Whimsical System

Chapter 1273: Leave a lesson

The body of the young patriarch has not undergone any training, nor has any ability to resist, so the invasion of Devouring Power is basically unavoidable for him!

In contrast, although the silver-white "color" beard old man has specially trained his body, and he also has a certain resistance to swallowing power, even so, this time the injection of swallowing power is still successful!

Moreover, when the power of swallowing enters his body, the impact of the power of swallowing on his body will be more severe than that of the young patriarch!

Because the body of the young patriarch is relatively fragile, when the power of swallowing is destroyed, most of the excess power will be released through the fragile body!

This is not the case for elderly people with white beards. As the body strength of elderly people with beards is generally higher, it is impossible to release power at all. Therefore, in terms of bearing strength, elderly people with white beards also have higher body strength. It will be more serious!

Therefore, when the swallowing power was injected into the bodies of the two, the old man with the silvery white beard quickly showed an abnormal reaction!

The first is the continuous flow of blood. This sign indicates that his internal organs have been severely damaged, and his breathing has become rushed as the blood continues to drain!

In contrast, the young patriarch’s reaction was equally serious, but it did not reach such a strong level!

At this time, the hard work of the two of them fell to the ground like raindrops, and finally penetrated into the soil and disappeared!

In the midair, the bodies of the two are still in a state of suspension, but this suspension no longer affects the two of them!

In fact, if there was no devouring power in them, the two of them would have fallen to the ground long ago!

However, this kind of result is naturally inevitable, after all, the dark side is not willing to keep the two of them suspended in the air, wasting their devouring power!

So when the devouring process of Devouring Force was nearing its end, the two of them also fell from the midair at a different speed!

At this time, the yellow-haired old man who was outside the coercion just happened to take over the responsibility of the two of them!

However, the old man with yellow hair was also uneasy at this time. After all, Chu Feng's current strength had reached an unimaginable level of horror!

So he dared not fight against Chu Feng at all, and he didn't even know if he could escape from Chu Feng's hands!

But for the stability of the three major families, even though he knew that staying here would be extremely risky, he still had no intention of leaving!


After a while, when the bodies of the two were picked up by the yellow-haired old man, the dark side gradually "approached" to the yellow-haired old man!

"You are a smart person, and I usually show mercy to smart people!

Besides, among the three big families, you are probably the only one who has never been an enemy of me, so I don't think I need to kill you at all!

However, I can't let you go so easily, so you have to leave me something, otherwise, this matter will never end! "

There was a smile on the dark face, and almost every word he said at this time could pierce the heart of the yellow-haired old man!

What is left behind? What is left, what is the most important thing for the yellow-haired elderly at this time!

The old man with yellow hair kept asking himself this question, but in the end he never got the answer!

"Chu Feng... we don't have any grudges against you. You have to know that all of this is because of you. If it weren't for you to break into our forbidden land first, then things would not develop to this point!


In addition, we didn't do anything to you from beginning to end, too much! On the contrary, you provoke us time and time again, trampling our dignity on the ground!

Now I know that I am in danger, but I still have no shame in your actions! "

The yellow-haired elder is already determined to die, and is saying these things, even if the dark side directly takes his "life" at this time, he will definitely not be surprised!

"You are right. This matter really started because of me, but it doesn't seem to have had much impact on you either!

Including this time, if it were not for you to stop me, perhaps we would have already left!

So in the final analysis, it's because you put too much emphasis on your so-called forbidden land!

Moreover, you do not have the strength to protect your own forbidden area!

Therefore, in my opinion, the emergence of this kind of thing is completely reasonable, but you are not willing to accept failure!

In addition, even if I was wrong first, what can I do? Now I am facing the strong, and for the strong, there is no reason for the weak to pursue fairness!

Therefore, before you become stronger, I advise you to keep a low profile and not put yourself too high! "

Dark-faced Chufeng said as he stretched out his hand, gently tapping the right shoulder of the yellow-haired old man.

When he finished his words, his arm that slapped the yellow-haired old man was instantly engulfed by the power of swallowing.

As a result, the yellow-haired old man's arm was imprinted instantly.


Suddenly, the extremely intense pain rushed directly from the arm to the brain of the yellow-haired old man. The indescribable pain almost made the yellow-haired old man lose his balance in the air and fell down!

"Be careful, if you really fall from such a high position, then I'm afraid I can't save you!"

When the yellow-haired old man barely stabilized his figure, the dark-faced Chufeng stretched out his hand again and slapped it on the previously painful arm of the yellow-haired old man!

And with the dark side of the wind, slap again and again, the previous pain of the yellow old man is gradually losing!

And when the dark side and Chu Feng retracted his arm in the end, there was no more pain in the arm of the yellow old man!

It's just that the mark left on his arm is always there, and there is no sign of fading.

"what did you do to me?"

The yellow-haired old man was sweating profusely and asked Chu Feng weakly.

"It's nothing, it just left a mark for you! Within this mark, I hide a swallowing force!

Don't worry, as long as you don't try to destroy it, then it will never affect you! "The dark side explained the wind.

"Why are you doing this?"

"The reason is very simple. I just want to teach you a lesson so that you can remember who you shouldn't mess with..."

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