Whimsical System

Chapter 1126: Monotonous and powerful

"What's the situation? Did he disappear, or was he eliminated?"

Watching the old man disappear in front of him, Lord Thirteen couldn't help but couldn't believe his eyes. After all, this reality was too absurd!

As the initiator, Chu Feng was also a little surprised at the current phenomenon, although he did not know what this phenomenon meant.

However, he was still full of curiosity about the silvery white "color" light, and he still had the idea of ​​using it again!

"Don't be surprised, he neither disappeared nor destroyed! He was just teleported to another place. Because the journey is relatively long, you don't know. In short, he is still alive, but his fate may be miserable. some!"

However, when Chu Feng was discussing this issue with the Thirteenth Lord, the red-light woman who had fallen into a coma before suddenly sat up!

And as time went on, red light condensed around her again, as if nothing had changed, the red light woman was still in this space, and she was still the owner of this space.

And the old man also went, where he should go, and will never come back!

"who are you?"

The Thirteenth Lord is prepared for everything. The old man’s attack has made him jealous, so when the red light woman wakes up, her first reaction is to show her devouring power to defend. Or attack!

"You don't need to be so hostile to me. Although Chu Feng and I are not friends, we will never become enemies!

His ability comes from me. Although he has carried forward this ability, his relationship with me is still a teacher and friend!

And now that you came here as his friend, we also have this kind of relationship!

So you don’t need to be nervous at all. If you have any questions you want to ask me, I can answer them. Presumably, this should be one of the reasons you came here, right? "

The red light woman seemed to be able to see through the mind of the thirteenth master, and every word she said at this moment was in the thirteenth master's heart!

"Listening to you, I can really feel relaxed, but I don't know what you know. If it's just some perfunctory information, then I'm not interested!"

The Thirteenth Master cleared his throat, perhaps because he was seen through, so he wanted to keep his sense of mystery in front of the red woman again!

In addition, he also wants to use this method and these words to prove his inner calmness!

It's just a pity that his approach is counterproductive.

Now, instead of creating his sense of mystery and calmness, he "exposed" his inner activities.

As a result, he "exposed" his heart and his originally hidden thoughts even more.

"Although I don't know what you want to know, but I'm pretty sure, you should be very interested in the disappearance of that guy just now!

Why not, I will tell you about this, let you understand, and at the same time believe what I said! "

The red woman opened her mouth to explain the reason why the old man disappeared, and this is indeed more in line with the appetite of the thirteenth master!

However, Chu Feng did not give them two opportunities.

Although Chu Feng also wanted to know where the old man went and why he disappeared, he wanted to know the origin of the bead more than this Chu Feng!


"I'm sorry to interrupt. Regarding the disappearance of the old man, can we put it aside now!

Because compared to this matter, this bead may be more important. I wonder if you know the origin of this bead? "

Chu Feng held the edge of the bead with one hand, and shook his arm slightly, so that the red light woman could see more clearly!

The red woman closed her eyes, because the silver white "color" beads are very bright, so the red woman's eyes are a little uncomfortable!

When Hongguang Woman opened her eyes again, Chu Feng had already put away the beads!

"The origin of this bead is very mysterious, although I have asked that old guy about the bead before!

It's just that he always hesitated and didn't want to tell me, so until now I don't know the origin of this bead!

However, if you want to understand the purpose of beads, then I can tell you.

Because, although it is powerful, it is monotonous anomaly! Therefore, it is not very difficult to remember! "

Although the Hongguang woman didn't answer the origin of the beads as Chu Feng asked, the answer regarding the use of the beads was quite what Chu Feng liked!

"Well! Let's understand the purpose first, it's not a bad thing!"

Chu Feng readily accepted the red light woman's suggestion, and then put on a gesture of willingly listening.

"This bead can change anything that has material, whether it is light or an object, it can change the "sex" quality of the target!

And this ability to change the "sex" quality of objects is also the only "sex" ability of the beads!

But the difference is that although beads can change the "sex" of an item, the result of the change of different objects will be very different!

For example, the flame just now, after the change, although it is also silvery white, the flame has the ability to absorb!

And the light used by Chu Feng just now is still silvery white, but it has the ability to transmit and destroy! "

"Have two abilities?" Thirteen asked.

"Yes, the light of the two aspects is the most special point. Under normal circumstances, most items basically have only one kind of "sexual" ability.

But light has a different feature, that is, it has both the ability to transmit and the ability to destroy!

However, there are many differences in the ratio of the two abilities of the light of the same "sexual" quality!

For example, the light applied by Chu Feng just now is that transmission is greater than destruction, so I will say that the old guy was transmitted away, not eliminated!

If the light used by Chu Feng just now is more destructive than transmission, then when the light shines on the old guy, I am afraid that the old guy can be wiped out in an instant!

And this also confirmed the purpose and power of this bead.

So if you can make good use of this bead, it will help you do a lot of things that you want to do but cannot do.

And in this, that includes the problem of transmission between stars and within space!

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