Whimsical System

Chapter 1403: Gap escape

But one thing to be thankful for is that although the current situation is not very good for Chu Feng.

But this is also not an advantage for young people, because according to Chu Feng's observation, he found that when young people teleported a long distance in succession, his body gradually began to be a little unbearable.

Maybe his soul is more than enough to use this ability, but his body is simply not enough to support, and his continuous use of this ability.

Therefore, the sequelae caused by this ability at this moment are directly manifested at this moment.

But young people are quite able to hide themselves. At least when he noticed that his body was a little uncomfortable, he hurriedly covered up his breath, although the process of covering up was not enough to be unaware.

But at least for the three entourages, this can be said to be past.

After all, he is facing the three followers now, as long as the three followers do not observe carefully at this moment, then this abnormality will basically not be discovered.

However, with Chu Feng's temper, how could he let young people hide their flaws so perfectly!

Even at this moment, the three followers did not notice what is happening now, but Chu Fengna had to tell the three people through language,

The purpose is to let young people know that even if you hide it, it is completely useless.

"I thought you were really good? But who would have thought that you can't bear it at just such a distance. It seems that I have too high expectations of you!

But this can also be forgiven. After all, this is not your body. If you replace it with your body, perhaps your situation can be greatly improved!

But what can it be? You should have no body now, at this time you can only borrow this young man's body for short-term applications!

Poor, what does it mean to be alive without a body?

If I were you, maybe I should have given up long ago. It would be better to stay and leave. After all, this is a bit of comfort for you! "

Chu Feng said these words very loudly, and the purpose was to deliberately let the three followers hear them. At this time, when Chu Feng said these words, the three followers, although they did not make too obvious reactions,

But one thing is certain is that these three followers definitely heard what Chu Feng said.

And they were attracted by Chu Feng's words.

If your leader has such a thing, how can he not be noticed by them?


Even if they are willing to believe it, this is a miracle. But miracles are often cracked, so when Chu Feng said this sentence, although they did not make a too obvious reaction, at this moment they have begun to doubt, and they are also trying to observe , Young people try to be able to observe some details that are difficult to capture from the young people's every move.

However, for the young people, these actions are completely unknown. After all, the young people are also facing them at this time, so there is no way to observe their expressions and reactions.

Moreover, he is not willing to entangle too much on this issue at this moment. His only goal is to solve it, to get Chu Feng to get rid of the current troubles, and then restore the base to its previous state as soon as possible. Clean up these endgames completely.

So when Chu Feng said this, the young man didn't think of anything else at all. At this time, he had only one purpose, and that was to solve Chu Feng as soon as possible, and he must not be able to escape!

However, when the young man left his original position and had this incident, the original exit position was also exposed.

Perhaps this was a young man's wrong way of fighting. Although Chu Feng's attack was sharp and enough to cause him damage, he really shouldn't escape from the original exit position.

In addition, it may also be because he felt that he was fully capable of keeping Chu Feng in this room.

That's why he didn't hesitate to make way for Chu Feng, and at this time the tangled thing was naturally Chu Feng. Looking at the exit, Chu Feng had two thoughts in his mind, one was to continue. Fight on and leave until after victory.

The other is to take this opportunity to escape quickly, but no matter which option it is, this seems to have a certain risk. In contrast, to escape, although it is a fluke, at least there is some hope.

After all, if this is the case, Chu Feng doesn't need to fight for too long, and doesn't need to endure anything.

Questions such as risks naturally existed during his escape.

And compared to all the methods, this risk is undoubtedly the biggest, because Chu Feng once again gave his back to his enemies, unless Chu Feng escaped from the exit backwards.

But this way of escaping backwards seems to be not up to the standard in terms of speed. Moreover, even if it is facing each other, it is completely possible to be attacked. After all, in the course of the battle, it has never been said that the backside and the front are attacked differently.

Therefore, even though Chu Feng had made a decision at this time, he still had to give himself some psychological persuasion at this moment, so that he should not be nervous as much as possible, and should not make some wrong moves.

After all, every move at this moment may directly determine his fate, and right now when Chu Feng did not attack the young man, and the battle between the two stopped slightly.

The young man immediately discovered the problem with the exit, and at this time he was basically able to guess what Chu Feng's next move was.

If Chu Feng does not attack himself, then he must flee. Although this idea can be thought of by an individual, it is not easy to make what kind of decision under this situation. Yes, after all, this is a choice between defense and attack, and this choice is just a test of a person's ability to react.

The clock in the room was ringing ticking, and when the clock rang for three seconds, Chu Feng suddenly started to act. There is no doubt that Chu Feng naturally went straight to the outside of the room.

At this time, the young man also reacted in that instant and began to attack Chu Feng, including the three who stayed aside and acted as the three followers of the audience. Coming up, I wanted to intercept Chu Feng.

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