Whimsical System

Chapter 1376: Unsuitable leader

"You are finally willing to give me a chance!"

The young man sighed, but what the old man said surprised him.

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't have time to listen to your useless words!"

The old man said coldly at this moment. Although he had already given in, on the surface, he still seemed to be no different from before.


The young man nodded angrily, and then said: "Under the current situation, if we don’t let the soldiers go out to hinder them, then we must find other solutions. At least we have to let them slow down. It’s too smooth to enter the base. In fact, I also know that the base will fall sooner or later. After all, there are so many of them. Even if we can resist, there is no way to completely interrupt their attack process!

But even if it will fall sooner or later, it must not be allowed to fall too quickly. In addition, we also need to let them know that if they want to attack this base, they have to pay a **** price!

It is best that we can make them lose most of their combat effectiveness when they enter our base! "

Young people's ideas are very good, but it seems that it is not easy to achieve this goal.

"Good idea, go on!"

The old man nodded. At this time, the young man canceled. There was an idea of ​​soldiers to resist the incoming enemy, but the cancellation of this idea did not seem to be of much help to the follow-up plan.

At the moment, what the old people want to hear is that the young people can come up with a real solution to the problem.

"I don't have a clear idea about what to do, but one thing is certain is that we want to solve this problem, that is, we must rely on the advantages of the base to make them suffer a little!"

The young man seems to have nothing to say here. Although he has a clear idea, he doesn’t know how to do it. In addition, he doesn’t know the current situation very well. If he is to go alone In command, maybe he can't complete the defense of this base at all!

"You didn’t think of anything that you are telling me now. What is the use? What I want to hear is a result, a solution that can really solve the problem, not just an idea. If it is just such an idea, then you have absolutely no The method has no effect on me!"

The old man was very dissatisfied with the result. The young people's words did not satisfy the old people, and even some disappointed the old people.

"Grandpa, I don’t have much time to think about this problem, but I can guarantee that if you give me some time, I will definitely find a better solution, but can it be before I think of a real solution? , Continue to let the soldiers interfere with their project progress?"

It turned out that the young man talked about it, but he just wanted to buy a little more time. He didn’t know about the loss of the base, but he wanted to be able to maintain it for as long as possible before the base fell. Don’t let him. Witness the loss of the base so quickly!

"Absurd! You want me to use your thoughts that have not yet come to fruition in exchange for the "life" of so many soldiers. Do you think this is realistic?

If you are a soldier now and your leader is making such a decision, what do you think?

auzw.com knows that you will die if you leave here, but he still lets you go, and whether you go or not, the result won’t make much difference, even If you go, nothing will change!

What value do you think your death has? What is the meaning of your death and your life? "

The old man asked the young man two questions in a row, and each question was a question of life for the young man.

The young man is silent and unreliable. He is thinking about this issue. He has never considered this issue before turning to a soldier before considering whether or not he should do this. Even though the old man often likes to say this, he often Think of it as deaf ears.

But now it is different. When this reality is placed in front of him, he seems to have nowhere to hide. Even if he has this idea, he can't let himself completely abandon it.

"Grandpa, I know this thing is difficult to do, but as the leader, we must be tougher, otherwise how can we achieve great things!"

The young man didn't know where he heard these truths. Perhaps he was reading a certain leader's book and believing in their belief that sacrifices can be rewarded.

That's why he will apply this idea to reality at this moment, but he misunderstood that their sacrifices are meaningful, and his sacrifices at this moment are just taking risks, and this risk is the ultimate gain. , It is simply not proportional.

"Speaking this sentence from your mouth, I really can't believe it! I even have some doubts now that it is a mistake to train you as an heir!

If you have been adhering to this method, to treat your subordinates!

Then I can be sure that it won’t take long before they will turn their backs on you, because you are not a competent leader! "

The old man made a fair evaluation of the young man, and in front of this evaluation, the young man felt a little nervous.

Maybe he didn't listen to the other words, but there was one sentence he kept in his heart, that is, the old man said that he might not be suitable to be a leader!

At this time, no matter what concept is written in the book, no matter what kind of classics he has read, no matter how wonderful the truth is, and as long as he is no longer the leader, then all these are nothing but clouds.

Perhaps it is only now that this young man really feels the fear, the kind of results that may be lost, and is very likely to appear, is now covering the young man.

The young man's face was "pale", his eyes staring tightly, as if he wanted to express a certain emotion, but he was unwilling to express too clearly because of the worry in his heart.

"Why, do you have anything to refute me?"

The old man's eyes fixed on the young man, his eagle-eyed eyes almost always see through the young man.

The young man shook his head almost mechanically, his lips trembled, and his face became pale.

"Grandpa, you misunderstood...I have always wanted to be a true leader. And you have been my learning goal for many years.

I know that maybe my grandson has let you down, but please believe that everything that grandson does is to bring us into power! "

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