Whimsical System

Chapter 1374: Absurd strategy

"How is the situation going?" Chu Feng mixed into the siege team and asked him when he came to the thirteenth master.

"You helped us withstand a lot of pressure. The situation is very good now. It is estimated that in another half an hour, we can break through this door.

At that time, even if they are so low-end, there will be no way to stop the influx of thousands of us.

Wait, their failure is a foregone conclusion, although I cannot guarantee that we will completely crush them, but at least in this war, we will not lose, after all, you are here! "

Most of the self-confidence that Thirteenth possessed came from Chu Feng. Now that Chu Feng defeated the old man, he was the biggest winner in this war at the moment.

The existence of Devouring Force is something that the official forces are afraid of. As long as the thirteenth master can successfully break through the city gate, then if Chu Feng enters the official forces' base, then there is only one massacre left!

At the same time, the official power base is busy. At this time, the death of the old man was a big blow to them.

The base command center gathered these four or five people, and among them, the old man with a cane and a leadership posture, looked at everyone with a sullen face and an insightful look.

"Now that things have become like this, should some of you come forward and explain to me?"

The old man's gaze wandered over everyone, as if he was not aiming at a certain person at the moment, but everyone present.

No one dared to speak at this time, because the answer was indeed not easy to make, and they did not dare to speak, because he did not know what fate would come after he made the answer.

"Do you think silence can solve the problem? The current situation, you should know better than me!

If the gate of the base is breached, then we will probably be forced to go to the battlefield. I am fine, I believe I will not go to the front and fight with them.

But what about you guys? As an example, shouldn't you make some moves? At that time, as long as there is such a slight threat, your "life" will be hard to protect.

Unless you have the ability to protect yourself, otherwise death is very close to you!

how about it? Think about it! Now is the time. If you don't think about it, I am afraid that after a while, you will no longer need to think about it! "

The old man's question gradually had some intentions. He hoped to get an accurate answer. At present, he does not fully understand the current situation!

He only knows that he is about to fail, and as for the reason for the failure, he has no clue at all!

Therefore, now he needs a person to take the initiative to introduce him to the current battlefield situation.

Then list the things they are currently facing, so that the elderly can have an accurate analysis basis.

auzw.com But it is a pity that none of them seem to understand the intention of the old man. Now silence has become their main theme. As for the specific content, it is a bit strange.

"Are you still reluctant to say it? If I were the enemy interrogating you at this time, you would indeed be understood by others, and I am very proud of you.

But don't you think this situation is a bit ridiculous now? I am not your enemy, but you remain silent with me, and I will not scare you if you do!

I just want to know about the current situation on the battlefield. Just tell me the truth, no matter who it is! "

The old man is also helpless, and now he no longer picks about anything, even he doesn't want to hide anything, but directly expresses his thoughts!

It seems that he should be more worried, otherwise he would never be so eager.

In fact, he also knows that if this kind of battle continues, failure will be inevitable for them, so he must hurry up and make a correct decision in the shortest possible time. . Otherwise, the reign of the official forces will probably end here!

When the old man spoke this sentence, everyone present seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. It turned out that they were indeed afraid.

After all, if it weren't for those fears, they wouldn't behave like this.

Now that the old man took back his previous words and made a promise to them, the subsequent responses would naturally become more frequent.

The first is the grandson of the old man, the young man who holds the basic rights.

"The current situation is not optimistic. The enemy's offensive is very fierce. Although we have been resisting, they are now in a blind corner. Bows and arrows can't "shoot" them at all. As for firearms. Basically, we rarely can do it too universally, so if we use firearms to attack, not only the consumption is relatively large, but the effect is also very general!"

"So, what methods have you always used to resist the enemy during this period?" the old man asked.

"In order to stop the enemy’s offensive more effectively, we can only appoint a part of the soldiers to fight with them outside the base, and try to weaken their fighting ability. Although this will be a great loss for us, at least we are Successfully defended the gate of the base.

Even if the base gate is breached, it is only a matter of time, but as long as we have the time, then we have the opportunity to do something that can really solve this battle! "The young man replied.

"Your decision is ruthless enough to let us use our own lives to resist them. Do you know how much this will affect us and how many people can withstand their massacre.

It is no exaggeration to say that if a few people go out, we will lose a few people, and for the enemy, they will not have any loss at all!

Do you really expect the soldiers sent out to slaughter the enemy? Don't be foolish, this is simply impossible!

I tell you, you better stop this matter quickly, otherwise our military will be shaken!

Think about it if you were waiting in the barracks one by one to leave the base, what would your mood be like?

At this moment, if there is a person who is afraid of life and death and has leadership intentions, he can easily plan a mutiny and let us all become his prisoners! "

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