Whimsical System

Chapter 1391: Celibate

The Thirteenth Lord had already given the final confession to the leader of this small force, and all the consequences had been "projected" through words.

Today the leader of the small forces obviously only has two options.

Either give up or continue to stick to it here. In fact, if the thirteenth master is allowed to make this decision, he would rather this little power leader not be here, because there is only such a person, which will eventually affect the overall unity .

Although the current unity is not so stable, it is at least better than when the leader of the small forces was here.

"You are threatening me, don't think I really don't know what the result will be! After I leave here, I can still continue to be my business on my territory.

At most, it makes me give up something that shouldn't belong to me. Besides, what can they do to me?

If they really defeated you, would they really want to be the only one? It must be absolutely impossible. If the city had only one power, it would not take long for it to decline.

Even if there are no problems in the city, other cities will look at it! "

The truth of the leader of the small forces is just a final defense for himself!

In fact, when the Thirteenth Lord said this sentence, the energy in his heart had already been vented!

But the reason why he is still insisting now is just that he doesn't want to lose too badly!

But now the price of his persistence also means that he will not be able to survive in this alliance.

Even though he had the idea of ​​keeping, he had no chance to continue to stay.

No one cares about his departure, and even many people are already looking forward to his departure!

After all, he has always been alone. His subordinates have been completely assimilated by this alliance. When they heard that the leaders of the small forces were going to leave, they were all hesitant to go with him.

If they walk with him, they will be completely helpless. Is that what they need? Those subordinates hesitated, and at this time the thirteenth master also threw an olive branch to them.

If they betray the leader of the small forces, they may have such a bad influence in a short time.

But these bad influences are really not that important to them. Moreover, their betrayal brought them endless rewards.

Abandoning the leader of the small forces to join the Thirteenth Lord, this is something they have determined so far, and only the leader of the small forces does not understand this, perhaps this is the starting point of all his tragedies!

"No one cares about you, and no one will threaten you by leaving. After all, you have proposed everything yourself. Now you want to leave and no one can stop you, but you want to stay. But it seems to be a little difficult.

You can ask them to see what they think of this matter, if they think you should stay, maybe you still have a chance, but if they all want you to go, then I am afraid I will come out in person , It does not seem to be easy to solve this matter! "


The Thirteenth Lord has completely gained the upper hand, and what kind of decision did the leader of the small power make at this time? Anyway, the leader of the small forces has no chance, and he may really have to go!

When the topic has reached this point, the leader of the small forces also feels a little hard to tell. This matter has already left him at a loss. Now that he wants to stay, it is indeed his thoughts, but after staying, he should stand again. Where?

Besides, can he really stay? The leader of the small forces has no confidence at all, because this alliance has nothing to do with him from the beginning. Although he is a member of it, even if he leaves when the time comes, it will not shake the alliance at all. , After all, Lord Shisan is the center of the entire alliance, and now he confronts the center, the final result is just to hurt himself in vain!

"I can see that this alliance can no longer accommodate me! Even if there are one or two neutral leaders, it seems that it will not affect my current destiny!

Forget it, since you all think so, then I just leave!

Anyway, I have enough now, even if I hand it in at that time, it's no big deal! "

The leader of the small forces finally made the decision, and his next step was to greet his subordinates to leave, but only then did he suddenly realize that he had no supporters, even his most trusted deputy leader. , Has also betrayed at this moment.

"You can leave by yourself. Your subordinates are all people who can judge the situation. Maybe you will treat them like fools, but here they have found their true selves.

Therefore, it is obviously unrealistic that you want to take them away again. Your leader is now a polished commander!

If you want to go, just go alone! No one will keep you, and as for everything you have, even if we win, we will not rob you.

Of course, what I represent is also our forces, and as for how the leaders of other forces think about it, then I naturally cannot interfere too much.

However, I also believe that they should not do too bad things! "

The words of the Thirteenth Lord are not like comfort, but more like an incentive. At this time, although he has promised that he will not be an enemy of the leader of the small forces, what he said just now is actually Give a hint to other leaders.

At that time, it felt as if I could not attack him, but you could attack him at will.

After all, he has only one person, occupying his territory and occupying everything he possesses. For a power, it is basically a matter of hand.

Such a piece of fat, how could it not be greedy by others!

"If you are ruthless enough, let's take a look, even if I alone can't make a big storm in this city, then I have to make you look down upon you!"

After the leader of the small forces viciously dropped a threatening word, he left the alliance directly.

Nowadays, most of the base that has been destroyed has become the leader of the small forces, the beginning of nothing.

"Okay, the trouble has been solved, let's take care of ourselves!

Before it gets dark tonight, we will launch our final offensive against the official forces. By then, it must be a fierce battle. You must prepare early! "

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