Whimsical System

Chapter 1275: Those distress signals

"Hahaha...you are a happy person, you never know how to hide the unhappy heart, although this is a very stupid behavior, he can appear to be very real!

Well, since you don't want to do this, then I won't force you! Anyway, I also know that even if I force you, you will not do it. At most I will just kill you to discourage you, so I just skip these processes! "

The dark face was full of wind, and he laughed loudly at this time, but the smile did not seem like a cheerful look.

"What do you mean by this?"

The yellow-haired old man took a sigh of relief in his heart at this time. He was incapable of defeating the dark side. Chu Feng could not even escape from the dark side. At present, he is usually a cow and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

The "confusion" in his heart no longer makes him feel panic, but he still has a mind for knowledge. He wants to know what Chu Feng wants to do. If he just wants to annex the three major families, it seems that he is not at all. Need such a complicated process!

Chu Feng's smile gradually reduced until it disappeared.

"What I want to annex is not a certain family or a certain force of yours. As you said, even if I annex you, if you don't kill all of you, then the trouble will be endless!

So, if you want to solve this kind of problem, I have to find a really smart way!

And now I have the answer, it is better to use you to kill you and make you truly be my zodiac sign, so that these troubles will not exist! "

Chu Feng did not intend to hide his thoughts, because this matter originally needed to be told to the people of the three major families!

Whether they believe it or not, Chu Feng must clarify this matter clearly, so that his purpose will be obvious. The defense of the three major families will also be reduced at any time, although it will not be completely The tendency to disappear, but to decrease, still exists!

"You want to rule us, it's just a pipe dream!"

The old man Huang's answer was very tough, and there is no doubt that he had not considered Chu Feng's words at all.

And the current answer was just a momentary fever of his head, so when he said this sentence, Chu Feng didn't react to it at all.

"Your refusal is too decisive, I advise you to really consider it, or it is not that I gave you this opportunity, but you are asking yourself for a chance!

For this city, my rule has already become a fact that cannot be violated. If you want to reject my rule, then you must be strong enough to destroy this city!

Therefore, if you do not currently have this ability, I advise you to choose to obey instead of blindly resisting!

Otherwise, you are not the only one who was injured in the end. You can look at your subordinates. The fear that "shows" in their eyes, but the real existence may be that they will fight desperately because of you. , Even if you lose your own "sex" life, it will not hesitate!

But are you really willing to let them do this? There are still wives and children waiting for them in their homes, if it's because you ruined their lives and ruined families!

So do their enemies also include you? If I regard a person as the enemy of my own family, then his existence will become a burden to the family!


At the same time, he has become a tragedy. Do you want to be such a person? Do you want to make yourself a tragedy? If this is not your intention, I advise you to think carefully!

After all, no one wants to give you the opportunity for no reason, and no one says so much to you like me! "

Chu Feng suddenly became a little talkative, his previous actions and current words seemed to be somewhat inconsistent.

But in the current situation, even one-sided punishment feels a bit strange to him. He has no reason to say so much, and at the same time he has no such idea, but he did it, and this approach is based on, without the slightest reason. Above the premise!

Nowadays, although the dark side Chufeng looked "lost" about the current situation, the old Chu who was hiding in the corner had enough knowledge about this matter.

"I already knew that Chu Feng would not disappear so easily. Even if his soul is covered, what can he still do to influence the existence of another soul!"

Old Chu secretly reminded himself in his heart not to give up hope for Chu Feng. Even though Chu Feng's disappearance has become a reality at this time, disappearance does not mean death, and disappearance may also reappear!

On the other hand, after Chu Feng's tirade, the yellow-haired old man has become a lot more stable!

Obviously, his momentum has gradually dissipated at this time, replaced by his share of reason!

For the future of the three major families, the yellow-haired elder must make a correct decision, whether to succumb to Chu Feng and steal a life, or resolutely choose to die and push the three major families into the abyss of destruction!

This is a really worth pondering question, and it is also a very serious question that cannot be hesitated!

The old man with yellow hair has never answered. His head has become a mess of porridge at this time. He wants to find a correct answer, but his thoughts are only his own after all, except for him. Then no one can give him new suggestions!

And in this chaos, the yellow-haired old man looked back at his subordinates.

Among those tribes, the descendants who can be called the best, they are the future of the three big families, and they are also the future of this city!

If all these people died in Chu Feng's hands at this time, then the future of these three major families would be ruined!

"Their eyes are full of hope, they want to survive, they want to survive!"

And just as the yellow-haired old man was looking at his subordinates, what Chu Feng said earlier echoed in his ears at this moment.

Among these young people, there are some fierce plotters who are desperately enterprising and want to become the mainstay of the three major families!

And it is these activists who are politicians who are just like everyone else at this moment, expressing their desire to survive!

At this time, the yellow-haired old man had received enough distress signals. Although he did not hear a word like "help", he knew that his people and his subordinates had already revealed this. Kind of idea.

But now, in the next period of time, everything he does will affect the future of the people!

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