Whimsical System

Chapter 1145: Greed for blood

The powerful suction flowed wantonly in Chu Feng's body. At a certain moment, Chu Feng even felt that his internal organs had been messed up, and bursts of retching were appearing frequently, but every time. When they appeared, they were all blocked by Chu Feng!

This requires a strong endurance to support all of this, and also must have the tolerance for pain.

But at this time, Chu Feng possessed this ability, without any surprise, he was not surprised!

With the devouring power raging, Chu Feng could clearly feel that his internal organs were being washed over and over again.

The things attached to the surface are now gradually disappearing under the effect of swallowing power. I don't know whether it is a useful substance or the garbage remaining on the surface!

In short, when those things that disappeared can no longer be felt, Chu Feng had such a completely new feeling!

"I have established a connection for you. Now every point of your generation is in a state of waiting. If you currently don't have the ability to deploy uniformly, then you can try to wake up a part first!

In addition, you can let them wait for a while, or even never wake them up! "

Although the mysterious guy has done what he should do for Chu Feng, his suggestion is still retained!

It is not a bad thing for Chu Feng to retain part of the ability and block some of the spawning points.

At least Chu Feng can put all this aside first, and don't have to worry about the deployment of the huge production point.

But Chu Feng understood that if he couldn't activate all the spawning points, his swallowing power would never reach the strongest level!

So almost the mysterious guy, after saying this reminder, Chu Feng immediately activated all the spawn points!


Since the engulfing power of the mysterious guy has not left Chu Feng's body at this time, when Chu Feng activates the generating point, the mysterious guy can also feel it.

And when all this was taught to the mysterious guy's mind, he really didn't know how to describe Chu Feng's crazy behavior at this time.

Open all the generating points at the same time, even those who are prepared for a long time, I am afraid it is difficult to support all of this, the huge impact it has!

"You don’t have to be surprised. Since I dare to do this, it means that I can withstand this pressure. What you worry about now is not what I did, but how terrifying the final result will be. The one I want to surpass the most now is you. I hope that when I combine all of these production points to play a role in the same lineup, my swallowing power can reach the level of completely surpassing you!"

The effect of the spawning point seems to have a certain time interval. Although Chu Feng has activated all of this, he has not yet suffered the spawning point, which has affected him!

And because of this, he can still speak. I just don't know if in a while, he will be able to steadily say a string of words that can be understood by others!

Chu Feng didn't realize the seriousness of this matter. Although the allusion that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers is known to the world, the dangers involved are really beyond understanding!

To Chu Feng, the painful torture seemed like he had never experienced it before, even though he had experienced all kinds of suffering along the way!

auzw.com The swallowing power is always going on quietly, Chu Feng's mouth is still smiling, but at this time the swallowing power has gradually become stronger in his body.

That is a powerful force that cannot be resisted. Even if Chu Feng tried his best to adjust all of this, it was still difficult to do!

Sweat gushed from every "hair" hole, and the corners of Chu Feng's mouth instantly became dry and cracked, and the crazy loss of water in his body made Chu Feng's brain become blurred.

The flow of blood "liquid" in the body began to accelerate, reaching an indescribable speed, and as the flow of blood "liquid" increased, the coagulation of blood "liquid" gradually became more frequent!

The swallowing power acted crazily in Chu Feng's body, and every organ opened its mouth like a giant beast, greedily devouring the blood in the body!

They need a large amount of blood "liquid" supply to be able to meet the demand for swallowing power. They want to provide huge energy for swallowing power dispatch!

Even if they don't need to do this level at all, they don't have this kind of consciousness!

What they need and desire right now is a steady flow of blood "liquid", but Chu Feng's body simply can't do this, even if Chu Feng uses all abilities to make blood "liquid", he There is no way to meet the needs of all organs!

So the blood "liquid" is exhausted, this is something that will eventually come, even if Chu Feng is very worried, very afraid of this kind of result.

This will not affect the final result.

"What happened to him, why did he become like this?"

The Thirteenth Master gradually noticed the strangeness from Chu Feng's expression. At first he thought that Chu Feng was adapting to this body, but now he realized that things were far from as simple as he thought!

And when the thirteenth master asked the mysterious guy this question, the answer given by the mysterious guy only shook his head gently.

The mysterious guy didn't know how to explain this to Teacher Fan, and he also felt that there was no need to explain this. After all, this result has already appeared, so there is no way to recover it. The next thing is Chu Feng himself. One person can decide, even if all the situations are not "controlled" by Chu Feng's brain!

"Why did it become like this?"

The Shisanye still didn't stop asking, but no one gave him an answer.

The Thirteenth Master tried to touch Chu Feng, and he planned to use his swallowing power to stop the loss of Chu Feng's body water!

But who knew that as soon as his swallowing power touched Chu Feng, it was immediately absorbed by an unknown power!

And it has been like this several times in a row, so that Lord Shisan, but dare not try it easily!

And when the Shisanye retreated, the mysterious guy suddenly asked Shishiye a question!

"Do you know why I didn't stop you just now?" the mysterious guy asked.

The Thirteen Lord looked at the mysterious guy with a "confused" face. He didn't know why, the mysterious guy would suddenly say such a sentence, as if all of this was in his grasp, but the facts were not the case. .

"Since you will ask this question, then you will be able to guess it, I don't know why!" Shisanye said.

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