Whimsical System

Chapter 1283: The war of two cities

"That is simply an extravagant hope. You don't know the city, so you can say anything big, and even you can make all kinds of guarantees to me to express your determination!

But I can't be like you! Because I know what kind of system there is in this city, I have to recognize the reality, not be confused like you! "

Although the Thirteenth Lord did not directly refuse, the sentence he said now also contained the meaning of rejection.

"You still lack confidence. You lacked confidence from the beginning, and it's the same now. No matter whether someone supports you, you don't seem to dare to touch this mind!"

The dark side was cold and sarcasm, he had already expected the outcome of this incident.

From the moment when the dark side of the wind and the thirteenth master intersect, he has a fixed impression of the thirteenth master, that is, the thirteenth master is a very easy to stick to the rules, and once his habit is formed, Then it is difficult to change!

Therefore, when he decided to put forward this suggestion and let Lord Shisan consider it, he was secretly prepared to persuade Lord Shisan, and he also knew that this matter was not easy!

However, no matter how difficult this matter may be, the dark side is determined to give it a try, and he also thinks he can control it all!

In fact, if it wasn't for the dark side of the thirteenth master, he would not even be willing to deal with the thirteenth master.

Because the two of them were originally people in two worlds, perhaps the thirteenth master and the original Chu Feng could do, but the dark Chufeng at this time would definitely not be able to become friends with the thirteenth master.

The Shisanye sighed. At this time, he was also very helpless. Although it was illusory about the unification of the city, it happened to be the goal the Shisanye hoped to achieve!

So when he decided to give up, there was a little unwillingness in his heart.

"Why sigh! If you have any difficulties, you can directly say, if I can solve them, then I will help you naturally!"

The tone of the dark-faced Chufeng suddenly eased, and one can tell that it must be another soul that is affecting the dark-faced Chufeng's emotional changes.

"Is it useful to tell you? Are you really planning to bring war between the two cities?"

The Thirteenth Lord, although he didn't say much on the surface, his last refusal was to deliberately lead the current topic in a main direction.

Yes, this direction is the war between the two cities!

Now, the dark side of the wind has completely ruled a city, and that city also has sufficient combat readiness resources.

And if the dark side and the wind can mobilize the war preparation resources of that city to start a war against the city where the thirteenth master is located, then the thirteenth master will also be able to take advantage of the chaos to find opportunities!

In this way, perhaps the goal of unifying the city is really possible.

It's just that in this process, the dark side is a huge risk. Although the city is not important to the dark side, this matter will still have a great impact on the dark side.

Currently, under the rule of the dark side, the city is still in a state of chaos and unevenness, but from the overall situation, it is still relatively unified and complete!


And if the dark side of the wind really moved this mind to make war between the two cities, then as the fuse of this war, the dark side of the wind will bear the anger of the people of the two cities.

As the saying goes, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Even if the dark side is invincible, the strength at this time has reached an unbeatable state, but the dark side is still in a state of invincibility. in!

After all, this is just a single space, and in those unknown corners, there is still no idea how many people with special abilities like the bloated guy are lurking.

And if they really unite and convene a group of powerful people to deal with the dark side of Chufeng, then even if the dark side of Chufeng tried their best to fight, this might not be enough to calm the matter!

Therefore, when the Thirteenth Lord made this proposal, the dark side of the wind made solemn consideration for this issue.

In the end, the dark side also failed to draw an accurate conclusion.

"The battle between the two cities is indeed a good opportunity to do something! However, if I were to be a victim to facilitate this thing, then it might be a bit unfair!"

The dark side and Fengfeng brought out his worries straightforwardly. He didn't like to twitch, no matter who was in front of him, as long as the two sides were in a posture of discussion, he would tell the truth.

The Thirteenth Master heard the dark side's worries, and he could understand that such worries are inevitable!

It's just that this is the only way he can think of at present, and if the dark side can't do this, then he won't think about this issue again!

"No one is willing to sacrifice, but when harvesting, many people are willing to take the greatest credit!

I admit, I also hope to take control of this city! After all, this is my hometown. If I can become a ruler in my hometown, then I will have no regrets in my life!

However, even if you want to be aggressive, you have to do what you can! Therefore, if this decision will threaten my foundation and even my life, then I am afraid I must seriously consider it! "

The answer of the Thirteenth Master is also very true. At present, what he likes is naturally his business for many years.

If in this plan, the foundation is lost because of this, then for the Thirteenth Lord, it will naturally be more than the gain!

Therefore, he considers this aspect, it is natural and reasonable!

"Then you mean, let me be the victim in the end, and then you effortlessly seek benefits?"

The dark face and the wind "showed" dissatisfaction. There is currently a discussion on this topic, and the two have never achieved common ground.

However, regarding this plan, the two of them can be considered to agree more. Compared with the previous conversation, the attitude of the thirteenth master is much looser.

"I didn't mean it, I just think that this matter still needs to be more careful!" Shisanye explained.

"Yes, you should be cautious indeed! Not only you, even I must be cautious, otherwise, then I will easily become that victim!"

The words of the dark face and the wind seem to have profound meaning. At present, he not only has to express his position, but also must be careful to watch out, the attitude of the thirteenth master at any time!

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