Whimsical System

Chapter 1362: Huge gathering

"Okay, I can finally have a good rest here, this period of time can be regarded as exhausting me!"

After arranging the people of the three major families, Chu Feng finally had time to spend alone with the thirteenth master.

At this time, there is no longer any pretense, what it was before, what it is now, a lazy look, there is no trace of a dark side.

"Chu Feng has really worked hard for you during this time. The running between the two cities is definitely not something ordinary people can do!

Now that I can have today, it is all dependent on you. If this thing really succeeds, then I will prepare a great gift for you! "

The Thirteenth Master had already planned, although Chu Feng was puzzled when he said this.

But obviously, the big gift mentioned by the Thirteenth Lord at this time should be the energy mentioned by the power leader before.

It was proposed that the thirteenth master also intends to swallow this energy alone, trying to prevent anyone from knowing this matter.

But then the thirteenth master changed his mind again, because he felt that there was no way to do this with his own ability alone, and he might even lose his own under the influence of this energy. life.

So in order to be safe, he must find a safe person to do this with him, and now Chu Feng is naturally the most suitable candidate.

In addition, at that time, the Thirteenth Lord could take advantage of the opportunity to reward Chu Feng and bring this matter out logically!

Until then, even if someone else knew about this, they would definitely not dare to compete with Chu Feng.

After all, Chu Feng's strength had already reached that state of invincibility, so even if someone moved this thought, eventually they would gradually choose to give up.

When I thought of this, Lord Shisan couldn't help being excited by his wit.

Of course, in front of Chu Feng at this time, he naturally wouldn't show this excitement.

However, the joy in his heart, no matter how hidden it is, there will still be a little "reveal", and the kind of emotion displayed between his brows and eyes is exactly what he is feeling at this time.

"Thirteenth Lord, you seem to be very happy. Could it be that you already have confidence in this matter?"

Regarding rewards and other things, Chu Feng didn't take it to heart, because in his opinion, what the Thirteenth Master could give him should be nothing more than some money.

In the current state, Chu Feng had already lost interest in these things. In fact, he didn't know what exactly he needed.

In short, he has been searching for it all the time, and as a result, after searching to the end, what he gets is often not what he needs.

But something is better than nothing, and even if you don't need it, it can also be applied to yourself.

"It's nothing, just now I just made some imagination, thinking about it, I felt a little overjoyed in my heart, now that I come back to my senses, the feeling is disappearing again. No trace!"

The Thirteenth Master shook his head, and did not go, telling too much, and as for his explanation at this time, it also had a perfunctory meaning.

"Oh... it sounds like daydreaming!"

Chu Feng didn't care too much. At this moment, no matter what the Thirteenth Lord said, as long as it was about the current matter, Chu Feng would ignore it.


Even if the war stopped and there was no progress anymore, Chu Feng would not feel that there was anything wrong. After all, Chu Feng had never cared about this, even if it was the Thirteenth Master, what happened.

He couldn't guarantee that he would make a serious contribution.

After the two talked for a while, there was no more topic. In fact, even if they haven't seen each other for a long time, the two of them didn't have much to say.

After all, they knew from the very beginning that they weren't fellow travelers, and even at some point, the dark side of Chu Feng was more suitable for the Thirteenth Master than Chu Feng.

Of course, with regard to this kind of suitability, it must not last long, after all, the dark side has always wanted to survive alone.

If someone wants to be friends with him, then the final result will definitely make him regret it for life.

Therefore, if everything is not considered, Chu Feng is better than dark Chu Feng after all.

At least Chu Feng would not do anything wrong!

Waiting until noon was an extremely long process. Although it was only a few hours, it was very difficult for Chu Feng.

However, no matter how long the time is, it will eventually pass. It's just that there is more mental pressure in the process.

"They are almost here, we should also use the plan!"

The Thirteenth Lord suddenly opened his eyes. It turned out that he hadn't been asleep. It seemed that he was closing his eyes to rest his mind, and when the agreed time was about to come, the closing of his eyes seemed to stop.

"Do you want to do it now?"

It was not that Chu Feng was unprepared, but he felt that this incident had come a bit suddenly.

In fact, even if you let him do it a few hours ago, he wouldn't think anything wrong.

On the contrary, if he could do it in advance, it would make Chu Feng feel happy.

"Let’s take a look first, the current situation is not very clear! If the official forces have already begun to take action, then we can’t procrastinate, but I think they should not act rashly, at least if we have not provoked Before, they should be calmer!"

As the thirteenth master said, he brought Chu Feng to the place where many forces gathered.

That is a huge space. Although there are walls around it, it can still accommodate tens of thousands of people in this space.

At this time, basically most of the forces have already assembled here, and most of them have intersections with Chu Feng. Of course, this kind of intersection is obviously not much impression.

In addition, people from the three major families are also ready here, and besides the three major families, there are other forces in that city to join it.

I don't know where they got the news, anyway, many people gathered here from all directions.

It seems that they are all waiting for this moment, even if this moment might represent death.

"See it! Our appeal is still impressive enough! Now I want to see how the official forces will feel when they see this scene!"

When this vast scene appeared in front of Lord Shisan, the pride in Lord Shisan's heart could not be concealed at all!

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