Whimsical System

Chapter 1474: Self-deprecating

"How do you make me believe what you are saying, is it just relying on your current guarantee?

I tell you, your guarantee is of no value to me. Even I think your guarantee is completely unnecessary.

If you don't make these guarantees, I might choose to believe it, but once you do, then I will feel suspicious. I think this is a trap. You are deliberately messing with me! "

The anger expressed by Chu Feng is almost a catastrophe for this robber, because all the hopes of the robber currently rest on Chu Feng. If Chu Feng does not cooperate, then he might not know. How to survive.

"I really don't want to deceive you. Now I know only these things.

If you don't believe it, then I really can't help it. After all, you also know that I can't prove myself at all!

And if you have to deal with me, then even if I say too much, I am afraid it will not have any effect, but if you want to keep me, it is estimated that even if I say a message, you Will also choose to accept!

So I don’t try to force anything anymore. You only need to give me an answer, and that’s enough. Will I live or die? "

Maybe the robber was really on the verge of collapse, so he was unwilling to pin his hopes in his own guesses anymore. Fortunately, he simply let Chu Feng answer. dead.

What the current robber said. For Chu Feng it still has a certain meaning.

Although Chu Feng currently has no way to make a decision that is too affirmative, if it is really for Chu Feng to make the decision, he does not intend to solve the robber, because he thinks that he will be killed. It seems to be meaningless at all.

On the contrary, if you leave him, maybe you can borrow him again and let him deal with some things that need to be handled.

"When you say this, do you let me decide you die or let me decide your life? Now I don’t want to make decisions so quickly. After all, I haven’t understood many things, but one thing is certain. The thing is, you must be alive before I make a decision!"

Chu Feng did not give an affirmative answer, but this answer was satisfactory enough for the robber, because his words were equivalent to that he was willing to keep the robber and did not bear to kill him!

"Okay! I know you will definitely decide, but I don't know if the decision is sooner or later!

It is really uncomfortable to speak of, the current situation for me, there is no advantage at all, I have completely become an outsider, but the insider "operation" controls me to do anything.

Speaking of how poor I am, I'm afraid no one will refute this, right? "

auzw.com The robber is completely entertaining himself. At present, everything he says is basically unreasonable. Even though he already knows that he can survive, he has shown But it was completely the feeling of falling into a disaster, and he didn't know how he thought about it.

"Okay, you don't want to be cheap there. Are you not lucky enough compared to them?

I tell you, I left your "life", not to listen to your nagging, if you do this again, then I have no way to guarantee that I will not let you survive again! "

The response from Chu Feng was basically a firm answer.

That's right, currently he has decided that no matter what the circumstances are, as long as the robber disobeys his orders, he will definitely make the robber pay a certain price.

Even if it does this, it will have a certain impact on him, then he will not hesitate.

Because he left the robber that was originally a kind of adventure, but now if the robber does not cooperate with him, then his kind of adventure is naturally meaningless.

"Why do you want to say this kind of thing? I didn't say not to cooperate with you. Now these men of mine are basically dying.

If I'm still responsible enough, then I must save them alive, and now I have given up their "life" for you. Isn't that enough to show my loyalty to you? Actually, I’m now desperate. I don’t know how to survive without you. So in this state, don’t blame me for the decisions I make, and don’t blame you for treating me. Anyway, this is the result anyway, let's survive by supporting each other!

At that time, no matter what problems arise, we will help each other. I believe that as long as the two of us can work together, basically this matter will not change much, unless we really encounter those that cannot be confronted. The strong! "

The robber seemed to be a little afraid of the strong, and basically everything he said now was inseparable from death, as if this matter was not "controlling" Chu Feng at all, but someone else.

Right now he and Chu Feng are other people's pawns, and they are still in the light, others are in the dark, but now he wants to try to become partners with Chu Feng, but Chu Feng naturally would not agree.

At present, there is still a certain gap between the two of them, and even Chu Feng feels that the robber will never be able to stand on the same level with him. It's just that the robber now has a little "lost" lost.

"Is it necessary for the two of us to help each other hold this? I think I can stick to it, and you are just a burden to me. You are now living in my hands just to make you realize your value, or Sometimes let you work for me, including at certain times you have to contribute your life for me.

Of course, I will carefully consider this matter. Unless it is a last resort, I will not let you do this easily. After all, you may not be willing to do it! "

Chu Feng really didn't have the slightest scruples about his words. The point he has expressed so far seems to have been deliberately spoken to the robbers, and after the robbers heard this, he felt a little bit lost in his heart. anger.

But in this situation, no matter whether the robber is lost or angry, he has no way to make a too affirmative response, because he does not have any advantages at this time, and even his life cannot be controlled by himself. .

"I really want to say that your words have hurt me, but I dare not express it clearly. Now I can only express my own thoughts through this self-deprecating way!"

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