Whimsical System

Chapter 1158: Competition between organizations

"The brand-new organization is mainly doing task outsourcing. The specific work model is also quite changeable. Usually, we act alone or in groups!

As for the background of that organization, I still don't know it very well until now. After all, I am some low-level figures who roam the surface, so I can't involve the core power in the middle!

In addition to this organization, I also have a friend who communicated privately. He is the leader of a new organization. He is a very courageous person, and that person has this ability!

After I came back here, I first returned to my own organization, then handed over some tasks, and received some new tasks that I could do!

Later, I met that friend. According to him, in my previous organization, there were some people who shouldn't be too many. Then he hoped that I could help him solve these problems!

Since I am friends with him, and the remuneration given by him is relatively high, I basically did not consider it, and directly agreed to this matter, but what I did not expect is that this matter is not like me It is so simple to imagine, those people are the leaders in the previous organization!

They have strengths that I can’t reach. It’s not easy to get rid of them. Moreover, they have the handle on me, so this matter is directly delayed for me, and to this day, I have not solved this matter. thing!

I invited you to come here before. On the one hand, I want you to establish contact with my organization. If you are strong enough, then you can help me improve my position in the organization!

On the other hand, I also want you to help me get rid of the current problem of being restrained by the old organization, but you don’t know that although the organization has been disbanded, there are still some people who want to hold on. The side also caused some people to be implicated, and I was the part that was implicated! "

"So you want to tell me that your friend might be the mastermind of this matter?" Chu Feng asked.

The bloated guy shook his head and said: "I don't doubt him, he has his own power, and he has no need to change the way I do things.

In addition, even if he knows that I hope you will help me to improve my position in the current organization, it will definitely not have any impact on him. On the contrary, if my position is improved, my future cooperation with him will be fine. It will be easier!

Therefore, I think this matter should not have much to do with him. Of course, this is just my opinion, not enough to get rid of his suspicion!

In fact, what I am suspicious of are those who have affected me, that is, the remnants of the old organization.

They have been trying their best to pull me into their camp, and they are also deliberately building a newer organization, so manpower is more needed for them!

And I am a former member, so we have become their target, and there are people with the same ability among them!

And the most important point is that if I get a promotion in the current organization, then my existence will be valued by the current organization.

In this way, they have no way to win over me anymore, so if they are likely to do something after they learn about my plan, it is to do it to you, and then create a gap between you and me. So as soon as their goal was achieved, my plan fell through! "

The bloated guy introduced this matter clearly, although a large part of it was just his guess, but this part of the guess was enough to interest Chu Feng.

auzw.com "In this way, the members of the old organization are indeed more suspicious, so does the list you just provided include them?" Chu Feng asked.

"They are the group I want to eradicate most, so naturally they are included in the list, even my friend is among them!

In fact, you know the situation just now. In that situation, I don't have to lie. After all, I want to save my life!

What I'm talking about right now is that it doesn't have much to do with you, but if you know the ins and outs of this matter, it might be easier to investigate! "Explained with a guy.

"Well... your story is rather dizzy, but it also solves part of my problem!

Ok! Your answer is barely in line with my thoughts, maybe I can really help you, if those old organization members deliberately attack me, then I will definitely make them feel the pain!

It's just that before that, they have to wait for them to be arrested and come back. Regarding this matter, the Thirteenth Lord may not be easy to do! "

After hearing the introduction of the bloated guy, Chu Feng already had a relatively shallow understanding of that group!

And Chu Feng's understanding is indeed more in line with the actual situation, at least the bloated guy agrees!

"Yes, if his subordinates are just ordinary people, then he might not be so easy to achieve this goal!

Maybe they have to find a suitable opportunity. This is because there is a strong person who can support all of this! "

The bloated guy seemed to be reminding Chu Feng intentionally or unconsciously. From Chu Feng's view, the bloated guy seemed to want him to take action, but the bloated guy didn't say clearly.

"Are there anyone who can use swallowing power among them?" Chu Feng suddenly thought of something and asked the bloated fellow.

"There were such people in the organization before, but now I don’t know them very well, so I don’t know if they have such people, but according to my estimation, they should still exist. Those who can use the power of swallowing, otherwise, they could not be so cohesive!"

"Well... if there is a power-swallowing power among them, then even if the thirteenth master took the shot himself, it would be relatively weak!" Chu Feng guessed.

"Yes, the only one who can solve them right now is you!

You are the most powerful person who uses Devouring Power I have seen so far. If you do it, they will definitely not be able to fight you!

So, if you really want to arrest them, this time, you might really have to come forward!

But no matter what purpose you came out this time, I will treat it as because you want to help me, so you did it! "The bloated guy said.

"Come on! When it's really time for me to help you, I will do it naturally! But now this thing is obviously not!" Chu Feng said.

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