Whimsical System

Chapter 1246: Economic monopoly

After receiving the letter from the bloated guy, the Shisanye was very surprised by the things mentioned in the letter. Based on his understanding of Chu Feng, Chu Feng has always done things with a beginning and an end, and it is absolutely impossible to change his mind halfway!

Even if he had to do this for some reason, it must have his own reason, and the bloated guy is still his own to Chu Feng, so there is no need to deceive the bloated guy.

Unless, it was Chu Feng who wanted to protect the bloated guy, so he didn't tell the truth!

And when this matter was in the mind of Shi Shishi, making various guesses, Shi Shishi was really a bit entangled!

Chu Feng's change was something he hadn't expected, and now the bloated guy is very urgent. Now that he has received this letter, he should take certain measures!

But as for how to do it, he didn't have any clues for a while.

On this side, the Thirteenth Lord was entangled in the things described in the letter, and on the other side, the dark side was embarrassing, and he was still expanding his power non-stop.

At present, the three major forces in the city, the dark side, Chu Feng has mastered both sides, and now there is only the largest force ranked first, and Chu Feng has not yet controlled it.

Therefore, it is clear that the next target of the dark side is naturally the biggest power ranked first.

According to the investigation of the dark side and the wind in the past few days, he also has some effective information.

At present, the biggest power in the city is in the hands of three families. In fact, these three families are only nominal families.

In other words, the name of the family was only made up by Chu Feng himself, but in fact these three so-called families are just three different kinds of people!

Among this group of people, there are indeed certain strong people who appear, and they have always been invisible, so few people know the characteristics of their abilities!

Today, the power of the three major families has enveloped nearly 90% of the city.

Even in the dark side at this time, Chu Feng had already controlled the two forces, but the scope of the city covered by it had not been reduced.

The power of the three major families originated mainly from the necessities of the residents' lives.

Basically, the three major families have completely monopolized the city’s economic system. Even Mr. He had been involved in the city’s economy before, but compared with the forces of the three major families, his achievements were only small after all. It's just a little trouble!

In the struggle for mutual annexation of forces, although fighting and fighting has never been the mainstream method, when necessary, fighting and fighting is not unacceptable!

Moreover, what the dark side Chufeng has at this time is only the ability to fight for the strong. If the dark side Chufeng puts aside this and fights with the three major families for financial and material resources, then his chance of success, It will be extremely low!

After probably understanding the strength of the three major families, even though Dark Side Chufeng has a reckless behavior style, at this time he actually gradually calmed down!

At this time, the dark side is bewitching, and the power that can be relied on is nothing more than Rhodia and the others. Besides, he did not get too many cronies. Rhodia has followed the dark side of the beholder from the beginning.


Especially after Toham's death, Rhodia and others have even more faith in the dark side!

It may be because of the dark side's way of doing things, and the reason of being in the same spirit with them, so they can find a lot in common from each other!

And under the influence of these common points, their ideas have become more and more synchronized!

When Dark Side Chufeng had the idea of ​​occupying the city in his heart, he immediately informed Rhodia and the others about his idea.

And he also hoped that Rhodia and the others could participate in this plan and share some of the pressure in his heart!

Dark-faced, he took the initiative to find Rhodia, and also found Lundell and Augustus together!

The four of them attempted to devise a big plan. Rhodia called this plan a revolution, and these two words instantly brought their purpose to a higher level, which seemed to be more sense of justice!

"Now I know the situation of the three major families clearly. According to my opinion, I do not intend to have too much financial entanglement with them! If possible, I can even sneak into their homes and let them Solve them one by one, but this matter does not seem to be so easy to achieve. They have a solid foundation in this city, and it seems that it is not easy to get rid of them easily, and there are also three major families. close relationship!

And if you want to get rid of them all overnight, then this is definitely an impossible thing!

So I called you here today, just to ask your opinions and hear your views on this matter!

Of course, the solicitation of opinions does not mean acceptance, so if you have any concerns, there is no need at all! "

The dark-faced Chu Feng's way of speaking is indeed slightly different from Chu Feng, but in some places it can still be kept in sync.

For example, listening to other people's opinions and finding a method that suits you is just a dark side, so you can't listen with an humbly?

Even, he directly explained the thoughts in his heart, and the three of Rhodia did not have much reaction to this approach.

On the contrary, they prefer the directness of the dark side, at least they will not feel suspicious because of this sentence, after all, this is indeed an unacceptable sentence, and it is true enough!

Dark-faced, entrusted the opportunity to speak to the three of Rhodia. In contrast, the three of Rhodia know the city better than the dark side, and they also know the three families better!

Therefore, when they talk about this matter, they naturally have their own different views!

Rhodia analyzed: "At present, the three major families have completely monopolized the city economically, so if you want to really deal with them, you must first break the current monopoly!

It's just that this state has been around for a long time. If you can't adopt a safe way, then the success of this matter is not very easy! "

"Then what feasible plan do you have?" Lundell asked.

Rhodia replied: "I haven't thought about the plan, but I had a basic rule at the time! In any case, don't conflict with the three major families financially, although I know this is not very easy. But even so, we still want to, always be alert to this aspect!"

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