Whimsical System

Chapter 1338: Battle without spectators

When things were messed up, Chu Feng couldn’t persuade them at all, and he didn’t place too much hope on his words. If everything could be solved with words, then Chu Feng would not be on the way. It's so difficult.

The two behemoths attacked Chu Feng fiercely. Their attack methods were relatively simple. They used their strong limbs to cause damage to Chu Feng's body.

And what Chu Feng is best at is his agile body shape, so at this moment, he only needs to gently move his body shape to avoid all the attacks that come.

Even at some point, he could take advantage of the gap in avoidance and launch a counterattack against the two behemoths.

In short, the battle between these three people started from this moment, and the battle lasted long enough. I don't know why, it seems that this battle is about to happen.

No one can avoid it, and no one can deliberately stop it.

The two behemoths kept beating and running like this, shaking the earth and affecting everything around them.

After attacking again and again, Chu Feng whizzed past Chu Feng’s ears. Chu Feng could accurately feel the impact of that power, but although the power was strong, there was no way to touch him after all. The speed has reached an astonishing level, even astonishing, sometimes it can turn into fear.

The power of swallowing had already condensed into wings at this moment, and was "inserted" behind Chu Feng's whistling, driving Chu Feng's body to shuttle back and forth in the air.

At this moment, the two behemoths were like two crazy apes. Apart from the crazy roar and anger, there was nothing else there.

The sight in front of him made Chu Feng feel a little funny. He never felt that this battle was tense. Of course, although the troubles had existed before, when everything became a foregone conclusion, there was naturally no way for these troubles. Of distress.

The battle lasted long enough, and the two giants seemed to have made up their minds at this moment to clean up Chu Feng. It was just their idea. But when everything is really implemented, it will have a certain degree of difficulty. And this difficulty became more vigilant with Chu Feng's response.

The power of devouring has enough penetration ability. Although the body of the behemoth can withstand the sword, but there is no way to resist the influence of the power of swallowing. However, compared to ordinary people, their bodies do have some unknown secrets. If the swallowing power can be used for 100%, then only two or three levels of energy can penetrate into their bodies. in.

However, even if there are only these, it is enough to make the power of devouring, exert its effect.

The fighting time is from the first few minutes to the last hour. No one will draw an end to this battle, and no one will be the referee of this battle. All delays depend on each time. Personally, at this moment, if one person wants to retreat, then this war can end at any time.

It's a pity that no one is willing to do this, and no one dares to do it. Anyone who is timid to quit during the battle will often not end well.

Therefore, Chu Feng would not do this, and the two behemoths had no idea of ​​doing it at all, because they didn’t even know what withdrawal was, even if pain and death had already come to them, it would not make them. They produce any mood swings.

Now Chu Feng is not only wondering whether these guys are humans, or whether they are creatures.


If they are a composite of some machinery, then this matter may be easy to explain.

It’s just that if it’s a machine, how could these two behemoths be so perfect? ​​If there is such a high technology in this space, then why are there always cold weapons in the battles in these cities? Where's the figure?

So aside from all these related factors, Chu Feng still believes that the possibility of these two behemoths being creatures is greater.

At least they are flesh and blood, and the beating nerves can almost be seen clearly with the naked eye.

The space envelope caused by the swallowing power in the clear sky has already had a certain impact in this city. Everyone knows who the source of this swallowing power belongs to, the guards who chase the other two behemoths. , At this moment seems to have succeeded.

It's just that they didn't reveal the response for a long time. It may be that there was an unsolvable problem on their side, and they even no longer planned to trouble Chu Feng.

Chu Feng is no longer a trouble here. Solving the two behemoths is not difficult for him, but what is really difficult is investigating the origins of these two behemoths.

Old Chu had already made a guess, but this guess was not accurate enough. Chu Feng had his own thoughts, but when he fought these two behemoths, his thoughts were suddenly empty.

Falling to the ground on tiptoes, the swallowing force returned to the body like light smoke. The mist in the air in the midair was gradually fading at this moment, and even showed signs of drifting away.

The impact of the power of swallowing on the surrounding environment is also receding. The hands and feet of the two giants are suggested to be in a state of paralysis. The body that fell to the ground is like a mountain and can't be seen at a glance.

There is no audience in this battle, and naturally there will be no cheers.

Chu Feng felt a little tired, and the long-term use of Devouring Power had caused a great burden on his mind. This result was something he would have thought of long ago, and he had prepared for the price it would pay.

It's just that at the moment he feels a little unworthy, he thinks he shouldn't make this sacrifice, if only for these two behemoths.

Everything he did before seems to have lost his original value, at least, this gain and giving are not in the same parallel line.

The guard soldiers who had hunted down the other two behemoths had already returned. They seemed to have rushed back at the right time. I don't know if it was intentional.

"My lord, we successfully arrested one, but the other failed!"

The news that the guards brought back was not very good, and the one that ran away didn't know who was the bait.

If it is Old Chu, it may be easy to solve some things that at least Chu Feng can sense, but if it is a ghost, then this matter may be a little troublesome.

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