Whimsical System

Chapter 1359: Contest of numbers

"No one will force "sex" to ask you what to do. In fact, you have to think about it yourself. After all, only if you figure it out by yourself, then you can really make yourself alive!

Okay, now we don’t have to say too much, maybe I’ve said a lot, but it’s all for your good!

But now I can basically conclude that you already have a more certain idea, as for what to do next, even if I don't say it, you can know!

So, just do it according to your own ideas, don't take into account the attitude of others, and don't have to listen to others' persuasion!

Right now I am not asking for anything else, I just hope you can take it seriously and don't make this matter too complicated, and if you can survive, then naturally it will be better! "

Immediately after the Thirteenth Lord, Chu Feng was doing something to express his own thoughts. Obviously, Chu Feng's current attitude is much calmer than before.

It seems that he has already understood certain truths, knowing that just being angry can't solve the problem, and even doing so will not cause other effective results except for hurting himself.

Therefore, when Chu Feng realized this, he simply calmed his mind and stopped thinking about these things.

Anyway, there are these thirteen masters, helping him to support him, expecting that nothing will happen, and the result is too unacceptable.

"Come on, let's go! Now that the official forces have taken action against us, then the war between our two forces may not be avoided!

Now I give you a task. From now on, you will inform the various forces, including our own brothers, that they must gather before noon!

Remember this matter, you must not be delayed if you are not a small person! If I do too much, I won’t say anything, let’s go! "

After the thirteenth master distributed the order, he didn't care about other things. At this time, it seems that he is the subordinates, but he can indeed achieve a kind of ideological commonality with his subordinates!

Although Chu Feng couldn't understand the commonality in this respect, it doesn't seem to be important that Chu Fengli didn't understand it.

Besides, Chu Feng wasn't there either. Anyway, this wasn't his subordinates, even if they could understand it, could he take them out of this space together?

After everyone left, Chu Feng only left the children of the three major families.

And the thirteenth master was left alone, and his subordinates were already dispatched.

Maybe it was considering that there would be some changes in the middle of this, so the thirteenth master didn't keep any person at all, staying beside him.

"Master Thirteen, where shall we go to meet now?"

At the beginning of the action, the punishment did not communicate with the thirteenth master at all, so until now he does not know what the specific plan of the action is. Although he has completed the most important part, this does not mean that, He already fully understands!

"Now we have to rush to my base as soon as possible. There may have been some conditions there. After all, I am not there during this period, so I can't be sure about some things, but under normal circumstances it should be relatively stable!


After all, there are more than 20 brothers guarding it, and the base wall is hard enough to withstand the enemy's attack!

It's been more than an hour since I left there. If nothing else, it should still be under my control!

Now, we have to hurry there. When I gave the order just now, I also led everyone there!

If nothing else, all our cases can be gathered before noon, and then we can have a battle with the official forces.

In addition, Chu Feng, there should be a lot of people on your side, right? After all, I saw that the number of these people you just brought was not a lot. If it was a battle between two cities, then you should have a large army not coming! "

When the Shisanye asked this question, Chu Feng couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

At this time, he really wanted to say that he had a large number of troops that had not arrived, but he did not know where the large number of troops were.

In fact, he didn’t have any so-called large army at all. On this trip, he went to the city and I notified only the three major families. Although the three major families have arrived, they led only It's just a member of his own clan!

As for the hired staff, no one came at all at this moment.

According to the three major families, he was because they did not intend to cooperate with this war, because they represented that city. Even though Chu Feng controlled the city at this moment, he did not have any power to initiate a war.

In fact, in addition to the forces on the surface, there are actually some hidden forces in that city that control the overall situation.

Unless Chu Feng solves them all, otherwise, Chu Feng has no way to let all the residents of the city participate in this battle.

Of course, even though Chu Feng hadn't done this, the apparently snobbish manpower Chu Feng could still mobilize, so if Chu Feng had only these abilities at this moment, he was indeed underestimated.

After all, in addition to the children of the three major families left by Chu Feng, the teams of several other forces are also coming one after another, but this time may be somewhat uneven.

Even some talents have just set off from the city, and if they want to arrive here, it will take at least a whole day!

I don't know if this war will be over after they come here.

But since they have all come, naturally there is no reason for them to go back, and no one can guarantee that there will be other changes in the future!

Therefore, when the Thirteenth Master asked about Chu Feng, although Chu Feng felt a little inappropriate, he still ordered a little.

"That's fine. With your manpower, plus the amount of manpower I have been in during this period, it is estimated that our manpower should be able to exceed the official power!"

The Thirteenth Lord secretly calculated that the manpower of the various forces he was calculating, judging from the situation he knew so far, although the official forces had sufficient resources, their military reserves were not very large.

So as long as the thirteen masters can be completely assembled, it is not an impossible thing to surpass the official power in the total number!

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