Whimsical System

Chapter 1437: Documented document

"You can see my workload? I tell you that there is absolutely no exaggeration in what I said. This is my daily life. Now you should always know how hard I have been!"

Repetition is completely understandable. There is absolutely no ostentation in the words of the thirteenth master. He is just complaining, because this kind of life is definitely not what he has longed for before, although he likes rights and status. , And at this time he also achieved his goal.

But such a miserable life is definitely not what he wants.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now, the situation is already like this, no matter how much it says, it won't help.

"Well, it seems that I was the one who blamed you before. The current workload is indeed not something ordinary people can complete. Even I am afraid I can't achieve this limit!

Let’s talk about it, what do you want me to do for you, I will definitely do my best, even in the future, even in the process of investigation, I can come here to help you in those few days, as long as you need me, I’m fine. , Anyway, the plan has not been implemented yet, and I have nothing to do. Instead of letting me stay there boringly, it's better to help you! "

Chu Feng took the initiative to ask Ying, this is the result that the thirteenth master hopes most.

"Hey~ You finally said the words I always wanted to hear. In fact, I don’t hide it from you. I just want you to help me, because if I handle these things alone, then I will It's really too busy!

But if you help me, these things will become much easier!

Besides, we can also discuss with each other, so that we can take care of each other! "

There was nothing wrong with the idea of ​​Thirteen Ye, anyway, he didn't care whether Chu Feng would affect him, and he also knew that Chu Feng had no interest in his power at all.

Otherwise, Chu Feng had already mastered all the rights, after all, with the current strength of Chu Feng, how could the thirteenth master be able to restrain him!

"It turns out that you have been waiting for me here! I thought you were really tired, so I asked me to help. It turns out that you want to get some useful help from me. The request made is just a bargaining chip for you to convince me!"

Chu Feng seemed to wake up a lot in an instant, and understood some of the minds of the thirteenth masters, even if he was not sure, what he said at the moment was indeed the case.

"Nor say that. We don’t have anything to use each other. It’s just a help. You can help me, and I can help you. I’ll help you investigate this matter, and you can help me solve it. Question, we are all mutually beneficial.

Isn’t that normal as a friend? Don't mix any other thoughts into it, otherwise our relationship will become impure! "

The Thirteenth Lord was serious, but everyone could tell that he was talking nonsense.

It's just that Chu Feng is unwilling to expose him, and there is no need for it. Since he wants to pretend, let him continue.

Anyway, what he did would not affect anyone. On the contrary, Chu Feng could still get joy from it. Why not do something like the best of both worlds?

"Okay, okay, even if what you said is right, let's not pursue this, okay? Are you in a hurry to complete these things? Then let's get to the topic quickly, I can't wait, it just happens to be me I also want to know what exactly is bothering you!"


Compared to the thirteenth master Chu Feng was even more anxious, this was actually an outrageous thing.

And since Chu Feng had already put forward this request, the Thirteenth Lord was naturally happy to meet it!

Soon after, Lord Shisan picked up a document from the ground and handed it to Chu Feng's hand.

"Let's take a look, you will definitely be interested in the things recorded above!"

The 13th master looked triumphant, as if he had learned a lot of secrets that Chu Feng didn't know, and now he is officially revealing these secrets.

After Chu Feng took the document, he glanced at the record above, and it turned out that what was recorded on it was very interesting for punishment, because what was described in the document was the source of Devouring Power.

"Where did this come from?"

As Chu Feng read the contents of the document, he asked the thirteenth master.

"These documents are all in the base! It doesn't look like they are fake. After all, the records are so clear and there are certain truths.

Although I haven't actually tested "sex", one thing is certain is that these things are very organized and "sex" definitely doesn't seem to be ridiculous! "Thirteen Lord replied.

"It's too early to say this. After all, the things on this have not yet been determined. What do you want to take out these things? Do you want to practice? Or organize them?"

Chu Feng was very curious about this matter, and Chu Feng had always been more enthusiastic about the power of swallowing.

Because, although his devouring power is very powerful, but he has not found a way to improve at all.

Everything is all relying on the souls of the dark side to help him, and if there is no dark side soul to help him, I am afraid that his devouring power will not be improved at all.

So if we can find some other way to replace the soul of the dark side, it may be a blessing for Chu Feng!

"When I first discovered it, I originally wanted to use the above methods, and then I practiced it myself. After all, I am also good at devouring power. If I can use the above methods to improve in this respect, then this is for In terms of my power consolidation, it can be considered very helpful.

However, after experiments, I learned that this method is not so easy to succeed, and it is likely to affect the body.

So out of prudent considerations, I did not try rashly anymore, and now I have moved this idea again, but I dare not make this decision, so I want you to help me study it and see I am not suitable for this method, if it is suitable, then I will take the risk and try it once, if it is not suitable, I will simply give up! "Thirteen Ye explained.

"I thought you were making things difficult, it turned out to be this! Don't worry, let me take a look first, maybe I can find something useful in it!"

In fact, Chu Feng could fully understand the thoughts of the thirteenth master, because he also has this idea now, but he is not sure whether this method is correct!

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