Whimsical System

Chapter 1225: A small courtyard

The group of people left the building in a "swing" and "swing" manner, and proceeded along the main road until they finally came to a small courtyard with a little quiet.

The existence of this courtyard is actually very strange. It stands to reason that how could there be such a small courtyard on such an important street!

Therefore, it can be seen from the appearance of this small courtyard that the owner of this small courtyard is definitely not simple!

Sure enough, the decision maker who has been living in Rhodia's mouth lives in this small courtyard, and he is also the owner of this small courtyard!

"You wait here first! It's too much for too many people to go in. If you anger that adult, it will be a little troublesome!" Rhodia spoke very cautiously. Before Chu Feng, he said It was the decision maker, and when he came to the entrance of the courtyard, all he said was the adult!

As for who the adult was, Chu Feng and Rhodia knew very well, and even everyone present knew what was going on, but Rhodia didn't mention a word too much!

As if this matter had never happened before, Chu Feng walked into the courtyard under the leadership of Rodia.

The layout of the small courtyard is not complicated, it is nothing more than two gardens, plus a courtyard, the things displayed in it are also extremely simple!

But behind this simplicity, there is indeed a very strong mystery.

Looking around, the same plant grows in the two gardens before and after!

And this kind of plant is dark in its entire body, like the branches burned by fire, but judging from its vibrant scene, it is certain that these plants are alive!

And on the branches and leaves of these strange plants, there are some strange insects!

For these insects, Chu Feng has never seen it before, but this is not surprising. After all, this place and Chu Feng’s world are originally two completely different time and space, so even if some strange things appear, then It's normal too!

It's just that what Chu Feng was more curious about was what exactly these insects did, and at this moment, Chu Feng couldn't help but doubt that the plants in these gardens were actually used to raise these insects!

Otherwise, they should have been deworming earlier, and how could they have been allowed to multiply by these insects!

"Did you raise the insects that were attached to the plants just now?" Chu Feng suddenly asked Rhodia.

Chu Feng's question directly caused Rhodia to panic!

It's as if Chu Feng had said a secret, something incredible!

"You are not here to ask this kind of question, right?" Rhodia did not answer Chu Feng, but wanted to stagger this topic on excuse.

Chu Feng didn't understand it very much. In theory, this shouldn't be a difficult question to answer. Is there really any secret in it?

"I was not very curious about this at first, but after you say this, I actually feel that I need to understand!

Of course you don’t have to tell me, but I will explore the secrets by myself, and as for what I will investigate, I’m afraid it’s beyond your control! "

Chu Feng didn't deliberately want to investigate this matter, but he wanted to stimulate Rhodia in this way and let him obediently tell the fate of this insect!

auzw.com Sure enough, Chu Feng’s method worked. Rhodia couldn’t guess whether Chu Feng had this thought in his mind. After all, everything that Chu Feng did before was the same. It's incredible.

So at this time, he had enough reasons to believe that Chu Feng had a great possibility of doing such absurd things.

Therefore, under Chu Feng's stimulation, Rhodia could only choose to answer Chu Feng's questions.

This is the adult’s feeding garden. Every insect here is the hard work of the adult. They breed infinite power, and this kind of plant is the only food they can obtain energy!

Over time, when they grow to a certain level, they will become very good supplements. As for how to apply this kind of thing, I don't know! "

Rhodia can only answer these questions. Of course, while answering the questions, he also had some reservations in his heart.

After all, this will involve some secret things, so even if Chu Feng irritates him and threatens him, he must have a certain bottom line in this stimulating threat!

Otherwise, he will be responsible for more serious matters!

"Oh~It seems that I asked the wrong person. I should ask your so-called adult about this matter. I have to say, this has aroused my interest and even I want to try it. Will these insects be right? I also helped!"

Although Chu Feng did not "expose" a greedy expression, but in his words, he "exposed" this meaning all the time!

Rhodia watched Chu Feng and said such arrogant words in front of him, but he didn't know how to stop it!

For Rhodia, this kind of thing is almost an unpredictable and uncontrollable situation!

Chu Feng was originally the kind of existence that was difficult to control, but now Rhodia was led by Chu Feng's nose.

The current small courtyard became Rhodia’s **** instantly because of the existence of Chu Feng.

Rhodia was uneasy, he was worried that what he had brought was a big trouble, and even this trouble would threaten his life!

Therefore, when Chu Feng said these words, he became very worried.

As a result, after hesitating for a while, he could only urge Chu Feng to leave the garden as soon as possible, where the adult from the entire net really was!

Walking along the path in the garden, I have never reached a distance of 100 meters, but it is difficult for Rhodia!

Passing through the two gardens, the adult's residence was already in front of him, and what appeared in front of Chu Feng and Chu Feng at this time was a very majestic attic.

In fact, the attic is not very similar, it's just that the architectural style of the attic is somewhat similar, and the current building looks so strange!

It was as if there was something hidden inside, some unknown power, and if Chu Feng really wanted to describe this power, he would never reach it!

"The lord is inside, but we haven't got his permission yet, so we can only wait outside the door!"

Rhodia blocked Chu Feng from outside the door. At this moment, he pulled Chu Feng and stood motionless outside the door, like a wooden stake inlaid on the ground!

"Why are you standing here and waiting? Don't you need to tell him? Otherwise, how can he know that we are here?" Chu Feng was puzzled.

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