Whimsical System

Chapter 1160: Smoke on the bushes

It is not easy to find a hidden organization in a city, but if Chu Feng has a capable guide, then this matter is not too complicated!

Therefore, with the help of the bloated guy, Chu Feng found it very easily, the hiding place of those organization members!

From the outside, it looks more like a commercial street, but the prosperous scene on the surface is not very real.

The street business is very rich, covering almost all industries in the city.

And there are many industries that are allowed in this city, such as casinos, arenas and other evil "sex" places, this street is covered!

The first time he set foot on this bustling street, Chu Feng felt a familiar feeling for some reason.

"You may not believe it. I used to dream of going to places like this before. There are no restrictions here. Everything is reasonable!

Although only the strong can survive, even the weak are reluctant to leave from here, because no matter how weak, people can actually find an even more unbearable opponent here!

And as long as he defeats that opponent, he can easily get something that he hasn't achieved in years of hard work outside!

Before, everyone told me that this kind of thinking was wrong and unrealistic, but now when I came here, I suddenly realized that it was not my idea that was unrealistic, but I The world in which I live does not support my idea! "

Chu Feng stood on the street and sighed with emotion. The bloated guy looked at Chu Feng like a monster.

At this moment, he couldn't help but wonder whether Chu Feng had forgotten the purpose of this trip.

"I don't know what you think, but I just suggest that we better do business first. As for things like feelings, maybe we should put it aside for a while!"

The bloated guy reminded him cautiously. He couldn’t guarantee that every word he said could reach Chu Feng’s heart, and if there was a sentence that was wrong to provoke Chu Feng’s anger, the consequences would be nothing. Somewhat serious!

"You are right. Right now, it is indeed the main thing to do, but what I said did not affect what we were going to do!

Are you so incapable of others to talk? If this is the case, maybe I can also deprive you of the right to speak! "

The bloated guy's worries were correct. Although he thought there was nothing wrong with what he said, when Chu Feng reacted strongly, he suddenly realized that his guess might be wrong!

Chu Feng could find the "problem" in one unremarkable word, and then give the bloated guy a devastating blow!

After this incident, the bloated guy has indeed become a lot more honest. Even in certain situations, he still wants to remind Chu Feng, but before he speaks, he has gradually begun to learn to think subconsciously. !

Instead of speaking directly, Chu Feng was very angry.

Passing through the bustling commercial district, the real face of the street gradually becomes prominent!

It was a place that looked like an attic, and the surrounding lush bushes had such a green "color" atmosphere!

It's just that what this green "color" brings to people is not safe and stable, because the green "color" is surrounded by lavender "color" smoke!

auzw.com"This is the most obvious place to live, but even if it is, only a few people know it!

Those purple smoke are more or less poisonous. If you are not careful, you will most likely be caught!

Of course you have swallowing power, it will not hurt you naturally, but if it is me, then I am afraid it will be in trouble! "

The bloated guy introduced the origin of the smoke and covered his mouth and nose while talking.

As he said, this smoke does not seem to be dangerous for Chu Feng, but for the bloated guy, it is a great risk.

"It's just smoke. There is nothing to worry about! Today I want to see how sufficient its smoke reserves are!"

After listening to the introduction of the bloated guy, Chu Feng directly radiated the swallowing power, and then the purple smoke was absorbed by the swallowing power, and the crazy wind gathered towards Chu Feng!

And just as the smoke was about to surround Chu Feng, a white pearl suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's palm.

At this moment, I saw a flash of white light, and the lavender "color" of smoke disappeared out of thin air!

Everything is so incredible, even the bloated guy can't think about it, all this has happened!

The bushes that had lost the smoke declined in an instant, and Chu Feng knew it at this time. Those lush shrubs are just illusions.

In fact, those bushes have already reached the end of the crossbow. If they hadn't been supported by smoke, they would have decayed and withered!

Now when the smoke disappears, the real situation of the bushes naturally becomes prominent. Taking the bush as an example, those trapped people who are surrounded by smoke seem to have the same fate, but they will suffer pain when the smoke is full, and this can be seen from this group of forces. What a vicious mind!

"When they do these things, have you helped before?"

After removing the smoke completely, Chu Feng asked the bloated guy casually!

"Um... why did you ask this suddenly? I don't quite understand!"

The bloated guy was a little dazed by Chu Feng's question. He didn't know what Chu Feng thought, and he didn't know how to answer Chu Feng's question!

"You don't need to understand, you just need to tell me if you have done it before!"

Chu Feng did not intend to explain, but asked the same question again and again.

Although he didn't know the situation, the bloated guy still answered Chu Feng's question in the end.

"Before this kind of thing did not require me to do, I am different from what they did, I thought it was my own responsibility!"

The bloated guy didn't lie. Although he understood what the smoke meant, he did not participate in this matter!

And when Chu Feng learned that the bloated fellow was not related to the smoke, he was still a little disappointed!

In fact, he didn't ask this question just to punish the bloated guy, but the smoke had been collected by Chu Feng at this time, ready to be applied to reality, but he didn't know how to use these things , So he planned to ask the bloated guy!

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