Whimsical System

Chapter 1463: Desired result

"There is not much to add. This matter has been basically carried out from the beginning. I have already told you what to do and how to do it. If you can understand it, , Then this matter will not be too much wrong!

It’s just that you just reminded me. Although I have told you everything, I am not sure if you have completely mastered it, if you have not completely mastered it in the process. if!

Then it seems that my current peace of mind is still a bit premature, at least I have to wait until you have fully grasped it before I can make this decision!

Why don't you tell me straightforwardly!

What do you think of the current situation for you? If under my introduction, I brought him to you and hoped that you would trust him, what should you do? "

At present, Chu Feng is like a chief examiner, asking the thirteenth master over and over again about the questions that will definitely appear and will definitely be investigated.

And the thirteenth master also thought about it, and then treated the matter from Chu Feng's perspective.

"If you bring him to me and make me believe in him, you suggest that I must be suspicious, because only doubt can appear more real, otherwise just accept it directly. I'm so stupid. If he knows something about me, he must be able to guess it. I won't make a decision so easily!

So I have to pretend to be hesitant, and then finally choose to agree with you under your persuasion, and then give him an unremarkable relationship, so he will trust me!

In the future, I can properly improve him, but this improvement must have a certain effect on his words, otherwise he will not feel the change in my gradually trusting him. , And when he feels that the time is right and wants to do it, then we will naturally reach the end of a plan! "

In response to this question, the Shisanye gave a perfect answer.

That's right. At this time, what Chu Feng hoped was this result, and now the Thirteenth Lord had indeed answered it very accurately.

"Well... your answer is not bad. Although some of the answers are not very accurate, it can basically meet the requirements on the whole. At least it is used to deceive him, that is enough!"

Chu Feng's evaluation can be said to be very official, and the current situation is indeed like what Chu Feng said.

The Thirteenth Lord has his own understanding, but his understanding is not necessarily all correct.

"Able to meet the requirements of the task, I feel quite satisfied, in fact, if I let me consider it myself, I would not even consider these aspects!

As for more aspects, I couldn't think of it even more, so now I can get this result, I am very satisfied!

auzw.com does not matter whether this problem will have any major changes, anyway, as long as it is within my understanding, it can be accepted by me! "

Xu Can also gave an affirmative answer. Now he can make sacrifices for this plan, even if he sacrifices something he considers very important, it is not a big deal, anyway, what he gets in the end will be this The stability and peace of this city.

The thirteenth master felt that he could make these sacrifices. After all, he was able to stand in this position. It all relied on the existence of this city. If something went wrong in this city, then no matter how tall he was What about status?

"You think so, there is nothing wrong with it, but there is one thing you have to remember, and that is that although this matter has a certain truth to you, it cannot be taken too seriously. !

If something goes wrong in the execution of the task, you must not stick to it because of the purpose, and even cause harm to yourself in the end. If that is the case, then you are too stupid. In addition, I believe you will not do such a thing, after all, my friend is not a fool! "

Chu Feng's words can be regarded as a bit of comfort to the thirteenth master. Two people are not only born for tasks, but the relationship between each other still exists. Since they are friends, they must consider each other. If there is no way to do this, how can you talk about friends?

"Okay, I will remember what you gave to me! Even if you don’t tell me, I will protect myself. After all, no matter what, I can’t put my life in it, otherwise, I am afraid that my efforts at this moment will directly become someone else’s wedding dress!"

There is nothing wrong with what Thirteen Ye said. Chu Feng will not accept this city, and if he loses his "life" for this matter, then in the end everything he has done will be done. It has indeed become someone else's wedding dress, and it is possible that this person is still his own enemy!

"Hahaha~ Not as outrageous as you said. Although this matter is dangerous, it will not endanger your "life". After all, your "life" is in my hands, as long as I don't Let you die, then no one can hurt you from my hands!"

Chu Feng said these words very aggressively, and when he said these words, there was a smile on his mouth.

Perhaps he wanted to use this method to gradually relax the times. After all, the state of high tension is really unacceptable for a person.

"I feel more at ease with your words, but I can't completely put all the burden in your hands!

After all, my "life" is my own life. If I can't save myself, then what qualifications do I have to stand in this position? "

The thirteenth master's reason is far-fetched, and there are some inexplicable words that are not understood by people. No one can know what he is entangled.

"Well, although I did not understand what you meant by this sentence, I can understand that you are unwilling to give up your life. As long as you can have this idea, then it will be enough. There are only other things, maybe I too No need to learn more!"

Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction, until now the two of them have finally settled the matter.

There is not much disagreement between each other, and basically what I want to say and what I want to do are in agreement.

This is the result that Chu Feng hopes to see, and it is also the result that the Thirteenth Master can accept.

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