Whimsical System

Chapter 1383: Hard entrance

The war outside the gate of the base has never stopped, although the resistance inside the base is now much weaker than before.

But those bows and arrows that fly have never been lacking.

Lord Shisan led everyone and devoted all of their energy to the breach of the base gate.

But you must know that this is not an easy task. Although they have worked **** this gate, it takes a lot of hard work to completely destroy the entrance made of steel.

Due to personnel deployment and physical exertion, there will also be a gap in this battle. Although the time is not very long, as long as there is a gap, the thirteenth Lord will take the initiative to find Chu Feng and hold an emergency meeting with him to discuss it. There is a plan for the next step.

Before, Chu Feng had been fighting the old man who was good at using devouring power in the air, and he had no time to take care of the battle on the ground.

Although he has been integrated into the battle on the ground now, he doesn't know much about the battle on the ground. As for things like battle plans, he has no clue.

However, since it was Lord Shisan who asked him to discuss, then he could only cooperate. After all, Lord Shisan could only consult him.

The leaders of other small forces are not reliable at all. Even if they are united now, they are still driven by interests. Once those people have the right to make decisions, they will definitely take this opportunity to do it for themselves. For personal gain.

Therefore, there may be changes in this category, and even certain changes will occur. Naturally, it will not be adopted by the thirteenth master.

"The attack on this gate may take some time. At first I thought that the base was not that strong, but I didn't realize that I was wrong until later. It turned out that the base was all made of steel.

Although it looks like some rocks have accumulated on the surface, in fact, inside the rocks is a pile of iron "liquid" that has solidified for a long time.

If my estimation is correct, they should have cast a concrete wall first, and then poured a solution of steel into it.

After the steel is solidified, the wall of this base will become the casting of steel. Under normal circumstances, if you are willing to work so hard to do this work, it must be a big deal. After all, it is just the workload of building the base. , That is surprising enough.

As for pouring iron "liquid", it is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight. After all, we still underestimate the power of the official power.

The suffering that we can't plan now has gradually become prominent. Now if we can't open the door of the base in time, we will be trapped outside.

Three thousand people are piled up here. Even if we are safe for the time being, at some point we will be exposed and within their attack range.

Nowadays, whether it is to enter the base or evacuate the base, that is a very dangerous thing, and in comparison, evacuation from the base is even more dangerous.

auzw.com Now almost everyone is thinking about how to enter the base. The gate of the base is so strong that to destroy it, you have to work harder.

But now we do not seem to have any good methods other than brute force.

Not long ago, I tested the sturdiness of the gate with the power of swallowing, and I found that even if the power of swallowing penetrated here, it would not have much effect at all.

Of course, this may also be because my ability is not very strong, so the power of swallowing can't exert its powerful effect in my hands. "

The Thirteenth Master briefly explained the specific situation to Chu Feng. At the same time, he also explained the difficulties they are currently encountering and what they must do at present. After listening to the Thirteenth Master, Chu Feng also I feel that this matter has a certain degree of difficulty.

Devouring force is a relatively powerful force, even if it will exert a different effect in everyone's hands.

But no matter what, it is more than enough to destroy something. But the Thirteenth Lord unexpectedly has no way to cause too much damage to the gate of the base, which means that the gate must have been specially treated, otherwise the devouring power will not be so unbearable.

And listening to the meaning of the thirteenth master, he should also want Chu Feng to try it.

After all, Chu Feng's devouring power ability was much stronger than the thirteenth master, and if Chu Feng had come out, perhaps this matter would be resolved faster.

Of course, there is an idea about this aspect, it is just the idea of ​​the thirteenth master, and as to whether the result will be like this, he is not too sure.

"The destruction of the base gate is something we must do now! After all, we have too many people. If there are only a few people, then I can take you into the base first, but now we have three thousand people here. It is obviously unrealistic to carry over the city wall one by one. In addition, this dangerous "sex" is too great.

Now even I dare not enter the base alone, so let alone bring other people in!

In fact, I can see that the destruction of the base gate has not been very smooth. Just now you said that the power of swallowing can only cause a little damage to this gate.

Then I am a little guessing whether this gate has undergone a special transformation. If it is only steel, the power of swallowing should be able to destroy it. Even if your ability is not very "glamorous", it is definitely It will not only affect it!

Another more important point is that your strength is actually not very weak. Aside from the physical reserve, your devouring power can basically reach nearly 40% of my ability!

Under normal circumstances, like your swallowing force, basically it can destroy some fixed metals, unless the thickness of those metals is exaggerated, so you can't find a complete penetration!

But if it is just ordinary metal, you can basically destroy it.

So if your damage does not have much impact on the gate of this base, it can only mean that this gate is too special, maybe even me, maybe it won't get too obvious effect! "

Some of what Chu Feng said made the Thirteenth Lord feel unreliable, because from his words, the Thirteenth Lord felt that Chu Feng seemed unwilling to do so. Of course, this was only his understanding, and what Chu Feng explained Yes, it is just a theory!

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