Whimsical System

Chapter 1121: The unfamiliar feeling

Standing outside the palace, Chu Feng stretched out his hand to the door of the palace and pointed to the thirteenth master.

However, at this time, the gaze of the thirteenth master stayed on Chu Feng's fingers, and there was no change.

"Maybe I am not the right person, I can't see the palace at all!"

Yezi Thirteen looked around carefully, but there was no trace of the palace at all!

"You can't see the palace? What do you see now?"

Although Chu Feng knew that this event might happen for a long time, he would be a little surprised when this event really happened!

"Except for your fingers, that is another open space in the square, exactly the same as the scene here, even the amount of light is not bad at all!"

The patience of the thirteenth master has reached the level of counting the number of lights, but even so, he still can't see the existence of the palace!

"Okay! I can only walk in with you. I want you to discover the palace by yourself. It should be impossible!"

Chu Feng sighed helplessly, then stretched out his hand and grabbed the arm of the thirteenth master, trying to drag him to the palace!

However, the moment Chu Feng just stepped on the steps of the palace, the Thirteenth Lord fell directly to the ground, as if he had tripped over by something unknown!

In Chu Feng’s eyes, the Thirteenth Master had knocked down on the first step. If Chu Feng let go of the Thirteenth Master’s hand at this time, then the Thirteenth Master would no longer be in contact with him. Knock him down the steps!

And it was precisely because of this happening that it further confirmed Chu Feng's vision.

That's right, as long as Chu Feng can lead the thirteenth master up the steps, then he can enter the palace with the thirteenth master!

As for whether the thirteenth master can see the furnishings in the palace after entering the palace, it will not be known until the two enter the palace!

But now, Chu Feng could only remind the Thirteenth Lord again and again to let him take the initiative to step up his legs and cross the steps, and not to fall to the ground like before.

Moreover, knocking down at this time is not just as simple as knocking down on the ground.

If at this time, Chu Feng did not catch the thirteenth master and let him directly knock to the ground, perhaps he might suddenly fall down from mid-air!

And like this situation, it was undoubtedly a huge blow to the thirteenth master, so in order to avoid this from happening, Ugly Wind grasped the thirteenth master's arm from beginning to end, never letting go!

"There is the last step left. The last step is slightly higher. You have to take a step forward!"

While reminding Chu Feng, he took that step first as a demonstration, and then the thirteenth master followed Chu Feng's movements and stepped onto the last step!

Unexpectedly, when the Shisanye boarded the steps in front of the palace, the palace suddenly appeared in front of the Shisanye!

It was as if the illusion was suddenly destroyed, all the false and all the "psychedelic" illusions, all disappeared without a trace at that moment!

The palace was completely presented in front of Chu Feng, and the red and white walls were so clear!

The lantern in front of the palace exudes a red "color" light, just like a red woman, which is astonishing!


"It seems that this palace doesn't really hate me. I thought I could only see it after I went in!

Now it seems that all this is coming faster than I thought! "

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, the appearance of the palace is indeed a joyful thing for him!

"Let's go, there is no good scenery outside the palace! We still have to go in for thrills!"

Chu Feng said half jokingly, and then led the Thirteenth Master to the palace. The entrance of the palace is still the door, the door that is concealed, there is nothing strange!

The two stepped into the palace, almost at the same moment, the light in the two bodies burst out instantly!

It's just that Chu Feng's light is red "color" at this time, and the light of the thirteenth master is black "color"!

"Is this the response from the palace to us? This is indeed amazing enough, I have never felt before, when the energy in the body is so violent!"

The Thirteenth Master is like a ignorant and ignorant child, curious about everything that happened at this time, and he also has the spirit of seeking knowledge, and he wants to ask why everything, regardless of whether Chu Feng really knows!

"There are a lot of secrets hidden in the palace. This is what you said to me, but now it seems that your sentence has become a hit!

There are indeed many secrets hidden in this palace, but I don’t know if we can find out all these secrets this time. If we can, we can be considered a worthwhile trip! "

Chu Feng did not give the answer to the thirteenth master, what he said at the moment was nothing more than his guess!

It is nothing more than his conjecture, which coincides with the conjecture of the thirteenth master, so it has caused some inexplicable coincidences!

The two continued to walk into the depths of the palace. The old man with the oil lamp hadn't appeared before. Chu Feng remembered that he still had some accounts, and he hadn't settled with the old man!

But now the old man hasn't shown up until now, and he doesn't know what has changed here after Chu Feng left.

At this time, everything in the palace made Chu Feng feel strange. Although the surrounding display has not changed, Chu Feng always has such a strange feeling, and this feeling is from the way Chu Feng saw the palace. From a moment, it has appeared!

"There seems to be no one in this lobby? Didn't you say that there is an old man here? Why didn't he show up?"

Not surprisingly Chu Feng's expectation, when the two of them walked through the front hall together, the Thirteenth Lord directly asked a question about the elderly!

At this time, Chu Feng didn’t know how to answer. He did not deceive the Thirteenth Master, but he didn’t know why the old man disappeared suddenly, so he could only give the Thirteenth Master’s answer at this time. I shook my head and said I don't know!

"Perhaps, the palace we are in now is not the same palace you entered in the first place!

It's just that the displays of the two palaces are the same, so there is an illusion! "

The Thirteenth Lord came to a conclusion himself, and it was still an extremely bold conclusion!

This palace is not the same as the previous palace at all. Is this possible?

Chu Feng asked this question himself, but in the end the answer he got was yes.

"Perhaps it is possible!" Chu Feng said to himself, "After all, I also think this palace is so unfamiliar, it's not like the place where I was before!"

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