Whimsical System

Chapter 1216: The only alternative

After hearing Chu Feng’s words, the bloated guy "showed" a smile. The contemplation just now disappeared without a trace, but I don’t know why he has such a rapid emotional change. If this If it is true, that would be counterintuitive!

"Chu Feng, I can fully understand your feelings. At the same time, I didn't take what you said just now. After all, when anyone loses control of their speech, it is inevitable to say one or two hurtful words!

Thinking about it now, it's hard for you to continue to explain, and from this point, I can believe that the relationship between you and me is at least no longer an enemy! "

Although there is no reason for the emotional changes of the bloated guy, the results of his final changes are more pleasing!

Chu Feng is very satisfied. The current bloated guy's summary of this matter, although there are some guesses in his heart, but the current bloated guy is in a good state, at least better than stunned!

"If you can understand, that's enough! If this is the case, can the two of us stop arguing? At least, before the settlement of the southern forces, can we stop the conflict?"

This time Chu Feng did not order the bloated guy for an unprecedented time, but because the bloated guy really discussed this matter, and wanted to hear the bloated guy's response and attitude!

The bloated guy nodded heavily, but he meant to think seriously!

"In fact, this is exactly what I want to say. Contradictions should not exist for the two of us. Even if there is more gap, we must understand each other. The current situation is not optimistic. Whether it is our cooperation or the crisis we are about to face, it is both worthy of both of us to work hard to solve and face!

And if it is in this case, we still have to fight against each other and fight each other. It would be too tiring, too stupid! "

"Yes, this was originally a stupid thing!" Chu Feng nodded with a smile, "So we have to stop, do these stupid things, and then choose some smart people's methods in time to solve them. The current problem!"

Hearing this, the bloated guy then proposed: "Yes, in that case, let's settle the contradiction for the time being!"

"The contradiction of foreigners? That's a saying I haven't heard before. Isn't this something you invented yourself?" Chu Feng smiled.

"On this question, you really stumped me, because I don't know if anyone can put forward the same idea, but judging from the current situation, this idea is indeed my own mind!"

The bloated guy was a little humble, but in the end his humility was also confirmed in the real situation!

"All right! Whether you have plagiarized the wisdom of others, or your own wisdom, in short, I agree with this approach, then let's live this contradiction here and let it survive!

When the relationship between us reaches a certain level, we can dig it out and adjust it well. Only in this way can we save a lot of unnecessary trouble! "

Chu Feng pointed to his head, briefly marked where the contradiction should go, and then made an overall conclusion about the matter!

auzw.com "Good!"

The bloated guy responded very happily, and then as the two looked at each other and smiled, the matter was really settled!

After the contradiction was resolved, the goals of the two were once again unified, and the southern forces were a strong enemy they had to face at present!

Even though Chu and Feng did not understand the southern forces of the city, according to the information obtained from Mr. He, the southern forces of the city were indeed an unshakable force!

Yesterday, when Chu Feng volunteered to take on this matter. I have to say that there is indeed such an impulsive emotion!

However, even though Chu Feng was impulsive, he did not lose his mind. Therefore, even if he recalled this incident now, he did not regret it. He just felt that he should fight for more. With Mr. He’s help, perhaps this matter would be even worse Easier to solve!

"Chu Feng, judging from the information we currently have, the core of the southern city power is not something ordinary people can reach!

If we need to connect with them, we must go through some unavoidable intermediate processes!

And this intermediate process, in most cases, cannot be solved by money! I had thought before, with the help of Mr. He’s power, to help us set up a little connection, but then I learned that this matter is not as simple as I thought, and if it is really for Mr. He to come forward to solve it. In this matter, perhaps we really have lost the possibility of success!

So in the end we can only face one result, which is to attract the attention of the core forces of the southern city by virtue of our own ability, and as to how to do it, you must have a conclusion, Chu Feng? "

Facing the bloated guy's inquiry, Chu Feng's expression instantly became serious, and his tone of voice was extremely serious!

"Last night, after we each took a break, I also spent a certain amount of time thinking about this matter. As for the ideas you just mentioned, I already considered it yesterday!

And it is precisely because of the existence of these problems that I did not mention this matter too much in yesterday's meeting. Thinking about it now, it seems that there is not much difference between mentioning and not mentioning the result!

Because no matter whether this result will be as we guessed, Mr. He will not help us, this has already become a relatively definite conclusion!

As for the attraction you mentioned, the attention of the core forces of the southern city, I can naturally understand it, in fact, this is indeed the only way we can take at present!

It's just a matter of this scale. We must control it well. Even if we want to attack the southern forces, we must attract attention without angering them.

Otherwise, the outcome of this incident, I am afraid, is beyond our control! "

"Yes, that's what I meant! Yesterday, I already got detailed information from Mr. He. The core forces of the southern part of the city are distributed in three directions. We can choose a more suitable target among the three directions!

According to my estimation, as long as we can make a slightly larger movement here, even if we have not touched the other two directions, the result will not be much different! "

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