Whimsical System

Chapter 1429: arrange plan

"Almost, I have come up with a better plan, but this plan may be a bit difficult for you.

Because I have to let you take refuge in thirteen before you can implement this plan! "

"Young Master, do you mean we want us to surrender?" the entourage asked.

"Yes, now is a critical period. If we directly confront them, our chances of winning are not great.

But if you mix into them and then profit from it.

Well, we can basically get a relatively large record, but this will be a relatively big test for you, because you must strictly guard this secret for me, and absolutely cannot reveal it.

Otherwise, our plan will fall short, do you know? "

The soul body is only asking one thing, and has not solicited anyone's opinion, in fact, from here on, he has already finalized the plan.

That means that no matter what happens, as long as he thinks the plan is okay, everyone must respect his orders.

"Young Master, would it be too risky to do so? After all, Thirteen basically distrusts us!

What if, after we return, what will they do to us?

In this case, wouldn't it be equivalent to digging our own graves? "

The idea proposed by the follower was something that the soul body had not considered before, and Lord Shisan might not make such a decision anymore.

After all, during this period, the disputes between them continued, and there were a lot of casualties. Now that they are about to surrender if they are about to be defeated, it is no wonder that they will not be killed by the thirteen.

It's just that under the current situation, although the soul body also has this worry, he still trusts Chu Feng after all, and he thinks that Chu Feng should be able to help him solve these problems.

Although he was not very sure that this matter would definitely proceed smoothly according to Chu Feng's plan, as long as there was such an opportunity, he felt that he should cherish this opportunity.

"Don't worry, I have made arrangements for this aspect. As long as we don't have any big accidents, then the thirteen side will not hurt us.

You can even get the position you want, but it will naturally not be better than you are now! "

The soul body has already given a guarantee, which can be regarded as some guarantee for the followers, but they also won't, so the worry in their hearts is completely wiped out!

After all, this matter still has a certain degree of change, and if these changes eventually produce the kind of results they are worried about, it is indeed difficult to face!

"Young Master, although we will not disobey your orders, for the sake of safety, should we first seek the advice of our master? After all, the order we received is to defend the base, not to surrender!

So even if we believe in the young master’s decision, we cannot disobey the master’s order just because we believe in the young master! "

The current result was obviously unexpected by the soul body. He had been considering various results, but he had never expected such a result.

"What do you mean? Don't count my orders? Who is in control now? If it is the master, then you should ask him, if it is me, then you will obey my orders, no more Other ideas!

How to decide, think about it for yourself, I won't say much! "

auzw.com The soul body had a cold face, and at this moment his anger was basically expressed from his face.

As a result, his words directly made the entourage on the spot completely speechless. The young master had never had such courage, but now he has such courage, which really surprised them.

However, since the soul body has issued the order, they naturally can only obey the order. Even if they feel that this matter is a bit inappropriate, it is not enough to change the impact of the Young Master's order on them.

"Observe Young Master!"

In desperation, these entourages and soldiers can only choose to obey the orders of the soul body.

Although most of them have some worries, the worries in their hearts are nothing more than thoughts.

But what they really want to do will not change because of their thoughts.

"That's right! Alright, you guys quickly prepare!

Try not to fight with them as much as possible. I have arranged there. If everything goes well, they will come soon. Then you only need to surrender obediently, and that will be enough.

As for me, none of you should "disclose" my whereabouts. I will naturally meet you in another capacity when that happens! "

The words of the soul body once again aggravated the worries in these people's hearts. If the soul body acts with them, perhaps they still have these promises in their hearts.

But now the soul body is going to act alone, and listening to the meaning of that sentence, it seems that it will not become the captive of the thirteenth master with them.

"Young Master, are you not returning with us?" the entourage asked.

The soul said: "It's not that I won't return, but the time has not yet arrived. I have other things to do. If I return to thirteen with you directly, then my end will be a dead end after all. !

Even because of my appearance, your destiny will not be any better!

So in order to be safe, I have to flee for a while, so that you can safely join their camp first.

And only in this way can I truly find the right opportunity to implement our plan smoothly! "

Although the explanation given by the soul body is a bit far-fetched, it is not unreasonable.

So even if this reason is not perfect, it still achieves the effect it should achieve.

After arranging everything, the soul body left directly.

At the same time, the soul that had been driven out before just happened to be hiding around here at this moment.

And he also had a relatively general understanding of the plan described by the soul body.

After the soul body left, the entourage here also started a small-scale discussion.

"Young Master asked us to surrender, I am really worried!"

"The same is true for us. Is this plan okay? The young master will not be with us either. If we just let us be cannon fodder, then the young master would have done too much!"

Carrying the soul body, these followers would also say some arrogant and bold words, but when they said, they would generally lower their voices.

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