Whimsical System

Chapter 1413: Quarrel after relaxation

The young man’s last question was like a joke about life for this entourage.

At this moment, as long as he is a little careless, he may make a decision that he regrets for life.

So when faced with this question, this entourage also racked his brains to think about how to answer, and while waiting, the young man’s eagerness to "show" it was also a direct expression. "Exposed" on his face.

The entourage looked at him nervously, not knowing how to respond, but after thinking about it for a long time, the entourage only said one sentence. There does not seem to be much answer related to this matter.

"Young Master, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to solve this matter more properly.

If this decision is risky for you, or it is not satisfactory to you, then your subordinates can only express their incompetence and cannot make a decision that satisfies you! "

Since the entourage didn't know how to say a sentence, the young man responded with satisfaction.

Therefore, he can only use his incompetence as a reason to prevaricate and perfunctory, but who ever thought that this sentence fell into the ears of young people, but it completely changed the taste.

The young man thought that he wanted to give up on this matter and stopped making any considerations, so he said such a sentence in anger, but the entourage's explanation did not justify himself from the young man.

Instead, he got himself in a lot of trouble.

"Listening to what you mean, it seems to be blaming me. Could it be that I made you come up with this idea? Do I have to let myself make sacrifices and put my "life" aside without thinking about it. In order for you to think about something more smoothly?"

The young man’s questioning can almost be said to “force” to prove the psychological defense of the entourage.

No way, young people have misunderstood. Even if they explain at this moment, they don’t seem to have any changes to the current state. In some cases, there may be some, which is even more unacceptable. result.

The entourage didn't know how to do it. The current situation had exceeded his expectations, and he couldn't even think of what would happen next.

At this moment, all he can do is to quietly accept the reprimand from the young man. No matter how bad the young man says, no matter what decision the young man makes, he must accept it.

And only in this way can this matter gradually calm down, but even if he thinks so, the current situation is not as smooth as he imagined.

The anger in the heart of young people is not to say a few harsh words, express the temper in the heart, and it can be solved. At this moment, what young people need is a solution to the problem, not a place to express their anger.

At the same time, Chu Feng in the air was still in that state of anxiety.

auzw.com has already made a lot of noise. Although he can't hear what the young people are talking with, but at this moment, looking at their words and deeds, you can guess one or two from it. They must have appeared inside. "Chaos", although the current situation hasn't reached the point where it can't be stopped.

But the excitement at this time was extraordinary, but it was exactly what Chu Feng wanted to see.

The long wait must be an extremely painful thing for Chu Feng. Although he is not afraid of waiting, the process of waiting still makes Chu Feng feel more tortured, especially when he is waiting here. In the process, there will be some things that affect his thoughts from time to time.

For example, the voice of Old Chu or the voice of the soul body, they seemed to be talking about something, as if they were negotiating.

As for the specific content, Chu Feng couldn't understand it at all, and didn't know if they had completed it. Anyway, as long as Chu Feng didn't ask, the two of them would basically ignore the existence of Chu Feng.

It wasn't until a long time passed that Old Chu suddenly asked Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, now we have a problem here that we can't dispute. You may have to make a judgment."

This sudden voice was a good thing for Chu Feng, at least Old Chu's situation had been stabilized, and there would be no major changes, but there seemed to be some disputes between the two of them.

However, in the current situation, no matter what the dispute is, it is better than Lao Chu disappearing.

"What's the dispute between the two of you? You were able to discuss together for integration before. Is there anything else you can't discuss now? You have to let me make this decision for you?"

Chu Feng felt a little curious, maybe it was because he was too happy, so naturally he asked more questions in terms of questions. In fact, he didn't need to ask too much about this aspect of things, because from his heart In the middle, that is not much interested in this matter, but at this moment of excitement, there is less deliberate temperance on the lips.

In the end, I asked what I shouldn't ask. I asked all the questions at the moment, and the curiosity to know the truth seemed to increase at this moment.

"You are right. We did discuss something just now, but what we are discussing now is exactly the follow-up issue of that matter.

You must know that the reason why I let him merge with me was because of certain conditions, but now that he hasn't acknowledged it after the incident is completed, do you think this matter is appropriate? If it is not appropriate, should you stand up and say something fair? "

Hearing this matter, it seems that there is really a need for "sex", so the current situation is not particularly bad, but since there is a conflict between the two of them, then Chu Feng, who is the intermediary, is down. Indeed, he should set an example, at least he had to express his own opinions no matter what, instead of letting the two of them continue to argue.

Otherwise, this situation is likely to cause them to conflict from within, and eventually some big problems will arise.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the situation first. It just so happens that I have a certain amount of time to help you do this analysis. Then, as long as you can explain the course of the matter to me clearly, then who is right and who is wrong will naturally be able to Draw a fixed conclusion in my mind!"

Chu Feng was unwilling to take over this matter, but for the sake of overall unity, he had to "intervene" in this matter, and understanding the ins and outs of this matter has become Chu Feng's first thing to do at present. .

"Let me first say that before that, he took the initiative to find me and wanted to integrate with me, and he said that he also took part of the risk, so he wanted me to ask for a lower price, otherwise it would be for him It is also a relatively large influence. I was out of consideration for you at the time, so I directly agreed!"

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