Whimsical System

Chapter 1203: Stay restrained stage

"Chu Feng, our matter has been resolved, and it's too early, shouldn't it be time to leave here?"

When the current troubles have been resolved, the bloated guy as a bystander looks a little anxious.

The bloated guy didn't deal with the young people from the beginning. Even though they didn't have any enmity between them, they couldn't get together. It was because Chu Feng needed the help of the young people, so he was reluctant Staying here, and now that the matter has been resolved, he naturally wants to urge Chu Feng to leave!

At this time, when Chu Feng was urged by the bloated guy, he himself also had the idea of ​​wanting to leave. After all, he couldn't delay all his time on this, and the young man had already left a mark on himself, thinking It's almost easy to find yourself!

So there is nothing wrong with leaving now!

So after the bloated guy urged, Chu Feng immediately said: "The matter has been resolved almost, and my side has gradually recovered, and the agreement between us has been reached because of this. When you want to If I fulfill my promise, just go to me directly!

And now I have other things to do, so I won’t bother too much! "

Chu Feng had already expressed the intention to leave, and the young man would naturally not be hindered by this, but before he left, the young man said the last thing like Chu Feng!

"You and I met once, and there are other connections with each other, I think we should meet again!

At least you have to let me know who you are and don't let me always treat you as a stranger! "

The young man just wanted to know Chu Feng's name. As for other aspects, if young people are really interested, he will probably investigate on his own!

"My name is Chu Feng, I come from another space!"

Facing the young man’s question, Chu Feng made a simple introduction. In the introduction, Chu Feng only mentioned his origin and name, but other than that, he never mentioned it at all!

"Chu Feng...it's really not the name of this world, but it doesn't matter, the name is just a code name, you can call me, for example, you can call me Dr. Z!"

While the young man responded, he also made an introduction to himself. Of course, this introduction was just stagnating in the name!

Even for Chu Feng, the introduction made by the young man didn't even count his name.

But what he gave was only a title, a name, what does Dr. Z represent?

It's nothing more than him, just like Lord Thirteen, is this really their name? Chu Feng couldn't figure it out at all, he even had some doubts about whether there was a name in this world or not.

If it's just a name, then it's a normal comparison.

After all, the name is just for others to remember, so it doesn't matter what it is called, as long as it can be remembered by others.

In such a large area, Chu Feng's well-deserved name, on the contrary, seemed a little special!

"Dr. Z? It's a memorable name!"

Chu Feng really didn't know how to respond, and what he reluctantly said at this time seemed a bit stupid!

Dr. Z nodded gently, expressing both affirmation and farewell!

Because immediately, he opened the door of Chu Feng's room and signaled Chu Feng to leave.

From the fourth floor to the first floor, nothing seemed to have changed, except that the ring and bracelet had fallen off Chu Feng's body at this time.


The bloated guy didn't lose them, but put them away properly.

According to Dr. Z's introduction, these two pieces of jewelry are just a container, and as long as the contents of the container are gone, it will lose the ability to do it!

However, if someone injects energy into the container, those two things will once again have the ability to restrain the target!

Therefore, these two pieces of jewelry still have a certain value as a whole, even if they lose energy, the same is true!

"Chu Feng, how about we sell these two things? Maybe we can sell them at a good price!"

When returning to the street, the bloated guy suddenly asked Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said disapprovingly: "Who are you going to sell them to? I think you two are here, but you are not familiar with the place in your life. Are you not afraid that these two things will cause any trouble?"

"These two things have already lost their value, even if they are sold, what trouble can they cause?

Are you still afraid that others will not rob us, even if you want to rob us and give it to him, it is not ours anyway! "

The bloated guy took this matter very casually. Chu Feng didn't know whether these two pieces of jewelry were valuable. In short, he didn't want these two pieces of jewelry to "expose" his condition!

If the bloated guy really sold these two things, it would mean that he took the initiative to tell the enemy that he has got rid of the current shackles!

As soon as he thought of this, Chu Feng hurriedly took the bloated guy into an alley as if he had been reminded.

"Hurry up, give me the ring and bracelet!"

Chu Feng eagerly asked for it, but he made a look of bloated fellow "lost".

"What's wrong? I just discussed it with you, and I didn't say I really want to buy it!"

The bloated guy thought that Chu Feng was frustrated with himself because of what happened just now, so while explaining, he took out the bracelet and ring!

As soon as Chu Feng saw these two things, he immediately grabbed them and put them back on again!

"Chu Feng, you are..."

The bloated guy looked inexplicably, he had already been lifted, so why did he wear it?

"Just now I suddenly remembered that these two things must not be exposed!

This is given to us by the enemy. If we discard it easily, or if our temperament is left aside, wouldn't it disappoint the enemy!

In addition, I am more worried about the enemy's unscrupulous measures. If the current tactics are not sufficient for them to achieve their goals, then who can know if they will make any more actions?

So I still wear it better, at least I can fool our enemies and let them relax their guard! "

Chu Feng's reason was already explained in just a few words.

As long as the jewelry is still on Chu Feng's body, it will give people an illusion that he is still in bondage.

And this move, whether for Chu Feng or the bloated guy, has certain advantages!

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