Whimsical System

Chapter 1124: Lantern battle

"Chu Feng be careful, don't let his way!" I don't know what Shisanye saw. In short, when the old man raised the lantern, Shisanye made such a reminder casually!

However, at the moment the Thirteenth Lord just blurted out this sentence, a group of raging fire directly gushed out from the lantern!

The appearance of the raging fire is more like the flame produced by the burning of alcohol. There is not much beauty, but the burning sensation and the extremely strong attack power surprised Chu Feng!

Chu Feng took several steps back, trying to avoid the flame damage to him, but it seemed that doing so could not stop the flame from spreading, even though the red "color" light had tried its best to resist him, removing part of the flame damage. !

But Chu Feng. But I still feel the burning sensation brought by the flame!

"Chu Feng, are you okay?"

In order to avoid punishment and suffer further damage, the thirteenth master took the initiative at this time, using his ability to swallow, swallowing all the flames in a brain!

As a result, this swallowing was a long-term "sex". Originally, the thirteenth master thought that swallowing was just a momentary thing!

But who had thought that a few minutes passed, but the flame still had no trace of disappearing. However, although the flame still exists, it can no longer cause any harm to the Thirteenth Lord, and as for Chu Feng, he also got a breath from the flame's pursuit!

"It's okay! Being active is not deadly enough for me. Although it looks very strong, I can remove most of its attack power!"

Facing the question of the thirteenth master, Chu Feng "exposed" a relaxed posture, but he didn't know whether his relaxedness at this time was true or false!

"You can actually withstand my flame attack, it seems that you are not a simple role!

However, since you are not recognized by the palace, it means that you have nothing to shine at all! And now the abilities you have may be just special, but you want to deal with me only with this, I am afraid you are still far away! "

The old man always had enough confidence in himself inexplicably, even when he was in a disadvantaged position, he had never flinched!

"I never like to speak big words, especially when my own advantages are not considered by others!

Now that you are so dismissive of my ability, then you can use your ability to get rid of my absorption! It just so happens that I have no interest in your flames either! "

This sentence of Lord Shisan made it clear that he wanted to embarrass the old man. Judging from the experience of Lord Shisan who used his swallowing power before, he had never encountered an opponent who could easily get rid of his swallowing power!

Even when they met Chu Feng, they just used their swallowing power to tie each other!

But now the old man doesn't know how to use swallowing power at all, so if the old man just blindly attacked, it would not cause harm to the thirteenth master at all!

"Don't be too complacent, there are so many things you have never seen before in this world! Today I will let you see and see what is truly powerful!"

The old man seemed to have been "forced" by the thirteenth master, and he couldn't get off the stage. So he had to take out his hole cards.

At this time, if the old man's hole cards are still invalid against the thirteenth master, then his defeat will become a certainty!

It's just that when his trump card was really revealed, the expression of the thirteenth master suddenly changed. It was a look of fear and worry, even though he was still insisting on it, but this look had already appeared between his brows!

auzw.com The old man took out a silver-white "color" bead from his arms. The bead looked ordinary and nothing special!

And it is just such an extremely ordinary bead, but it is directly crowned the grand title by the old man!

And just when Chu Feng and the thirteenth master were curious about that bead.

The old man suddenly threw the beads into the flame, and then the flame turned into a silvery white color under the action of the beads.

When the silver-white "color" flame touched the swallowing power of the thirteenth master, the thirteenth master suddenly felt a powerful pulling force!

It felt like someone grabbed his swallowing power with his hand. Not only was he unable to swallow it, but there was also a feeling of being taken away at any time!

And it is precisely because of the appearance of this feeling that the face of Shisanye suddenly changed!

"Thirteenth Lord, what's wrong with you?"

However, in Chu Feng's line of sight at this time, the swallowing power of the thirteenth master was still effectively absorbing the silvery white flame.

As for the performance of pulling force, he has no way to observe it with the naked eye!

"This flame is a bit weird, and I don't know if it is an illusion or something. I feel that this flame seems to be pulling my devouring power!

The connection between me and the swallowing power is constantly weakening at this moment. If it continues, I am afraid that my swallowing power will be taken away by him! "

Hearing what the Thirteenth Master said was so serious, Chu Fengyi immediately realized that this matter was probably not as simple as it seemed on the surface!

Therefore, even if Chu Fengdang decides to prevent this from happening, the only thing that can stop it now is to **** the lantern from the old man's hands!

With a plan in his mind, Chu Feng immediately launched an action, and walked to the old man's side in three and two steps.

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to grab the lantern. Unexpectedly, just when his palm touched the edge of the lantern, he was directly bounced back by an unknown force!

That kind of huge power is like an air impact. Although its existence is completely invisible, it has an unimaginable power!

"Chu Feng...how are you?"

Watching Chu Feng being bounced aside, the Thirteenth Master could only, under the influence of the flame, stay in place and couldn't move the slightest!

"I'm fine, it's just being bounced by a lantern! It seems that this thing is really weird. You are waiting for me to try again. I want to see how powerful this lantern is!"

Chu Feng's persevering spirit supported him to stand up again.

Then he plucked up the courage and rushed towards the lantern. This time he vowed to **** the lantern. Even if he risked being bounced off by the lantern, he would still hold onto the lantern and not let go!

"Do you really think I don't exist? The lantern has an owner. If you want to touch it, you must first get my consent!"

However, at the moment Chu Feng was about to touch the lantern again, the old man suddenly seized Chu Feng and launched a series of blocking actions!

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