Whimsical System

Chapter 1261: Evacuate the building

"In my opinion, if it is for prudent considerations, the three of us should go together! In this way, it can ensure that Chu Feng will not cause too much disturbance in the forbidden area, and it can also ensure that the three of us will not affected!"

Elderly Huang Fa once again came up with a better suggestion at a critical juncture.

"The three of us are going together. This movement is a bit too big, right? Does Chu Feng have the qualifications?"

The old man with a silver beard and beard still has that violent temper.

"Can you not put your own airs too high? I think this proposal made by Old Ape now is very good!

If you feel that you are not suitable to go with the two of us, then you go alone, and when you suffer a loss there, you will know how stupid your decision is! "

The young patriarch once again slammed the old man with a silver white beard. This time, the old man with a silver white beard had no words to refute.

"Old Ghost Silver, now is not the time to be stunned, the three of us must go together, otherwise, I'm afraid that something really will happen!"

The yellow "color" old man turned his head, and began to persuade the silver "color" beard old man. In a few words, the silver "color" beard old man also chose to compromise!

"Okay! Since this is your suggestion from the old man, I will go with you for the sake of your face!"

At that time, if there is any "chaos" happening, let's solve it together! "

"Okay, let's go!"

The old man with silver beard and beard had already compromised, and this matter was confirmed. So the yellow old man waved his arms directly and rushed to the restaurant building with the other two.

At present, the dark side and Rhodia are still hiding in the restaurant building.

It's not that the two of them didn't want to leave, but that the outside situation really made it difficult for them to get out.

After the young patriarch left, dozens of guards were added outside the restaurant building.

The guards who had been entangled by Chu Feng's swallowing power had already got rid of the shackles of swallowing power at this moment.

In this way, the number of guards outside the restaurant building has exceeded 100%.

At this moment, even if the dark side is very strong, he has an extremely powerful ability, but it is difficult for him to successfully break through among the hundred people, and the existence of Rhodia is also a problem.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the two of them did not act without authorization, but stayed in the restaurant building to recharge their energy and look for opportunities!

Therefore, until the three patriarchs came here, the two of them still did not leave the restaurant building for half a step!

Outside the restaurant building.

"Are the two of them still inside?" the old man with silver beard and beard asked the guard who had been staying outside the restaurant building.

"The Hui patriarch, according to surveillance, the two of them have been staying in the middle of the restaurant building, and there is no other change!"

"Oh, I see!"

The old man with a silver beard nodded, and then he was suitable for the guard to leave!


"It seems that the two of them are still inside, but I don't know what they are planning!"

After the guard left, the young clan let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm curious, why do they stay here and not leave? Do they have any other purpose?"

The yellow old man was worried alone, he couldn't figure out the dark side of Chu Feng and Rhodia's mind, so he could only think about it himself!

"Don't think about it. They don't want to leave, but they can't leave.

You can look around and see how dense the guards here are! Who do you think can escape from these layers of siege? "

In the words of the young patriarch, at this moment he already has a relatively short understanding of Chu Feng, so he still has a certain say in estimating this kind of problem!

"Oh! That's true. In this case, we might as well evacuate the guards first, so that the two of them can take a breath, and then come out from the restaurant building!" the yellow old man suggested.

"I think……"

"I don't think so!"

Originally this question, the yellow old man wanted to ask the young patriarch for advice. As a result, as soon as the young patriarch was about to speak out to respond, he was directly interrupted by the old man with a silvery white beard!

"Why not?" The yellow-haired old man didn't care about the silver-white beard's rush to answer, but first asked about his point of view!

"This question is not simple. Now if we let them go, wouldn't it be equivalent to letting the tiger go!

Now that they are trapped in the restaurant building, they are already very difficult to deal with. If they are allowed to walk around at will, then the two of them are going to mess up our restricted area!

So in order to avoid this situation, I think they must not be released! "

The idea of ​​the old man with silver and white beard is relatively simple. In the final analysis, he is still worried that after leaving the restaurant building with the dark side and the wind, they will go to other places to make trouble. So in order to avoid this situation, it is best The way is to trap them here first, and then make plans!

"Your thoughts are too narrow. They are now trapped in the restaurant building, although on the surface it doesn't seem to affect our situation!

But if they become crazy in the process of being imprisoned, wouldn't you be afraid that he would do any radical behavior that would make you regret it? "

"Yes, it's easier to know that the beasts in the cage are more likely to get angry, so in order to prevent the two of them from becoming beasts in the cage, we must let them leave the restaurant building!"

The young patriarch and the yellow-haired old man are as if they had negotiated in advance, and they both sang and agreed to target the silver-white beard old man.

As a result, under the continuous rebuttal of the two of them, the old man with silver beard and beard was finally defeated. Although he still felt that Chu Feng should not be let go, he could no longer insist on his point of view!

"If both of you think it is more correct to do this, then let you do it! But one thing you have to remember is that if something goes wrong, don't blame me without reminding you in advance! "

The old man with silver beard and beard is really dissatisfied with the current decision, but if it is based on the rule of the minority obeying the majority, he can't stick to his own ideas!

Therefore, in the end, he could only let the two young patriarchs do what they wanted.

I watched the guards evacuated from the restaurant building!

After a while, the surrounding area of ​​the restaurant building was calm again, and the quiet atmosphere completely enveloped the restaurant building at this moment.

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