Whimsical System

Chapter 1278: The punishment of death

A long period of silence will make the current situation a bit embarrassing. Although the dark side of the situation does not feel this way, everyone present is always in that kind of fear and embarrassment.

After all, the old man with yellow hair is an important person to break the deadlock. Even if he is unwilling to be the early bird and does not want to say these things, in the current situation, there are some things that he does not want to do.

The yellow-haired old man stepped a little over the past two days, and subconsciously glanced at the five young people lying on the ground from the side of his mind. At this moment, their eyes were closed tightly. Although the breath still exists, it is not far from death. .

After regaining his gaze, the yellow-haired old man solemnly stood in front of the dark side of the wind. At this time, he knew what he should say, and he also understood how far he should say this sentence.

"I am deeply sorry for this matter, because they are not our tribe, so I have no direct'sex' control over them!

Regarding their actions, this is indeed a very excessive behavior. Please rest assured that as long as they are still alive, then I will definitely give them the necessary lessons to let them remember this matter firmly and unforgettable for life! "

"Do you think they still need to survive? I don't want to have so many more enemies for no reason, and this matter should not be solved by you, after all, I am the real person in charge!"

The old man with yellow hair said what the Dark Side Chufeng wanted him to say, and then the Dark Side Chufeng also followed this sentence and led to his next thoughts!

"Then how should this matter between you be resolved, kill them, or let them die?"

The question of the old man with yellow hair caused many people's dissatisfaction. His words undoubtedly reminded the dark side what to do next.

At this time, the old man with yellow hair also knew that his words were indeed wrong, but this kind of wrong was not aimed at Chu Feng.

And Chu Feng even liked what he said, because for Chu Feng, it would be a kind of loyalty.

"Do you want them to die? As a patriarch, do you want your people to die?"

The problem of the dark face and the wind made the yellow-haired old man a little surprised. According to his estimation, the dark face and the wind's response would only be solved in one of these two ways.

But now that the dark side is bewildering, he didn't do that, and not only that, he also asked himself such an unbelievable question.

"If it's your request, I don't think I can refuse it, because this matter is that they were wrong first, so even if they pay the price of their lives, it is not unfair to them! "

The old man with yellow hair naturally knows how to answer, no matter what impact this sentence has on him, as long as Chu Feng is willing to listen, then he has to say it!

"As a patriarch, it is really not easy to say this kind of thing! In that case, then I will give you a chance to re-educate them. For the enemy, I will definitely give a certain punishment, so although I can let They don't lose their "life", but they have to pay for it!"

The dark face is very firm, and this thing will definitely result. This is his idea and it is also something that must happen.

"You ask, as long as you ask, I will definitely comply!"

auzw.com The yellow-haired old man seems to have lost all his energy at this time. At present, he just wants to end all this quickly and don't make things serious again!

There are five people who paid the price for this matter. It is already a very tragic result. If even so, there is no result, the yellow-haired old man is really unacceptable!

"Do you need me to advise you on this matter? Since you proposed it to make them better than death, then you must have an idea?"

The dark face and the wind show no mercy at all. At this moment, he doesn’t care about this matter. It will affect the yellow-haired old man. In short, since the yellow-haired old man has agreed to this matter, then he must be responsible for this matter. in the end!

"Well! If you insist on letting me arrange, then I can only send five of them to the forbidden area!"

The old man with yellow hair sighed. At this moment, he had already made an extremely difficult decision. Although this matter had a big impact on him, he still had to face it all under tremendous pressure!

"As for how to arrange it, it naturally depends on you. In short, I will wait for your result, and I hope this result will not be too late!"

The dark side is full of wind, and he doesn't know what the forbidden land means, so he still maintains a state of observing the aftereffects at this moment.

The old man with yellow hair nodded: "Don't worry, this matter won't be delayed for too long. I can send them over now, and you will know how cruel this punishment is!"

"Then I will wait and see!"

The dark side was full of wind, "fuck" the swallowing power, and sent five young people back, and he himself returned to Rhodia's side.

At this time, the dark side Chufeng and Rhodia were waiting for the result of the punishment brought by the forbidden land.

But the survivor was the only one standing in place, still staying in the fear of the term forbidden land.

"what happened to you?"

Rhodia did not quite understand why the survivors suddenly became like this, what exactly did the so-called forbidden land mean? Why are survivors frightened like this? Rhodia was very curious, and he was already a little impatient.

In the voice of Rhodia's questioning, the survivor gradually eased, thinking that he would no longer be restricted by the forbidden area, and the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily.

It is hard to describe what kind of mood he is at this moment. In short, excitement and joy have filled his entire emotions, and as for the previous fear, it has long been buried by excitement and joy.

"It's nothing, before I was still hesitating whether the decision I made was correct, but now when this happened, I instantly strengthened my mind!" the survivor said.

"What do you think?" Rhodia asked.

The survivor said: "I made a very correct decision. This decision will affect my life. Although the decision at this moment will give people a sense of betrayal, compared with those five people, I am a betrayer. Really got freedom and hope!"

Rhodia can also understand what the survivor's decision is, but he doesn't know why the survivor would say such things, and is the so-called forbidden land really that scary?

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