Whimsical System

Chapter 1319: Phantom

But in the end he decided to stick to this idea, not for the other just to vent his sigh, and at the same time, he might assure that he would not die by doing so, although he planned to do this with the worst plan, but as long as All goes well, then he may survive!

So when the pre- and post-maintaining interests of the phantom were sorted out, his plan naturally appeared to be a matter of course.

It's just that Han Shanbo is forced to be the target of that, attracting the dark side to attack!

And, the saddest thing is Han Shanbo, who doesn't even know what he will face next.

For Han Shanbo, death is definitely a terrifying thing.

After all, it is precisely because he is afraid of death that he is willing to let the phantom take control of his body. As a result, his move not only failed to achieve the goal he wanted to achieve, on the contrary, he had to take his "life" into it.

It’s just that it’s too late to say anything. The phantom has already made a decision, and Han Shanbo has no ability to resist. As long as the phantom doesn’t give up control of the body, Han Shanbo must stand there honestly. .

Even though Han Shanbo was already aware of the danger at this time, he never thought that Void would actually regard himself as a victim.

The dark face and the wind's attack were about to fall on Han Shanbo, and the shadow was also ready for everything.

The swallowing force rushed down, and came straight to Han Shanbo.

And in that instant, Han Shanbo regained his consciousness in an instant, but it was a pity that the moment he opened his eyes, the energy of the dark side of Chu Feng's devouring force fell directly.

As a result, he didn't even have time to let out a wailing, he just lost all consciousness.

The damage to the human body by the power of swallowing is relatively huge, especially if the power of swallowing does not have any energy to resist, it can completely act recklessly in anyone's body.

As for the organs in the human body, it was impossible to withstand such a powerful impact. As a result, blood began to gush out of Han Shanbo's mouth and nose in just a few seconds.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the organs in Han Shanbo's body should have been severely traumatized, and his life has also been seriously threatened.

A blow was successful, but the dark side was beset with no feeling of winning.

Because all this is so easy, there is not even any resistance or energy fluctuations, if the phantom has given up resistance at this moment, it is understandable, but from the sentence that the phantom just said In the middle, you can see the phantom, and you are not willing to give up at all.

So precisely because of these concerns, those in the dark side and the wind secretly made preparations.

And just as he was guarding around, when the surroundings were changing, a trace of fluctuation in the air caught his attention instantly.

As a result, just when he was about to turn around to find out, the phantom's attack also came oncoming.

I have to say that the phantom is still somewhat capable, although he no longer has a body, but even in the state of a soul, he can also condense enough strong power.

The golden "color" light suddenly appeared in the air, and the feeling seemed to be born out of thin air.

Immediately after that beam of light, it acted on the dark side of Chu Feng.

As the dark side dodges the wind in time, the light is also at most, leaving a little scar on him.

auzw.com However, although it only left scars, the impact of the scars is shocking.

The trauma of seeing the bones deeply, the dark side of the wind has basically not experienced a few times, even if there is, it is the time to face a stronger opponent.

But now, in the eyes of Chu Feng on the dark side, the phantom is not so powerful at all, but he has also achieved this.

The dark face covered his chest, and he withdrew for a long distance one after another. In the process of his evacuation, his swallowing power directly wrapped his body completely.

At this moment, although the dark side of Chu Feng did not suffer the direct "sexual" life danger, but his strong sense of crisis still reminded him to be more careful and not to relax his vigilance.

At this time, the members of the forces who were still on the sidelines were still frightened about Han Shanbo's death, but now they are applauding the Void's attack again.

Since they didn't know the existence of the phantom, the attack at this moment, they naturally placed it on Han Shanbo.

It's just that they don't understand very well. Since Han Shanbo is dead, why can he launch an attack?

Could it be that Han Shanbo is not dead at all, and everything just now is just an illusion?

No one can guess the reason for this, after all, no one knows the existence of the phantom.

It's just that now Han Shanbo is indeed dead, no matter how powerful the phantom is, no matter how much he hurts the dark side, he has completely lost that body.

Moreover, after the offensive he had just now, he himself received a strong backlash.

Since he has no body at all for him to rest, he can only reluctantly float in the air, forcibly insisting on expecting to see the moment Chu Feng is defeated.

It's just a pity that he didn't see this result. Although Chu Feng was traumatized, it did not endanger his life.

And at this moment, his body is rapidly healing. Because of the dark side, Chu Feng possesses extremely powerful physical healing ability.

Therefore, even if Dark Side Chufeng was seriously injured, it was still not enough for his own ability.

A few minutes later, when the phantom was about to fall, the dark side Chufeng walked directly out of the package of Devouring Power.

At this moment, the injury on his body has been completely healed, and it is not even visible from the surface, and there is no sign of injury.

But the current situation is tantamount to a strong blow to the phantom.

Just now, he tried his best to bet on the attack displayed by his "life". At this moment, he was so easy to resolve the dark side.

From this we can see how huge the gap between the two of them is.

"After all, you won. I sacrificed everything and I haven't won yet! It seems that I am indeed not your opponent!"

The virtual shadow took the initiative to show up, when his transparent body gradually became clear in the air.

Dark-faced Chu Feng also completely saw his appearance.

It was a man with a delicate face. If it weren't for his rough voice at this time, Chu Feng would have no way to tell his age.

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