Whimsical System

Chapter 1156: I don't know you

"Why is this...why is this...this is impossible, this is simply impossible!"

The bloated guy was muttering these words repeatedly. At this moment, he has not only fallen into a crazy stage, but his madness is calmer than normal people, and this calm is more terrifying than death!

"There is nothing impossible, it's just that you don't want to believe it. No matter the warning that Chu Feng gave you before, but the results presented at this time, you are unwilling to choose to believe. And the reason why It will happen, and that's all because of your will!"

At this time, the thirteenth master gave the bloated guy the final blow. He analyzed all of this and placed it in front of the bloated guy, so that he could see this fact really, so that he could no longer escape it!

The bloated guy went from crazy to calm, and it was just a moment, and there was no change in his appearance!

When he was crazy before, he was calm, and when he was calm now, he was still calm. It's just that he already had a sense of reason, and he no longer repeated the meaningless words!

"That group of people live in this city. Although they have the ability to transcend ordinary people, they still live like ordinary people. They only gather together when something happens. If this They really did something, it’s not surprising, maybe they want something, or they want to get rid of some people!"

After all, the bloated guy spoke up, but he still didn't say why he was concealing this!

"Specific location!" Thirteenth asked.

"I have their detailed information here, you can take it all away, and then catch it based on it!

I only know so much now, even if you ask me anything else, I don’t know! "At this point, the bloated guy has no words. The silence he shows at this moment may be a tendency towards death and abandonment of survival!

"People always choose hope when they are desperate, and then go to despair when they have hope. This seems to be a truth that can never be changed. This time you are a living example again, but it doesn’t matter. I can make a Hopeful people lose hope, and it is also possible for a hopeless person to find the traces of hope again!

Your arms will eventually appear when you need them, and your body will also recover when you need them! "

Chu Feng's words were not only unintelligible, but even the Thirteenth Lord felt incredible!

In the scene just now, the two of them can all be seen in the eyes, the bloated guy's arms are scattered like blood mist, it is obviously the result of destruction!

But now Chu Feng said that his arm would come back. Doesn't that mean he didn't destroy the bloated guy's arm, but where did that arm go?

Chu Feng didn't mention more than half a word, and the thirteenth master could not guess at all.

It's just that Chu Feng's words have made the bloated fellow regain the hope of survival!

If the arm is really lost and regained, he would really have to thank Chu Feng!

"Thirteenth Lord, quickly send someone to arrest it! lest there be any changes that affect our plan!"

Chu Feng could see that Lord Shisan seemed to want to ask about this matter. Before he waited for Lord Shisan to speak, he directly gave new instructions to Lord Shisan!

auzw.com As a result, the words of Lord Shisan reached his lips, but he had to take them back.

Then the thirteenth master went to arrange the important things, but Chu Feng still stayed with the bloated guy.

"Chu Feng, is what you said just now true? I said everything I should say, and I told you everything you want to know. Even if you want to punish me, you have to make it clear to me. To bear it!"

The attitude of the bloated guy is much better than before, and as for the so-called arrogance, it has already disappeared at this moment!

"What I said was never false. Besides, I didn’t have to lie to you. After all, you have told me about this. If I lie to you now, what is the need? So you don’t have to go. Doubt, wait for it with peace of mind!

In two days at most, your arm will be able to come back. I didn't destroy it. I just changed it to another place so that you can feel the pain of loss and the gratitude you have received! "

Chu Feng said with a smile, as if to say something that had nothing to do with him.

Although the bloated guy's mood at this time has been eased, he still can't believe it!

It was not a long time for him to part with Chu Feng, but in this short time, Chu Feng had already made a qualitative leap.

Now, I want to ask Chu Feng's thoughts, but he does not know how to speak, after all, they were still enemies just now!

"Chu Feng, have you considered leaving here?"

The bloated guy tentatively asked Chu Feng a question. Since there was no third person at this time, he didn't need to be too cautious in his words!

"You brought me here. You told me at the beginning that you can think about the future plan here, but in fact, when I came here, I didn't have a birthday to celebrate!

Although this space will not affect the time in the fire domain, I don't want to be too tired!

In addition, although I have been busy during this period, I did take the time to think about the follow-up!

If I go back now, it would be fine, but before I go back, this matter must be dealt with clearly!

After all, I am also one of the victims. I want to see who actually took the shot against me. In addition, I also want him to understand the price of the shot against me! "

Chu Feng said these words very firmly. His current thoughts are indeed what he expected in his heart. Chu Feng does not like to entrap others, but he also does not want to be entrapped by others!

And if someone takes the initiative to offend him, then he will definitely use his own way to treat his body!

"Chu Feng, you really are a person who cannot be offended! It seems that I don't know enough about you before!" The bloated guy said with emotion.

"Have you ever known me? We are not familiar with each other at all. Now at best, you can only say that you know me and know my name. As for other things, we probably have nothing to do. Exist!"

Chu Feng was a little dismissive of what the bloated guy said. In his opinion, what the bloated guy said was only a superficial understanding!

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