Whimsical System

Chapter 1222: Augustus power

"Hehe... If I'm right, the three of you now definitely want to kill me right now, right?

It doesn't matter, there will always be this opportunity, but now is not the right time, I believe you also think so! "

No one responded to him at this time, so Chu Feng could only find the topic by himself.

"Stop talking nonsense, where did you come from? What is your purpose?"

Since Chu Feng laughed at Augustus' voice, Augustus never said a word, and Rhodia naturally became the only person who could talk to Chu Feng!

Facing Rhodia's question, Chu Feng was willing to answer, but in the current environment, he always felt that he was not the place to speak.

"Can I answer your questions in another place? I always feel weird here, and there are things that cannot be heard by others!"

Chu Feng pretended to be mysterious, in order to be able to make this seemingly reasonable but unreasonable request!

In the face of Chu Feng's request, the three of them also hesitated a bit. At present, Chu Feng's appearance was too sudden!

And he must have a certain purpose "sex", otherwise it will not make such a big movement, just what he wants to do, why does he say something that cannot be heard by others?

At this moment, Chu Feng brought too much confusion to the three of them, and at the same time aroused their curiosity.

So after some discussions, the three of them actually met, Chu Feng's unreasonable request.

When the three of them and Chu Feng's bloated fellow came to an empty hall together, Chu Feng was like the prey that had entered the trap. It seemed that it would be difficult to escape and resist!

"We have met your requirements, and it is time for you to answer the questions next. If what you say next is not worth our decision, then we can directly solve you here!"

Lundell said his first sentence here, his voice is as ordinary as his appearance, but he looks colder, so his voice sounds a little cold and ruthless!

"Don't worry! I didn't come here to actively seek death, but to talk about cooperation with you!"

As soon as Chu Feng said these words, almost all of the four people present were caught in "confusion".

That's right, including the bloated guys are also confused and puzzled!

"What cooperation?"

Rhodia could be regarded as a relatively curious person. If they were to be someone else, when Chu Feng said such a crazy word, they would have been impatient to listen to Chu Feng.

But now, Rhodia still wants to ask, this is really a rare situation!

"I want to cooperate with your southern forces. You help me accomplish one thing. I will help you expand your territory in this city and occupy what you have always wanted to have!"

What Chu Feng said was indeed in the heart of the three of them. After all, he had already obtained enough information from Mr. He!

He knows what the southern forces have always lacked, so the cooperation content he has proposed at present is naturally what the southern forces have always wanted!

It's just that when this sentence comes out of his mouth at this time, it will inevitably arouse suspicion by others, and will not even be trusted at all!

After all, Chu Feng at this time was just a guy of unknown origin.

auzw.com Is it just because he made a mess in the building, can you trust him easily?

Obviously this is impossible, not to mention these three managers, even if three ordinary people are brought in casually, they will not make such a stupid decision!

So when Chu Feng said this, Rhodia shook his head directly.

"Why, do you not believe what I said?"

Although the three did not speak, Chu Feng had already guessed their decision. After all, this was not a difficult result to guess.

"Do you think we should believe it? I don't know where you are a lunatic. With a little bit of patience, you start to dominate here!

Do you know who you have offended? Do you know how bad this incident will bring you?

Forget it, you won't know how much I say! Just let us give you a good time! It saves you from going out to make trouble by talking nonsense! "

Rhodia has already made a decision, and he doesn't even need to discuss with the other two people, he has already made the decision to kill Chu Feng!

"Don't forget to ask him to compensate us for our losses!"

At this moment, Rodia's voice just fell, and before Chu Feng had time to react, Osgur reminded him first.

"Oh, you can't remember anything else, but this is the compensation, but you don't forget it! I really don't know how to describe you. Could it be that you are also a guy who cares about money?"

Originally, Chu Feng wanted to explain to Rhodia first, but Augustus’s sudden "interruption" directly changed his mind!

As a result, as soon as he ridiculed it, Augustus was furious.

"You are really hateful!"

Augustus roared in a low voice, and then moved, rushing towards Chu Feng.

Obviously, he had already been murderous towards Chu Feng, and he even had plans to kill Chu Feng with one blow!

As for Augustus's move, the other two did not stop at the slightest, as if they were also waiting for this result to appear, and even they had acquiesced to this matter!

Seeing Augustus getting closer and closer to him, Chu Feng also subconsciously clenched his fists, and then swallowing power burst out of his body!

In an instant, the power of swallowing wrapped Chu Feng's body, and there was no gap in his body!

And at the moment when the power of Devouring wrapped Chu Feng's body, Augustus' fist also slammed directly at Tufeng!

As a result, the seemingly strong devouring force burst into cracks directly under Augustus' fist!

This was definitely a phenomenon that made Chu Feng horrified. How strong the swallowing power was, and at this moment it was almost impossible to resist August's fist!

Now, I really don’t know whether to praise Augustus for his strong power, or to downplay the weak defense of Devouring Power!

Fortunately, the power of swallowing is not a tangible item, so even if Augustus causes damage to the power of swallowing, the power of swallowing will be restored in the next second!

This result, in addition to causing losses to the swallowing power stored in Chu Feng's body.

That wouldn't have any other impact on Chu Feng, so in the process of fighting, Chu Feng put almost all of his energy on the power of cohesive swallowing.

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