. It was a kind of intense desire, but also worried about losing!

And when the blazing heat in the eyes of the thirteenth master appeared, Chu Feng also instantly noticed it!

"Thirteenth Lord, do you have any questions you want to ask me? If you need it, you can just say it, don’t hide it, we’re just chatting now, I can say anything, as long as you don’t care. !"

Since the problem with the palace began, except for the Thirteenth Lord, who briefly introduced the legend of the palace, Chu Feng has always been talking!

But now when Chu Feng handed back the right to speak to Lord Shisan, Lord Shisan seemed a little uncomfortable!

"Oh... I don't have anything to ask. In fact, what I want most at the moment is to try it myself, the feeling after entering the palace!

auzw.com I just don’t know if I have this opportunity. I know that it is my fantasy. After all, the palace is not easy for everyone to enter! "

For the first time, the Shisanye "showed" an unconfident smile. This is a very rare and strange expression!

Under normal circumstances, with the current status and ability of the Thirteenth Lord, he would not "show" such a posture, unless he suffered a huge blow, or something he wanted but couldn't get. Then, he might become like this!

Obviously, this palace is what he wants to get but can't get, and now the hints and explanations made by Chu Feng have obviously moved the thirteenth master, but whether this thought can come true. What?

I am afraid that this hope will be placed on Chu Feng, and it is for this reason that the thirteenth master deliberately revealed this helpless appearance in front of Chu Feng!

"Thirteenth Lord, I can help you do this, but I have to understand this thing clearly! Why do you want to enter the palace? After all, you already have this ability. In my opinion, even It's you who entered the palace, there shouldn't be much difference, right? Is it possible that you want to give up your ability?"

Chu Feng's question is bold enough to give up everything he has now. This is probably a question that everyone is unwilling to imagine, nor dare to imagine!

But Chu Feng just moved this thought, and also said this thought. At that time, the thirteenth master, when he heard what Chu Feng said, his smile changed accordingly. It's a bit stiff!

As for the previous helplessness and helplessness, at this moment, it disappears without a trace!

The Thirteenth Master shook his head, his expression a little firmer than before: "No one is willing to give up his abilities, of course I am no exception!

I want to enter the palace, many of which are not directly related to my abilities, I just want to see the scenery that I have never seen before!

This world is a bit tired for me. If I can get in touch with some new designs in a new place, this is not a bad thing!

In addition, judging from my current ability, I shouldn't encounter danger there, even if I encounter such a powerful enemy, I can escape smoothly!

Including even if I bring you, I can still do this, so you don't have to worry about the dangers of this trip! "

"It seems that you have made up your mind. Did you have this conclusion long before you raised this question?

It’s just that you have been waiting for me to give you this answer, right? "

Chu Feng seemed to have understood everything, so when he said this, his expression was extremely firm!

"Talking to smart people can be really tiring sometimes! But if both sides are more aware of the other's thoughts, this is not a bad thing!

You are right. I had this idea from the beginning before I asked this question, but I never found the opportunity to speak!

Now that you have said all this for me, then I will save the trouble of explaining it to you. Now I only need one answer from you, is it to agree or refuse? "Thirteen asked.

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