Whimsical System

Chapter 1307: The battle between the strong

"Okay! It seems we don't have to talk about it now, but that's okay, you always think I'm a soft persimmon!"

Dark-faced Chufeng is ready to face off. The two sides are ready to fight, and Han Shanbo retreats out of the range of the battle. His followers have no worries, and can fully display their abilities.

The dark face is full of wind, with two swallowing powers in his hands, vast energy condenses around his body like a whirlwind.

At this moment, even Han Shanbo no longer easily despise the dark side of Chu Feng.

"No wonder you dare to provoke me publicly like this. It turns out that you still have a certain ability, but your current ability is not worth mentioning to me!"

Han Shanbo couldn't help being a little bluff when he said something. In this city, almost all residents know that Han Shanbo has no force at all.

The reason why he is able to have such a momentum is only based on his connections and abilities.

If he had landed in a city that relied on force to control big money, then the development situation would be predictable.

"You haven't really seen my ability, but I also hope you don't see it, because everyone who has seen my true strength will die in my hands!"

The untamed rebelliousness revealed by the dark face and the wind, can be regarded as leaving a deep impression on everyone.

We must know that in the course of the battle, the words of the strong are threats, and all the words of the weak are just begging for mercy.

At this moment, the dark side of Chu Feng could barely be called a strong man, as for this so-called reluctance, it was confirmed by Han Shanbo.

In fact, if he looked at this matter from the right angle, then no one in him could say that the dark side of the situation does not possess this ability.

If there is, then he can only say that that guy does not have the ability to censor talents.

"How long do you have to wait? Now that you have already set up your position, let's do it directly, anyway, one party will win or lose!"

At this time, the dark face is so eager to wait. It stands to reason that he should be weak, but at the moment it seems that he already has a huge advantage.


Han Shanbo didn't have too many words, only one word was needed to mobilize all those followers.

In a flash, a dozen followers came straight to the dark side like lamps and flames.

And with the upsurge of those followers, the devouring power of the dark side of the wind also stirred up in the air.

The situation is as if a calm lake was suddenly thrown into rocks.

"Come on, come as many as there are!"

The dark face Chu Feng cried out with excitement, swallowing power gushing out like a river, and instantly swallowed the front few entourages.

And the power of swallowing began to spread on the ground immediately, and as the distance of spread continued to extend, the range covered by the power of swallowing was gradually expanding.

Gradually, those random people have already begun to lose the battle. Even though most of these people have special abilities, the abilities of the former with devouring power are obviously not enough!

auzw.com However, the defeat of most followers does not mean that all followers will be defeated by the dark side.

After all, Han Shanbo is also the overlord of one party, so how can there be a lack of masters under his hands!

Therefore, when the third entourage fell under the power of devouring, but among the entourage, he suddenly stood up such a guy who was enough to become a strong one.

"Don't think that you can be invincible by mastering the power of devouring. You must know that you are not the only one who possesses the power of devouring!"

As the saying goes, the strong have their own strong mid-hands, and a mountain is higher than the other. At this time, the old man springing out of this entourage.

It is also a master with swallowing power, and its swallowing power is extremely powerful!

If the real Chu Feng controls the devouring power at this time, then I am afraid he has no way to fight this old man!

Therefore, the existence of the current dark side of the wind proves his meaning.

"Do you want to compete with Devouring Power? It seems that you are deliberately letting me increase my strength!"

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth were raised slightly. When Chu Feng had not been replaced by Chu Feng in the dark, he didn't know that the swallowing force also possessed the special "sexual" ability to absorb energy from each other!

And when the dark side became the sovereign, he directly discovered this characteristic, and soon he firmly grasped this characteristic, although so far, he has been I haven't used it before, but this time the dark side is embarrassing, but it seems to have found a real opportunity to display it.

It's just a pity that this old man doesn't know what Dark Side Chufeng is thinking at all, and he even thinks he can face Dark Side Chufeng completely.

After all, among the strong, those who are still young will be looked down upon, because his practice time is too short, even if he has the talent to transcend ordinary people, it is difficult to improve his strength to transcend actual concepts. status.

And it is precisely because of these views that kill people, that one powerful person after another, in the battle that he could have protected himself, fell down!

At this time, this old man had also committed a "problem" that many strong men had committed.

The only difference between him and those strong is that he did not preserve his strength, but used his strength to the limit from the beginning.

As a result, his exertion with all his strength did make his late stage energy accumulation impossible to guarantee at all, so this also led to him being a disadvantage in the later stage of the battle!

"If you have confidence in your own devouring power, then you can do it! Anyway, I have never encountered an opponent in this aspect!"

The dark face is full of words, and the arrogant way of expression like him at this time is indeed very easy to arouse the anger of the opponent!

"The arrogant, die!"

The old man's face was flushed red, and he didn't know if he was using devouring power or because of anger.

In short, the appearance of the red face is really funny. But after all, they were fighting, so even the ridiculously dark face didn't show a smile.

Moreover, at this moment, the body has always been controlled by the dark side soul, so for the dark side beloved, a smile is basically a luxury, and it can even be said that it does not exist at all!

In the early days of the battle, the swallowing forces collided with each other, and Lao Tzu and the dark side were embarrassed, but it was barely a tie.

"Your strength is indeed very strong!"

The dark face retreated a few steps, and suddenly said such a sentence, but the corner of the mouth immediately afterwards again sneered!

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