Whimsical System

Chapter 1372: Devouring power

After all, the origin of Chu Feng is in every part of his body, so as long as his body is still intact, his swallowing power will never be lacking.

In contrast, the situation of the old man is a bit embarrassing. His supply of devouring power is blood "liquid". Although the supply of devouring power like this blood "liquid" is also very powerful, it is compared to its punishment. His energy reserve is obviously not enough!

Although in the current battle, his embarrassment has not been directly highlighted, as the fighting time continues to extend, the old man is very obvious and can feel that his journey of devouring is gradually declining, even like this The frequency of decline is not enough to cause the elderly to be alert, but the current state is definitely not a good sign for the elderly.

But because the current battle is too fierce, the old man has no way to extract too much thoughts to consider this matter. Moreover, Chu Feng would not let him consider it. Even if he considers it, there is no way to make it. change.

Unless it is the old man who voluntarily abandons this battle, and then enters a state of truce with Chu Feng, he will never have a chance to solve this problem.

During the battle, Chu Feng had been paying attention to the old man's expression, and when the old man's brows were slightly frowned and hesitated, Chu Feng immediately considered this aspect of the reason.

So he has not yet fully implemented this matter, but at least in his consideration, this situation should exist, and this possibility will also occupy a large part of the factor.

Starting from the corner of Feng's mouth, he already felt the joy of victory in the battle. Although it was too early to think about this at this time, victory never seemed too far for Chu Feng.

The battle between the two progressed to the 15th minute, and the old man's Devouring Power Reserve was obviously insufficient, and its attack speed and attack strength had already been slightly weakened.

Although Chu Feng didn't use his body to resist the old man's attack, the wave of the attack he pushed out showed very obvious signs of weakness.

However, Chu Feng did not relax his vigilance because of this. Chunfeng knew that this attack method, although it looks a little weak, still maintains a relatively high damage ability, so if he relaxes his vigilance now, then It is estimated that it will not take long for him to be attacked by the old man's limit, causing extremely irreparable injuries!

Therefore, even at this time, every attack of Chu Feng was very accurate, but it was not accurate, but it did not fall on the old man.

It may be that the old man has enough superb skills in evasion. As a result, every time he was punished, he thought he was going to hit the target, but the old man avoided it.

Of course, the old man had the same idea at this time, but this was not because Chu Feng’s evasion ability was better, but the old man’s attack speed had been significantly reduced, so even if he had the idea of ​​hitting, In the limited time, it has no way to make a decisive move!

However, even in this state, the fighting between the two did not have the slightest intention to stop. Chu Feng was completely unwilling to listen, because he was waiting for the old man's ability to completely weaken.

The old man always dare not listen, because he is afraid that he will be punished as soon as he stops, and he will be used as a live target for continuous attacks. Even if he wants to escape at that time, I am afraid there is no way to do it.


So now the old man’s mind only has one idea, which is to delay as long as possible, and then wait for Chu Feng to reach this state, then the two of them can fight in the same state, and the old man will definitely I am confident that I can win in that state. After all, he has trained for a long time about the attack method in the state of insufficient energy.

However, as the fighting time continued to extend, when half an hour came, the old man gradually felt something was not right, although Chu Feng's attack speed and attack strength had also declined slightly.

But the decline of it was obviously due to his lack of strength, as if Chu Feng was only slightly weakened in physical strength, but as to the power of swallowing, he had not changed at all.

The discovery of this result was tantamount to a blow to the old man. He always thought that he was stronger than Chu Feng in devouring power.

But now he realized that Chu Feng's devouring power seemed to be much stronger than himself.

Even though he has made great progress in the improvement of the power of devouring, and has already completely surpassed Chu Feng's experience, he is still no match for the influence of the word "talent" after all.

Sometimes it is not entirely through hard work and can shorten the distance between the two, as long as their talents are high and low, then the final result will be difficult to change after all.

The old man has fully understood this truth at this moment, and he also knows what the result will be, but there is such a obsession in his heart that he is not willing to give up, even if he knows that this result will happen, he will not Will give up!

"I do not believe!"

The old man's cry from the heart seemed to express his attitude towards a certain rule.

With the appearance of this shout, the old man’s attack speed and attack strength increased instantly. Of course, this attack speed and strength were not affected by the power of swallowing. In fact, the current speed and strength are nothing more than It's his physical performance.

Of course, even if it's just physical performance, from an overall point of view, this increase in speed and attack strength is still there, but it's just a little bit small.

The convulsions dodged the attack of the old man very neatly, and then launched a counterattack. At this moment, the old man seemed to have no chance to go to Shandong again, or the old man had no ability to go for a walk, because his devouring power was completely exhausted. , And if he only relies on dodge in the body, then his speed can't be reached that fast.

Although, at this critical juncture, the old man can remove the protection of his body, and then use the remaining swallowing power to move his body.

But he didn't do this, and the reason is very simple. To put it bluntly, he didn't dare to try this way, because if he withdrew the protection of the body from the power of swallowing, it would mean that his defense power would drop to zero. .

In that state, it is estimated that Chu Feng only needs to touch his finger gently, and that can cause great damage to his body.

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